Sup Veeky Forums

Sup Veeky Forums

I was just wondering. How big can a man get natty? I know every body is different. But what is the estimated amount of muscle that a man can obtain natural?

Please post pics of real natty bodybuilders.

Im aware of the fact that roids don't always mean huge mass. You can also post pics of smaller bodybuilders that are no mass monsters but are still in the range of what is possible natty

Also general natty or not discussion thread.



this dude is 6'1'' and a pro rugby player so he's either natty or using a light and subtle enough cycle not to get caught, and i'd say this size with this level of body fat is pretty much the absolute upper limit of nattyness
not that i'm certain he's natty, but i think it's achievable with like 4 years and if your genetics are good enough

Shave your face lmao you'll look less stupid

This bitch made Sixteen even shittier than it already was

This isn't me, this is Alexander Leonidas, or AlphaDestiny on Youtube, and his beard got better

No pro athlete is natty that's retarded to believe that, this might be achievable natt depending on your genetics, but probably not for your average lanket.

This is the true natty limit

I thought this was Chris Pratt until now kek

This is most def achievable body but his performances are most likely not, since he's a pro-athlete so training for performances and not size

I.. I.. D.. Do. Don't believe it

so yeah, we agree
the point of my posting that wasn't
>this guy's natty
it was
>this is probably about what the natty limit looks like

Blomo plz go

The sad thing is he's not natty. He is bigger than people give him credit for tho.

Everything is sad about our boy Hemingway. Sometimes still has a few intereting things to say but not enough to suffer the ages of useless videos.

is this achievable natty?

Ask /d/ for growing boobs but apart from that, no, unless there is lots more bodyfat than it appears

is it achievable at all?

Look how much bigger than ryback he is

Yup but with 20% bodyfat or something. and as a man

>and as a man


>He is bigger than people give him credit for tho.
Sure he is

it's not like you can get taller from lifting.

still looks as bad as the guy on the right