Tell me about your dad Veeky Forums

I'll start

>dad gets a heart attack
>he needs to undergo an open heart surgery
>everything goes well
>few days later, he gets off the ER and gets transferred into a simple hospital room
>I'm the first one to go there, and the first one to meet him after the surgery
>He is fully conscious and can talk
>He gives me a handshake
>We chit chat
>We shit in awkward silence for around 15 minutes till my mom arrived

And thats when I understood that my father is a total stranger

How about your dad Veeky Forums

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Sounds pretty normal desu. He just had a heart attack, kinda kills the mood.

>be me
>parents divorced when I was 15
>be general lazy fatass
>get tired of it and start getting fit
>lose a shit ton of weight
>lifting heavy
>feel fucking amazing
>dad says something about trying to lose weight
>I'm 26 at this point
>start teaching him how to cook
>tell him to start coming to the gym
>he blows it off
>one day he shows up at the gym
>just half asses it
>give him the benefit of the doubt
>after a dozen times of him saying "well i think im done" after putting in fuck'all effort I kind of snap
>"FINE. whatever."
>grab my towel and shit to go over and do some real lifts
>"user. what's the matter"
>he grabs my arm "Talk to me"
>"Alright, fine. You've been on your supposed diet for three months and you haven't lost any weight. You come to the gym and you put in absolutely no effort. I'm getting frustrated is all"
>"I just want to spend some quality time with you... I don't want you to get upset."
>"GET UPSET? How am I NOT supposed to get upset Dad? You've always been there for me. When I crashed my bike and broke my arm you were there for me. When I couldn't beat mario level 8-1 you always did the double jump for me at the start of that level. When my girlfriend broke up with me you were there for me. When I came out you were there for me. When I got married you called my husband son. YOU'VE ALWAYS FUCKING BEEN THERE FOR ME."
>he goes quiet, and he looks truly hurt for the first time in his life
>I realize I'm getting loud
>"user, how is that a bad thing?"
>"Because dad, one of these days you're not going to be there for me. You're going to be gone and for the first time in my life I'm truly going to be alone and... and... jesus fucking christ that scares the shit out of me! You're not going to be there any more"
>fighting really hard to fight back the tears


>"I want you to lose weight. I want you to get in shape. I want you to quit smoking because I'm selfish and I can't imagine a world without my father in it."
>he takes a step in and gives me a hug
>"Ok... we'll start fresh tomorrow."
>start walking out the door and realize the other guys are actively pretending not to pay attention
>probably half of them are looking at their phone
>hear a couple guys
>"Hey dad"
>"Hi mom, is dad there?"

Jokes on you my dad is actually fit and not a fag

Fucking hell this gave me the vapours.

huh I have a similar story

>dad gets heart attack
>not serious but has to stay in overnight
>has a complication and he falls into a coma
>has surgery
>surgery goes well and he wakes up
>I'm first one to see him
>gives me a hug and tells me he loves me
>tells me how proud he is of the man I've become
>tells me hes had a think and is going to sell up his business and going to give me money to buy my first house
>mom turns up and we go home and have pizza

He was more alpha than I'll ever be.

It's funny, I finished reading your story and realised that it's starting to rain.

>Dad is a good man, came from a rough background in LA ghetto, only white family there
>Dug himself out, firefighter, later captain, 35 years on the job
>Married a psycho alcoholic
>Since he's old school conservative, didn't divorce her
>She made his life and the lives of his children a nightmare though
>Again, he's a good man, but he's made some serious errors in judgement, him not being around because we lived 2 hours from his work and leaving his kids with someone who the nanny did not have authority over
>At least he had the forethought for the nanny
>Mom eventually died when I was 16, dad got remarried
>He's a real man's man, but fell for the age-old boomer trap of "Your kids will be great with technology"
>Never taught me any useful skills, just thought I would "Do something with computers"
>I don't know shit about computers
>I always felt so depressed and ashamed, I hid that I was no longer going to school from him for literal years before coming clean
>Only once I hit my twenties did he realize what a mess of depression and self loathing I had become as a result of my upbringing
>He is pretty involved in my life
>Very close with dad
>Now I workout
Veeky Forums

>he's a cunt

>still live with parents
>haven't spoken to him in 10 years now
>can't wait for him to die
>can't wait to move out
>still can't fathom why my mother is still with the bastard (well, actually it's because he said he'd kill her if she left him)

When I was young Dad was a distant demi-god, a force of nature, amd a hero war veteran of legend.

Seeing him weak and scared in the hospital after his massive heart attack stole the ground from beneath my feet.

Knowing him now, years later, man to man, I am glad we became friends, because even if he is not the impossibly perfect person I thought he was, he is still a really good fellow.

Did you get the money?

>"when I got married you called my husband son"
Did nobody catch this

>Dad in army
>meets mom
>have me
>leaves when im 3
>never seen him since
Last i heard hes fat as hell living off bar tips.

>my father is alright tbqh mixed feels
>growing up, he had a knee injury that prevented him from doing much besides going to work and sitting on the couch
>still took my brother and I camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, etc.
>would help with physical projects at school (one time i had to make a board game out of wood in grade 5 and he helped me, albeit out of me begging him)
>depressed because of knee injury, no motivation in life besides TV and going to the doctor because they listen to his bullshit
>attempted suicide when i was 14, walked in on him hanging and saved him
>crippling alcoholic at night, verbally abuses everyone in the house and doesn't remember it in the morning
>not exaggerating, does this every night
>difficult to live with
>295 pounds of fat at 5'7
>"retired", actually got basically told to be fired or retire early, so he's unemployed and now can just day drink and hit my dog because "the fucking creep needs to piss again"
>to the point where majority of family doesn't want anything to do with him whenever there's alcohol
>feel sorry for him because this is all because of that knee injury, which led to depression which led to this alcoholism and lack of motivation for life, but then remember the good times of us camping and other fun manly stuff
>mixed feels

Yes, user. There are gays on this website. We didn't know how to tell you. We wanted to protect you. I suppose it's best that you find out now, instead of later when you realize you've yanked your meat to a trap.

He was a fat alcoholic asshole who didn't care about my family. I vowed never to be anything like him so I started lifting and plan to never start drinking. I want my son to feel like he has the coolest Dad in the world

>dad is 60
>rides his bike to work every day
>in fantastic shape
>drinks occasionally
>helps me fix my car or whatever I need

>Dad smoked and drank, thinking he was a cool guy
>Case of beer a day, living as a NEET with my step mom
>Gets lung cancer
>Dies at 54

Going over and seeing his dead body before the funeral home took him away was maybe the hardest thing I've ever done. When they pulled him up, he had pooped himself. As I think happens to everyone, but it was really a moment of clarity for me.

My dad was a dick, but I love him and will miss him forever.

He's an amazing man. Red pilled as fuck, he's jacked, practices MMA and Jiu Jitsu regularly and Motocross. He's also rich as fuck because he works as a Fireman and part time paramedic. He also knows basic carpentry and electric work. The only thing is that he's a 5'8" manlet and he's had 3 wives and has trouble staying down. Now has comfy nights renovating his shitty house and sleeping with his last gold digging bimbo wife. I legitimately think I have the best dad in the world. Supported me in every endeavor but punished me for stupid shit. Also gave me god tier Nordic-Slav genetics.

I love you Dad.

>When I got married you called my husband son!

>When I got married he called my wife's bull son.

I wasn't never super close with my dad after my parents divorced, he has a way different personality from me. My stepdad on the other hand, I grew up hating him being there and telling me what to do and shit and tried my hardest to hold a grudge against him. I'm in college now, doing well and having a better work ethic that he helped instill into me, and I've realized all the good he did for me, no matter how much I hated him for it. When I come home and he shakes my hand I can tell I've gained his respect and that means so much to me. Good feels.

*was never, fuck

My dad was a bodybuilder in his 20s, took a ton of steroids, and from what I've seen was pretty huge. He's been drinking since he was 14, and has been in and out of prison since my mom left him because of the alcoholism.
His brain is fried from the huge amounts of alcohol and pain pills that he's taken on and off his entire life.
I see him once a year and call him every two weeks if he's not in prison.

Oh, and he works construction after being fired for coming to work drunk from a very well paying corporate job he got out of college.
He likes to talk about how he could have been the CEO if he'd stayed

What else can I say, this reflects my relationship with father completely.

>Dad was always a kind and loving man, very perfectionist.
>Move to Colorado, dad becomes distant and starts becoming an alcoholic. 4 years pass
>My parents got divorced at 16
>My dad had an affair and my mom tried to do an open marriage for a year.
>I went with my mom and moved back to my original town since we could no longer afford the quality of life we had with father.

>A year and a half later
>Both parents take us (me and my siblings) to little Forrest place
>Dad reveals we're not his children
>"Dad" is actually a ftm transexual
>Hid this all our lives
>Forced our immediate family to lie to us all our lives
>he said he didn't want to tell us because it was for our protection and that he didn't want us to stop loving "him".
>I breakdown and start crying
>As we pack up to go home my younger sister says she believes she's the same thing.

Flash forward two years (now)

>Sister is now ftm transexual
>Dad's new wife keeps trying to bring me back into that side of the family.
>Have become super distant with my own family.

I sometimes feel as if my reality was a cruel joke, but I know they do love me. They just lied to me for 17 years of my life.

When people talk about family I try not to bring mine up.

Anger at my fate has consumed my soul, It has driven me to heights I have never imaged though, I'm highly respected as a leader and have a crazy amount of determination to not be as big of fuck ups as my family.

But it's like a huge fire is behind me burning everything and I'm just running from it, I will have to address it at some point.

I also can't get close to anybody, I want a gf but I don't know what I'm looking for.

That's how my dad/family affected my life.

>Dad was an C- electrical engineer out of college
>Lands a lucky ass job in robotics (was up an coming at the time)
>Marries mom
>Has 3 kids, I'm in the middle
>Naturally, Mom puts on a lot of weight over the years and Dad uses work as an escape
>Working 50-65 hours weekly, traveling a lot
>Cheats on Mom God knows how many times
>They divorce, I'm about 14 at the time and don't handle it well.
Its a weird situation for me. I'm 24 now and I still hate him for it but I can't say I really blame him at the same time; on the outside looking in, of course. He tries to get me to get dinner all time but I usually do what I can to get out of it just to save me some stress. I'll see him like 4 or 5 times a year and we have the exact same conversation every time we meet and its just plain weird.

Turrible, just turrible.

>strongman and endurance runner when he was young
>PhD from a prestigious department and cozy academic career

But also:

>manlet at 5'3"
>autism before anyone knew what autism was
>wizard into late middle age
>tfw he gave you autism and manlet genes from his old man sperm

>went to college for accounting
>dropped out in his senior year
>got a job at a local manufacturing plant
>after working there for years he was laid off and the plant shut down
>likes cars, obsessed with baseball and history of the United States

>currently has a job in another state and drives an hour to get to work
>massive alcoholic, either avoids family events or intentionally gets wasted before going to them
>also eats like shit and is on heart medications
>verbally and psychologically abusive to my mother, harassed my older sibling so much they moved out while in highschool
>when I was a child he spent our family vacation money (nearly 2 grand) at a strip club the weekend of my mother's birthday

I wish they had just gotten a divorce, I'm pretty messed up from the amount of abuse I've had to deal with.

My father's a man who had much potential, but managed to miss his destiny by a narrow margin. He married a harpy, and all in all it destroyed him. For much of my life I considered him the man who only appeared to punish my brother and I.

But I realised that he simply had to get away from the house for his own sanity. I would've done a similar thing, had I married someone with every mental disorder in the DSM.

I only truly got to know him after they got divorced and my mother kicked me out of my house. I realised that in his own way he'd always cared, and we became good friends. Ours was more friendship, than a father-son relationship, as we talk shit and enjoy each other's company with banter.

Yet I think at this point he's extremely tired of his life and just wants to get it over with. He's been saying for years he'd commit suicide when he reached 60, and he's 59 at the moment. I don't doubt he intends to make good on his pledge, and I thoroughly understand why he just doesn't want to continue. That said, there's a part of me that selfishly wants to keep him around, as he was an invaluable source of support when growing up.

>Woman uses the man to improve her life
>Lies to the kid to tell him the dad did terrible things
>Kid believes it

A++ you are on the path to becoming a top notch cuck

>wanted a family so made himself be straight
>wanted to be an English teacher
>became a doctor instead to better support a family
>hates himself and ends up taking it out on everyone around him

A small part of me hates my dad, but I respect the shit out of his work ethic and ability to sacrifice for what he thought was the "right" thing to do.

We get along a lot better now that I don't live with him anymore.

>mom and dad met at alcoholics anonymous meeting
>mom and dad get married
>mom and dad divorced when I was 3
>would visit dad every now and again, he remarried
>he hung himself from the gazebo he built his new wife when I was 6

>We shit in awkward silence for around 15 minutes till my mom arrived

You're right it is starting to rain

rip off the roof and stay in bed

If my son married a man, I wouldn't be calling either of them "son."

Why do you make your father participate in the weird brother incest fantasies you engage in with your husband?

>parents divorce when I'm 2
>get to see him every other weekend
>he's an immigrant and isn't fluent in Finnish
>communication can be hard, but we have fun anyways
>mom is a crazy cunt and jealous of me being happier with him than her
>considers lying to the cops about him molesting me, but doesn't
>years go by, can't deal with all the other shit in my life, depression kicks in
>i grow tits and we grow distant
>hardly ever talk anymore

I can't help but feel he's disappointed in me. Maybe he wanted a son. It was fun playing ps1 games together. I don't remember us doing much else.

>Dad's about 70, took early retirement
>has had Parkinsons for 15 years
>Mom passed away a few years back when lymphoma that she had in remission for decades finally catches up to her
>I'm living abroad, he has a bit of local support from my bipolar sibling (can't count on him) and my aunt's side (naggy, hands-off types)
>feel pretty guilty that I'm not closer and able to help now he's getting less able to care for himself
>might not see him again and will perhaps get the midnight call that he's passed away from a fall or something

Feels bad man, but the alternative is throwing away path to citizenship in the country I actually want to live in, so I had to make that call.

Thread Theme

pfft more like

Fucking shit hit me in the feels

>Wake up on a Saturday morning to Grandma yelling for me outside
>Get outta bed, get dressed, open the door and she's crying.
>Body shifts into oh fuck mode
>She says Dad has been taken to the hospital in an ambulance
>Begin panic
>Find out where he is from grandma and get my ass out there thinking he's been pancaked by some faggot on the roadside, because he's a truck driver working for a landscaping yard currently.
>Find him laying a bed in the hospital ER
>Turns out he just had a kidney stone start fucking his shit up. The stone shifted in the Kidney, blocked off the piss tube to the bladder, and gave him severe abdominal pains.
>He just drove back to the yard and was going to get somebody to drive him to the hospital, the secretary girl freaked because he was pale and shaking from the pain and she thought he was having a heart attack.
>We have good keks about grandma overreacting and making me think he got fucked up
>Grandma and my sister are texting me asking me if he wants them to come out or if they should come out.
>Tell Dad
>"I don't need everyone making a big fuss about me"
>"All I need is you"

I think one of a persons biggest growing up moments in life is when we see our fathers aren't as invulnerable as we thought they were. Only times I've ever seen my father cry are at his father-in-law's funeral, and when he had to tell 15 year old me around November that he'd caught my mother off fucking some other guy, and that he'd caught her doing that when I was 1 but he chose to try and reconcile because he knew the government would take me and my sister away from him and give us to her.

I've wanted to kill myself for a long time, I can't really remember what it's like to be happy. But I'll never be weak enough to finally take that last step, because I know what it will do to my father. I won't make him find my corpse and tell my grandparents, sister, and niece what I've done. I may never beat my demons, but they'll never beat me.

Wtf? Poor bastard, sorry dude.


>be only son
>vivid memories of parents divorcing when i was ~6
>mom waits till dad goes to work then packs everything up and leaves
>he's abusive, alcoholic, and i now know he has a history with cocaine
>only see him occasional weekends/occasional birthdays
>be adult and try to start a relationship
>never interested, never calls, so i stop trying
>clearly loves sisters more than me

i dont need him. there was a time when i did but not anymore. he's an acquaintance and we're both ok with that because it's not like you can miss what you never had

Attempted suicide when I was 11 and finished the job when I was 17 after moving across the country and ruining the family financially over the 6 year period of 2006-2013. Former military who tried to toughen me up but did it in a way that left me with self esteem issues in my teenage years that I am still recovering from. You wouldn't notice it if you met me IRL in all likelihood but I feel it at times and it sucks. That feeling that something is wrong with you.

He taught me how to change the oil and brakes on a car. He also taught me where to stab a man for a guaranteed kill. He also had me memorize how many "gook ears" he cut off in 'Nam with the knife he would make the practice the aforementioned "kill shots" with. Could've been worse, at least he wasn't a fairy.

>never knew biological father
>ask about him
>keep being dissuaded by mum, step dad & family
>25 years later track him down
>seems chill
>spitting image of each other (wierd looking fucks)
>mildly stay in contact
>gets remarried
>excommunicates all other family ties
>realise that he is a cunt
>family was right the entire time
Bonus is I met some related family who are awesome & still stay in contact.
Step dad is a total bro. Not married to mother anymore but we still meet up, he raised me & installed moral & work ethic. Which I apply to life & lifting.

Your father is a piece of shit user, get some help if it's bothering you too much.

But he had a kid, which means that you can too user

>was always fit growing up, played hockey all my life
>Dad came to every practice every game
>Best dad ever
>Went to university far away
>Got depressed and lost all my gains
>Dad still supportive
>Go back to school the next year and start gymming hard
>Make great gains
>Excited to tell my dad and lift with him like the old days
>Fly home at the end of the year
>Parents there to pick me up
>Mom is driving
>Weird usually dad is always driving
>Notice my dad's voice sounds a bit off
>Saying some things that don't make sense
>Odd but don't think anything of it
>Get home
>They sit down with me and tell me they need to tell me something
>Your dad has brain cancer
>His personality and who he was slowly deteriorated in front of me over the course of a couple years to the point where all he could do was sit in a chair and open his mouth for food
>Until one day he couldn't even do that

Bye dad

>dad wanted me to be better than him
>gave me allowance to write checks for bills
>spoiled me with gifts and food (fat boy)
>didn't care for me much, mommas boy
>hit me when I was young, I'm asian so its normal
>parents always fighting, mom is a bitch and dad introverted
>turns out I'm introverted too, but I'm respectful to everyone
>dad has affair with family cousin
>gets kicked out of house
>affair cousin threatens to kill my mom
>call my dad sobbing and screaming to leave mom and me the fuck alone forever
>probably source of my life's depression
>haven't talked to him in 6 years
>don't really care anymore about him or the father side of the family
dunno, just living my life doing my thing

>oldest kid
>1 younger borther and sister
>life is perfect
>move to new town when 6
>dad suddenly stops comming home
>always working evening shifts at a restaurant or doing sports
>as time passes by mom gets increasingly vile and angry whenever dads around
>she starts putting on weight
>at age of 12 she has me drop out of football
>dad doesn't even argue against it, he cares more about his own sports life
>become the fat kid by 14
>son of a local "semi-professional" athlete and chef is fat
>15 years old
>dad comes into my room one day, lays on the bed watching as I raid black temple on WoW
>says hes leaving mum, he has met someone new
>denounces me and my brother
>walks out
>marries some unemployed woman with 4 children
>shes not even younger or better looking than mom
>spend age of 16-18 as an angry neet on /v/
>decide I need to do something with my life
>enroll into highschool
>made friends, dropped 80lbs
>still a dyel
>finish it and get into college
>computer science
>dad suddenly tries to get back into contact
>hes indebt
>he spends all his waking hours working 2 jobs trying to pay for his unemployed wife and her children
I don't know what to say


Sounds like a huge fucking loser. A knee injury wow, I bet never has ever dealt with anything more cruel!
Totally make sense that you have to become a raging abusive alcoholic over that!

>dad is a little guy who married a german girl so I look like a young him but a foot taller
>rancher type but also likes ford mustangs and trucks
>has a back injury from work
>also has a temper that's only made worse from being in constant 6/10 pain from when he wakes up to when he eventually falls asleep
>still does what he can all day long at our ranch, has been a giant inspiration for me to make my own life and also for getting /fitlit/
>on the other hand we've gotten in some pretty bad fights when I was younger, have issues with letting things go and this is one of the bigger ones
>still work hard to gain his approval, he asks how working out is going, never really did a whole lot himself but is pretty proud (especially my squat)
>still to this day trying to let go of bad feels whenever I think of me and my dad getting into fights, but also think about how much I'd miss him if he was gone
>got him a history book on our county for father's day since his family goes back like 7 generations in this area


>had AWESOME dad
>played games with me
>twisted metal, resident evil.
>always came home late from work, but still had time for me
>turn 8
>wake up one morning
>"hi user, youll be staying with me for a couple weeks"
>stayed with my aunt, but didnt ask where my parents were
>2 weeks turn into 3 months
>finally see my dad
>half his face is covered in bandages
> he is freakishly skinny and has no hair
>i didnt know whag brain cancer was but seeing my dad made me ecstatic
>dad cant go outside with me anymore
>dad cant pick me up from school anymore
>dad cant work anymore

>Dad has never said he's proud of me.
>Dad has never hugged me.
>He spends his time with my alcoholic brother who's penniless, got cucked and is going to die young and sad.

It's weird, we're basically just acquaintances through my mother, who I don't even like.

>sitting with mom and dad
>doing hw while mom is on work call
>dad helping me with hw
>all of a sudden he drops to the floor
>he took his medicine he should be fine
>first time im seeing a seizure, i was 9
>i just have to sit there and watch my dad convulse
>saliva foaming
>eyes rolled back
>body twitching and flailing
>he starts takimg stronger anti seizure meds
>hes always angry
>hits me over little things
>always angry
>when he isnt angry hes frusturated
>he either doesnt speak to me or is yelling at me
>begin to resent dad
>hes no longer the supportive helpful father
>now hes a sick angry man
>i hate him
>next 8 years of life just plain suck
>poor because constant surgeries and medications for father
>he changed medications 2 months ago
>complete 180
>come home after baseball practice
>"sit down son"

>started a multi million dollar business. Retired at 40
>literally left randoms in charge as he remained owner
>huge lawsuit happened, in court all he said was "i didnt know that was going on"
>made mom work every single day since he swore to never work again
>never really knew who he was when i was young since i never saw him much, but my grandpa was around plenty and i respect him for that.
>age 18-22 dad becomes massive drunk stay at home dad. Coversations included "hi" when i went downstairs in the morning and thats it.
>day comes where he beats the shit out of my mom, bloody mess.
>tried to give dad benefit of the doubt
>stayed with him for 2 weeks while mom was hiding from him. Spent every day of those weeks talking about killing me or my mom.
>divorced after that, made my mom spend almost 100 thousand dollars and he asked her to pay for his lawyers too lmao
>now life is hard for my mom and my sister since all of the money is gone but im in school and planning on being a man that no one would ever think came from our family, a good one.

Dont talk to him and dont plan on reconciling. Mom and sister now are back on """"good terms'"" with him but they all live a lie, just as before. I could go on forever about the unbelievable shit my familys done but no one believes it cause it almost sounds make believe. I dont let that shit bring me down and just see it as a challenge to beat. I guess one problem i came out of all this is that blood family doesnt mean much since my friends have done more for me then my parents ever will.

>didn't know him
>am white
and that's the story of my dad

How the fuck can you faggots sit idly by as your parents domestically abuse each other? I genuinely don't understand. I fought my dad when I was a fucking anorexic because he got angry and knocked a coffee cup out of my mum's hands, and threw him out of our house. If anyone so much as threatened my mother now that I'm massive I'd kill them on the spot.

my folks don't want to talk to me about anything that happened to them before they were 35.

they were probably hippies and used to smoke a lot of weed. they were both 18 in 1969 they lived in germany through the late 70's early 80's so lord knows what the hell they were doing then.

i think they're just embarassed of who they used to be before they had me and my brother.

They weren't bad parents. they stayed together, we always had enough, we were a happy family. but since my brother and i got older it seems like they can't let go of the parent-child dynamic and refuse to see us as peers.

i've tried telling my mom all this on multiple occasions and how much it frustrates me but she just ends up crying so i don't bring it up.

my relationship with my parents is at a level of mutual tolerance and it's never going to change.

As a father of three I hope you are joking.

My 15 year old just last month asked me to drive him to the movies for a date.
>go to pick up up his date
>in front of house
>he texts that we arrived
>a boy comes out of the house
>drop them off at the movies
>motion for my boy to come over to my window
>"hey, you know I love you right sport?"
>"yeah dad of course"
>"why didn't you tell me?"
>"does it matter if i'm dating a guy or a girl?"
>"of course not."
>he shrugs "thats why."
>pull out a couple twenties and give them to him

The fuck do I do when my kid shows more wisdom than me.

>Raised on a farm with 3 brothers and a sister
>Smartest one in the family, only one to go to university
>Met my mum, they both became teachers and travelled the world
>Generous, honest, hardworking and kind
>Emotionally distant, work-obsessed and short of patience
>Veeky Forums obsessed, 60 years old and can run 10k in 50 minutes
I lucked out. Feelsgoodman.

neutrally speaking, does it bother you that your son won't continue your genetic line?

isn't there anything in you that makes you feel like a bit of a failure for that?

>"Im sorry"
> what?
>my father then proceeds to bawl in front of me
>he says hes sorry that he hit me over small things
>says hes sorry that he was always screaming
>says hes sorry that i couldnt be the father i needed in a hard time
>begin tearing up
>all this time ive been blaming my father, for a disease that wasn't his fault
> ive hated him for being sick
>hated him when he took meds because all they did was make him tired and angry
>me and dad finally bond
>always been a shitty ball player but it kept me out of the house and away from dad
>see dad going to gym more
>"hey pops is it cool if i hit the gym with you?"
>getting fit with my pops
> hes older and the cancer really took a toll on him
>he still has a pretty big tumor stuck in his brain
>Still lifts and stays as fit as he can
>walks me through exercises
>teaches me what to eat and how and when to train muscle groups
>dad was fucking Veeky Forums before cancer
>seeing gains
>browse Veeky Forums and tell him
>now we regurlaly check Veeky Forums for recipes, and anything helpful.
>Veeky Forums has now become our first real bonding experience since i was 10.
When you guys arent being total dicks, you're reao bros. Thanks Veeky Forums

Sadly i wasnt there, my family typically vacationed without me so i couldnt be there when my mom needed me. The best part is my dad never admitted that even happened and was going to plead not guilt at the trial despite all the evidence. Its the main reason i cant ever reconcile with him, a real man would have never done that first off, second what man lies about that shit. Hes 63 and lives alone in the old house. Just as he has always wanted to.

>typical muh genetics fallacy

I love my son, I love both of my sons and my daughter. The only thing I give a flying fuck about is if they're happy, healthy, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens. Beyond that I have no expectations of their future adult lives.

Also. There's this thing called surrogacy, its been around a while if he's stupid enough to want to throw good money away on children of his own. I love them to bits but dear god do I miss my money and freedom.

That you want to label something a fallacy does not make it a fallacy, user.

Why do so many emotionally imbalanced adults get kids?
How can someone take such a huge step in life while he still such a huge failure himself?

Man I really hope I can be a good father, I wouldn't want to be one unless I feel like I have a solid grasp on life and am able to give love to my kids.

I feel like the hardest part for all dads out there is when they grow older - not to drop into this weird stats of coexistance where you don't even talk about any meaningful anymore etc.

>worked hard his entire life at a job he hated to provide for his family because he never wanted to have to look his son in the eye and say "we can't afford it"
>selfless, always offers to help
>can never relax, always needs to be doing something
>electrical engineer, built our loft, our conservatory, did half the wiring in the house, did all our plumbing, moved the garage from the garden to the side of the house, did our driveway, remodelled the kitchen himself
>he's 68 and i'm 27, he was born while rationing was still in effect after WW2
>because hes older he's got more traditional views and these have rubbed off on me
>quick to anger but also quick to cool down and never holds a grudge
>used to play videogames with me
>told me he's a coward who dislikes conflict and yet I can think of several occasions where he lost his shit and directly confronted people because he felt i was in danger
>used to take me bike riding and shit and encourages me in everything I do

He's a great man I'd be happy to become half the husband and father he was

Picture of him and my mother on his 64th birthday

>denounces me and my brother
>hes indebt
>I don't know what to say
Tell him to fuck off obviously

>completely disregarding the point entirely.

If all three of them don't have kids it wouldnt bother me in even the remotest sense of the word. Imposing my will or desire on their adult lives would be the most unfair thing I could do as a parent.

The only thing I want is for them to be happy. And that is the only measure of success I see as a parent.

>Generally good guy
>Laid back in general but usually pretty reliable
>Former firefighter captain
>Was usually at odds with him over exactly what constituted a game and what was SRSBZNS
>More or less knows jack shit about lifting and has been telling me to stretch or work on balance since I was squatting 300 lbs to prevent grievous injury
>Now squatting 600 lbs, never do "balance work," only half-assedly stretch out my back occasionally for comfort's sake, still haven't suffered grievous injury.
>While he's not particularly fat, a long history of various injuries and health issues from football, firefighting, and random shit is probably going to keep catching up to him as he becomes less and less active
>Generally clearly a good guy, most disagreements come from different outlooks on life and are minor shit that's easy enough to ignore and keep on doing my own thing

I'm obviously the asshole of the two, but I don't care. I'm not a Godfag like him. He told me about how he had a chance to try out for the New York Giants back in the 70s when that sort of thing was remotely possible, but didn't because he didn't think the incredibly slim chance of getting a peanuts contract to ride the bench was worth the health risk. Which really just pisses me off. If I EVER had a chance like that, I would be all over it. We're all going to die some day. There's no point in HAVING health in the first place if you aren't going to spend it DOING SHIT. I'll probably never accomplish more than him, and we'll both be dead in the long run anyway, but at least I will have had some fun in TRYING.

>knocked up mother who ditched us at 3
>broke our entire life
>think he's an entrepreneur but never had a successful business and fantasizes about being a millionaire
>ripped off countless people through my childhood
>we lived in dozens of different houses under different names dodging rent
>went to to prison at 13
>wanted to live with GF at 15 so ditched me and had to fend for myself
>goes to Thailand every 3-4 months to bang his "gf" who thinks he's a millionaire
>lives in a spare room in my house
>does nothing all day but watch tv and movies, smokes, gambles
>through my childhood he used to have friends who beat the shit out of me and he was too much of a coward to step up
>I can go on

My father is a horrible excuse for a human being.

Pretty cool but fairly short.
Broke up with mom but stayed on good enough terms
Brought me cool places and got me a bike
Hit by car and died when I was five
Was apparently an alcoholic

I managed to avoid the Manlet genes somehow.

Welcome to the club

You don't sound like you are talking based on fact or logic, just emotion. Perhaps there is a feeling inside you that is repressed to the point of denial, or you are actually so naive to not have any second though about anything. Think about your son's life and what it would mean for him to not have children; not have the ability to make a child with person he loves, now imagine that child, a stranger to the world who only has 1 parent and a step father, he won't know the warmth of a mother or if it's a girl she won't have an idea on how to be feminine or what it means to be a woman. Plus I went through a phase similar as your boy when I was a teen and it was mostly because I was really horny and my arrow so to speak wasn't pointed in the right direction due to hormones

>When my gf broke up with me
>Called my husband so


You should be in therapy

>just emotion

And worrying about your children spreading your genes isnt emotional.

>what is biology
We are ment to produce fit offspring to pass our genes on and on
Ur like totally cucked (I mean this in the actual definition of the word not as a buzzword) if you don't want for this to happen, why did you even bother having 3 if you don't care to have grandchildren.
Sound like a load of horse shit, dude just stop lying to yourself and if you truelly aren't and completely believe what you are saying is what you REALLY want to happen then don't bother replying, the discourse may be more harmful then personal reflection.


you can beat them user
little by little
a day at a time. If you're still here you're winning

tell him to fuck right off. That shit is unforgivable.


>Dad's dad was a deadbeat who was only ever in his life anecdotally
>Dad's mom remarried and though he loves his stepdad they didn't get along when he was younger
>Dad ran away from home at age 17. Didn't finish high school
>Did shit unskilled jobs for years while self-educating in IT
>Found a skilled IT job and made a career out of it
>Mom drank the stronk independent womyn kool-aid hard
>Always trying to start some business or career
>Always failing
>Dad supporting her through all of this
>At work all day while mom is out doing whatever project she got infatuated with most recently
>Tired when he gets home
>He loved her dearly but he never had a good male role model in his life
>Marriage became stale slowly. Dad got fat, leisure consisted only of watching TV
>Tried to take up running or lifting a few times but always have up
>Mom finally starts a business that somewhat works, at least provides her with some income
>Dad devastated. Obviously suspects mom was only with him for the money. Not that we were very rich but mom would have been broke af on her own
>This is after like 25 years of marriage
>Dad gets depressed, gets fired
>Basically sits at home for 6 months
>At least he has his kids to talk to. We understand he needs time to figure stuff out
>After a while he decides he's sulked enough and gets out again
>Finds new better job
>Starts dating again
>Now lives together with his new gf, happily
>Mom still struggling to make ends meet, hasn't met anybody.
>I still love her but I could never look at her the same way again.

I love my dad. I wish he were Veeky Forums but he's a great man regardless. We have lots of fun and he taught me to never let life get you down. He was always so proud when did well in school or with soccer.

I'm lifting to make you proud, dad.

You need something done? My father can do it. Maybe he's never done it before and has no idea about the subject, but he sure as hell won't say "It's too hard". He learns what to do, and he does it. He's not too proud to ask for help, but one way or another, he'll get it done.

He did not grow up rich or go to a great school, and when he started working, his job was menial and not very glamorous. He never stopped learning and improving himself. His hard work and dedication was recognized; over the years, he rose from what people might see as a disposable human asset to a management position, proving his worth time and time again. He had headhunters offer him prestigious positions, but turned them down so could work close to his family.
When I was born, he took a lot of time out of his schedule for me. He'd teach me not only the basics of housework and how to fix things, he also instilled in me a sense of community. After all, we all live together, and if everyone helps each other, the world improves oh so much. Nobody is beneath us and everybody deserves dignity and to be heard. Not everybody reciprocates, of course, but all we can do is live by our own moral standards, not project them on others. He once told me "Whatever you do, do it because you are convinced it is right; don't do it because you are looking for recognition." I'm not sure if this was just a throw-away thing you say to children, but it has stuck with me. It is how I am trying to live my life.

Five years ago, nearly to the day, I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard a crash. He had fallen on his way to the toilet, which was strange because he was just 50. I asked him what happened, but he could not answer. I called an ambulance and carried him out of the bathroom, helped him sit on a chair.
He died just five months later. Glioblastoma multiforme. He never got to see his grandson, never got come to my wedding.

I could write a novel, but there's no need to. Go hug your dad.

> mom contracted shizoaffective disorder
>dad contracts alzheimers several years after my birth
>most memories I have of him are of when he had seizures, or when I tried to teach him to play the wii or my ds
> be 11
> dad on life support due to alzeimers progressing into last stages
> one day me and mom decide to go out for something to eat
> dad dies while we're away
> apparently the plug was pulled while we were gone
> cry for hours afterward
> several years into childhood I lapse into depression, think about death constantly
>cry whenever I thought of him, which was often
> only memento of him is a football from his NFL days
> mom tells me how great of a man he was
> realize I will never get to know who my father is
> every time I hear about him it increases this feeling
> still well up whenever I look at the football

just gotta go through the motions I guess

What's that?

I really freaking hope this is false. If you fully condoned your son being a faggot, you should be truly ashamed as a man.

Sounds like a great and authentic man, mad respect for getting his shit together again and not sitting in self pity for the rest of his life.

Go make him proud lad