I don't got links edition.

Other urls found in this thread:
Spotted maltese muscle activation is close, but upper trap activity lower than expected
Best drills are maltese on two bosu balls, cable pulls, rings maltese lean, dream machine maltese
Recommends maltese on two balls, forearm supported maltese, maltese with spot/band/ball assist on pelvis, box maltese
Box maltese only recommended initially to get the right position; spotter only once you know the right position; dumbbell/barbell holds recommended as accessories once you know the right position


Here you go bruv:

>Overcoming your BodyWeight

>2016 Olympics highlights

>What is gravity lul

>Skinny grills with asses


>Youtube Channels

>Safest Static Hold Progression

>Common Prereqs

>Wrists mobility

Foundation Handstand One

>Bicep Tendon Prep

>Scooby teaches you how to do a pull Up

>How to make parallettes out of PVC

>Foundation series (4 books + 2 Handstand + Rings)

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:39d3d785f7c6df583af2fa846646a74b3d256cac&dn=Coach Christopher Sommer Mastering Gymnastic Strength Training 2014&tr=udp://

>Overcoming gravity (v1)


>What is gravity lul
>Skinny grills with asses



boi whatchu talking about?
Andrea Lorosa in street workout finals.
Absolute madness. Just look at his opener.

BWG is body weight general, right?

pls no bully about newfag, can't afford gym membership right now so trying to find body weight stuff in the meantime

Yes it is

ty friend

read the links in the opish, im too tired to give more info


What do guys think about this?

I am usually reluctant to listen to programs that have the word "Ultimate" in them, and I don't know where to put the sympathetic intro story either.

The idea that they didn't do breaks because it's also training for endurance sounds legit, or that originally the participants supposed to be too tired to do things with force only.

It also keeps the rule of not training every day, like a legit program should, but I don't know where to put that "one week rest after a month training" thing either.

>"one week rest after a month training" thing either.
To be honest you should always do this. It greatly reduces injury and you'll find when you start again you can really push yourself harder than before.

Muscle damage doesnt always repair as fast as people think, as well as damage to other structural parts of your body that needs more time to heal. It gives your body time to catch up.

Oh, so that's one more thing in the favor of legitism of the program.

It is obviously not a beginner program, but maybe I'll try it when I complete the basic one.

Yes, the same advice is repeatedly stressed in Overcoming Gravity: take "deload" periods every 4-8 weeks.

So I'm making a program that trains one skill for 6 weeks (starting w/ german hangs), then has a week of "do nothing except a lot of yoga"

I'm tired of being scrawny but have a huge mental hangup about gyms. Can I make real progress with body weight excercises alone? And will it really take me a year or two to see results?

>all that Mike Patton

it will take you less to see results if you know what you are doing


What do you guys think i should be able to do before going for Japanese stand.

A regular handstand and a press to handstand I believe

>Been doing 60 pushups and situps a day for a week or two
>"Huh this is easy"
>Put my arms more squared with my shoulders
>Actually feels like I'm lifting some weights

Holy shit I've been doing pushups wrong this entire time. God damnit.

Been using this for a year, tho you can modify a bit to make it better it's quite good for new guys and easy to follow!

So good

do you have before/after pics?

It all depends on the amount of muscle mass you have, if you are rather new, don't spect to be Chad in 1 or 2 years, you need time for it to add up and be noticeable above skin pal

170cm(5'7)/55kg skelly here.
I want to train for 3 months at home before subscribing to a gym in September. I'm not really strong and I can do at most 4 pullup.
I have some dumbbells at home and I'm fasting for religious reasons.

Which routine would best suit me ?
I'd prefer a bodyweight routine and maybe add some dumbbell exercice..

What if he does weighted vest stuff?
Ya, i know its not bodyweight but its the same movements.
Shouldnt he be able to develop musclemass just as fast as a weightlifter?

every skelly can become chad in a year mate, what are you talking?

Many people tend to say that gymnasts only look good because they lift weights. An ex competitive gymnast and a gymnastics coach says that gymnasts do little to no weight training.

its not the weitghts. Its the roids

I'm stuck, I need help..

I can do around 14 pull ups, I no longer feel the fatigue the day after. Don't really feel push ups and dips the day after, either, they seem to no longer be too effective.
My progress really has slowed down. And I have no idea what to do.

What's the next step? Pretty much been doing just pull ups, push ups and dips with minimal core / squats.

weighted pullups+dips, put a dumbbell between your feet or fill a packpack with some shit and wear it on your chest.

archer/typewwriter pullups, basically assisted one arm pullups
impossible dips, cause why not

You will see results before a year or two, but it takes a long time to build muscle, so don't expect any miracles. But you WILL look better.

So every gymnast in the world is on gear? Even amateur gymnasts?

where did i say every gymnast in the world?
Im referring to high level competition gymnasts, the dudes who are huge and 'look good'

>bodyweight general
I haven't been in here since it was on /asp/. It's been a while.

/asp/ is /wwe/ now

Go to a gymnastics gym and look at the gymnasts there. They all look good.
Or just look at the street workout community. Tons of guys who just do bodyweight look good.

epic one, /b/ro

the foundation 15 rep mastery is a meme. how are you meant to go from 4x4 to 4x6 in one week?

fuck it feels like I've been stuck in the 5-6 pullup range for months.

add sets first, so if youre struggling at 4x6 work up to 10x6 then try 4x8 next week or something

Try towel pull-ups
I started training 4weeka ago able to do 3 normal pullups in a set. Now I can do 28+ normal pulluos in a set. Wasn't able to hold for more than few seconds on the towel at first.
Body weight is aroud 90 kg
Training is around 120-250 towel pullups a day. Rest day when feeling weak or fatigued. Mixed it up a few times with adding weight

Im not disputing the fact that you can look good with bodyweight stuff. Im just saying the gymnasts that people think are lifting heavy are the ones on roids


just grease the groove for more pull ups


lel, this guy

Anyone got webm request?



My tucked planche push ups
This was only the 2nd workout that I did them so im not pro yet

Fuark bro

hey guys. Can anyone give advice? I've been watching Nile Wilson, a professional gymnast. He works out like 10h a day. So here's what it looks like

>1h stretch + conditioning
>2h skill/routine work
>1h rest
>1h whatever skills he failed to do + new skills
>1/2 h of strength work

My workout is ~1h strength work(90-100%). What conditioning and skill work can I add that won't require me to go 100% hard. My goals are FL, sPL, SL, HS, full planche and I am currently doing a slightly modified Foundation.


Anyone else experiences pain in the shoulder area during hanging from abar?
I get disgusting pain in the shoulders when doing Negative Hanging leg lift (the thing on the left) It hurts when I go from the top of the movement to the L-sit part of the movement. I think it's because I am not using stall bars like the guy in the pic so this exercise is harder on the shoulders.... there's no support for my back. Any tips?


How do I do australian pullups without the right stuff? I got no tables that I can do them nor any sort of jungle gym near my area.

Is Kali muscle /BWG/ approved? He can do muscle ups n shiet

Sorry, no tips. Try /mlp/?

You're putting far more pressure on joints in bodyweight. It's not wise to instantly go into weighted stuff without conditioning your ligaments and joints for some time first.
I mean, good luck doing weighted calisthenics as a beginner at all, lol. Beginners can barely do 5 x 5 pull ups with little rest, let alone with weight.

I can tell you what helped me.
Pull your shoulders down before you do the movement, activate the scapula - basically, you need to become stiff in that whole lats/shoulders/upper back area.
It may be that you just loosen up in one of those places and basically your whole weight just hangs on the shoulder joint, which causes the pain.
So you just need to do the starting part of a pull up to fix this.

Thanks, I'll try it out. Somebody told me that I had to relax to neutral the scapula for the rep to count. It was a random guy on the internet and I never put much thought into it so I was doing them without activating the scapula.

he can only do muscle ups, and thats it.

feel so conflicted on Nile, he comes off as a cunt.

What dont you like about him?

His cunty attitude.

Dont watch him. Hes not even very informative. His videos are more like vlogs.
The only videos I watch from him are the gymnastics challenges.

Handstand first. Everything else later

makes sense, now that you've said it. But what should I do? The same exercises with less reps, some earlier stuff from the progressions? or is there something else?

What are the exercises that gave you the best chest gains?


oh I guess I could try them, although they are a bit ahead in my progression. I am supposed to finish pseudo planche push ups before getting into dips. Didn't expected to be that simple

Have you tried them? I was doing dips from a very early stage. You can try dip negatives as well.

yeah I think i can do about 7-8 with good form(for the first set at least). I am gonna test myself for a week or so and see how my body responds to the added workload. Currently doing foundation aka pic related. If everything goes well I am going to skip from lvl3 to lvl6.

btw just noticed foundation requires you to do only 5 reps. The people in the gym do like 12 and some of them do weighted dips. How many are you doing?

Dips are a completely different exercise than psuedo planche pushups. PPPU can be continuously more difficult by moving the hands backwards and elevating the feet so you shouldn't avoid dips until you progress out of them, you would only slow your progress by doing slow. Start with a really easy variation where you use a chair and have your feet on the ground if you can't do real dips yet.

sup bros. how's this for a beginner routine?

bike a couple miles and stretch

wall handstand hold 10-15s
10 push-ups
3-5 reverse pull-ups
10 rows
10 tucked V-sits

>do another circuit

bike a couple more miles and do yoga

bear in mind i'm a beginner. are handstands the most useful 1st isometric to learn?

1 more Q: how to build up to german hangs most productively?


Just follow foundation+handstand desu.

Have you tried just going into a German hang? Its not too hard.

id add in dips (or dip negatives) for a second push, and add in arch body holds (superman hold) for some lower back work

german hold, just do it tucked to start?

which way do your fingers point during pppu

should i do yoga and bodyweight on the same day or is yoga everyday with bodyweight 3x a week good

Im going to do maltese leans before planche leans, how stupid am i? I got RTOs for 60 seconds down.

Even Klokov enjoys Calisthenics.

yeah, yoga everyday

Work on your mobility errday. It's time well spent.

Curious on everyones weighted muscle ups?

lmao i weight 218 and can strict muscle-up, so fuck adding weight.

Ill try 20lbs today when im home



I can't use magnets since I only have 4g. How can I get foundation and overcoming gravity without torrents? Is there a link for a Google drive or mega?

anybody knows how to use the GB stretching pdf?
I thought I would do one exercise from each type and do it every day. For example
Front split Element 1
Middle Split Element 1
Thoracic bridge Element 1
Shoulder extension Element 1
And next week do Element 2 for each stretch.

Most of these elements take about 1-2 minutes each, some are a bit longer. It's about 15 minutes workout.
And then I found this
Some guy asking for guidance. Says he has bought the GB stretch courses and does the following thing
>3 times a week I follow a Stretch routine by GB. Monday: Front split (45min) Wednesday: Thoracic bridge (45min) Friday: Middle split (45min)

What am I doing wrong? I do all the stretches in one day and it's still much shorter than what that guy is doing for a single stretch. Am I supposed to do sets for stretching? Doesn't say so in the pdf.. Or am I supposed to go through all 20 elements for front split in one front split workout? (on a side note this will get me to 45 min)?

thx. HS is the 1st skill I'm learning for obv reasons

tried a few times, currently lacking in core strength + shoulder mobility

dip negs and arches, thx. will add those

thanks guys

errday like they said. other nice poses for legs:

cow face

and arms:

shoulder protraction/retraction
put your hands behind your back like in prayer

I've did Start bodyweight the day before yesterday, and still feeling a bit sore. Should I push it, or wait till tomorrow?

yeah definitely 1 day rest a week is enough

I failed, couldnt even get 10

How long would you recommended you rest in-between sets? Do you rest x amount between every single set or do rest as long as you need to in order to complete all the reps in the next set. Recently I've been doing the latter. I usually rest 1 minute after my 1st and 2nd set (5x12 push ups) and increase it to 90 seconds and then 2 minutes in the other sets. This is fine right? How do you manage your rests?

10 muscle-ups?