Can someone explain volume training for a fellow powerlifter? How do you progress?

Can someone explain volume training for a fellow powerlifter? How do you progress?

increasing reps/better form
example: if u do 4x8 do 4x10 when u can do that go to 4x12

Better form isn't progress, its learning

More sets at RPE >=8, can be done by increasing frequency (see: Norwegian powerlifting) or by simply increasing number of weekly sets/lifts (see Sheiko).

Something like Bulgarian or what outlines is actually fairly low volume and will not provide enough stimulus to increase muscle and strength.

Volume helps build muscle mass and create fatigue. More muscle mass makes moving heavier weights easier. Fatigue influences recovery and forces adaptation, which drives progress.

CWS has lots of good video to watch and explains it better than anybody on Veeky Forums will.

>Norwegian powerlifting
Well I'm Norwegian, where do I find it?

and learning ... is a form of progress

Kinda gettin bored here lil guy so I did some searching on the archive since you bluffed giving me real stats... lol, topped out at 220lbs, that means you were one of the guys who couldn't even hit 200lbs natty...

remember you are unable to quit steroids even if you wanted because the humiliation you will suffer from having the people you see every day watch you deflate like a retarded balloon and the crippling depression you will have from a completely fucked endocrine system and scorched earth nut sack that won't be able to produce levels of test even half of a normal mans for at least a decade will surely lead to suicide

you, like all your pictures are just illusions, of course you're on an internet forum, you are retarded(like me) unlike me it takes pictures that make you look huge

Have fun spending money on something you do to impress others, mostly online because let's be honest everyone irl who sees you knows you got a napoleon complex and can't live without drugs

sorry I have to embarrass you on the only real place where you can get any respect from other autists like us. I hope you find what you are looking for and don't realize to late that you fucked up your natural life to be an imitation bodybuilder.

That shit doesn't work for powerlifting.

Op just do drop sets after your max effort and lots of accessories. And take juice if you want to look like the guys in your pic (clean diet too).

Bli med i Norges Styrkeloftsforbund, de mer moderne programmene er ikke offentlig tilgjengelig.

But I'm not a bodybuilder and I'm natty, user.


T. Jealous natty

Why do people think they deflate after roids. I know guys that pct well and keep most of their gains not all but 60%.
And if you blast and cruise you'll prlly keep all of it.

I myself had the test of a 60 yr old man before I got on roids. So I have nothing to lose.
I personaly take roids but do low volume strength routines lol. I just want to be intimidating, and my job could benefit from it.

What's funny is that all these nattys think they'll get anywhere impressive. These guys think they have above average or average test when alot of males these days dont. It's sad really. Get your test levels checked. Achieving 1/2/3/4 imy impressice. I got my bench up to 270 with 140 natty test. But it took 5 years., finn nærmeste klubb, bli med på trening og evt. meld deg inn.

Blir vel Tromso Atletklubb, aner ikke hvordan man melder seg inn.

Du kan bare ringe eller sende e-post til hvem som enn står som kontaktperson for Tromso AK og bare avtale at du dukker opp på trening, om klubben har egen hjemmeside finnes det gjerne også innmeldingsskjema der også, men det er som regel ikke noe problem å bare avtale at du kommer på trening en dag.

Står ingen informasjon annet enn epost adresse. Aner ikke hva man skal skrive heller?

Presenter deg, spor om hvor de trener o.l., at du er interessert i idretten og om det hadde vært mulig å få vært med på trening en dag. Er dessverre ikke alle klubber som har egne lokaler, men om de har er det som regel et billig alternativ til treningssenter, som regel med langt overlegent utstyr.

on roids

Takk skal du ha!

You can increase frequency or lift for volume like a individual that is serious about lifting, instead of doing 4x8/4x10/4x10 do singles, doubles and triples(or even 4s at really high total rep ranges) with enough sets that will results in a total reps between 40(mainly 4s) and 15(mainly singles) at least on 75%-80% of 1RM(4s@>74% and triples@>80%). This type of training can grant great results for hypertrophy, strength, strength endurance and can get you better and squatting, pressing and pulling depending on your exercise selection.
But should you jump right on this lifting style as I am describing? Hell no, this is hard as fuark but can yield great results, what you gotta be smart and shift gradually your volume work to this point, just don't do it too frequently as you could get burnt out, when you reach the point where you can do it comfortably make you regular volume work. My personal recommendation: this works best in the off season in the long term on high exercise selection, can be done 8-6 weeks before meets but keep in mind the fatigue can catch up.