Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking cigarettes?

is this the new ">that guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym" thread?

>Over 2000 a month
>Approximatley 112 packs

How are you alive?

I used to smoke when I was younger, I just decided to quit one day. It's easy as fuck. Just stop being lazy. Best advise is to replace your habit with another (ie. cardio)

Stop being a disgusting pig and just drop the habit nigger. Don't be a faggot and use a vape or replace it with smoking weed. It's easy to quit, and you're weak if you cannot do it right now.

Prove yourself, nigger.

no, this is much, much older.

>Smoke 4 or 5 cigs a day cause its the only way to get a break at work
>sad guy

OP is faggot.


Fuck, I'm up to maybe 6 a day at max, only had 2 today. I can't imagine smoking 75 a day.

This made me want another one.

Just stop buying cigarettes. If you a buy a pack and smoke throw the pack away or give it to someone immediately.

I smoked half a pack every day for about 10 years, eventually i felt so fucking bad i decided i needed to stop. I went through this about 20 times before i managed to kick it for more than 2 weeks. Now it's been quite a while, and it feels so great to be able to breathe and do things without getting winded that there's no fucking way i'm smoking anything ever again.

Just try and try again until you quit. It's likely that you won't be able to quit until you REALLY want to.

What is wrong with basketball shorts in the gym?

You probably didn't inhale.

Quitting a well formed smoking habit is hard.

Best advice is lock yourself away for a few days and order food. Other than that use gun to take edge off.

yeah, i used to smoke (not heaps) and just stopped because I couldn't be bothered going to the store and buying some more. 3 days later and I didn't even want to smoke anymore

if you have the discipline to lift and diet you can easily not smoke

Was 12 / day
Cut down to 4-5 / day
The ritual of standing outside with my thoughts to myself, resetting & getting back to work. Nothing beats it. Anyone got a replacement? Srs?

Yeah I quit. Didn't smoke 70 (!?!) a day, more like half a pack to a pack.

This is the absolute best method I have seen.

It has worked for me and worked for another friend for a few months (the longest he has ever been able to quit in his many times):

>Take 2+ vacation days from work before and after a weekend, so you have MINIMUM 72 hours where you literally don't have to leave the house
>Throw out all tobacco
>If it comes to it and this is your thing, if you have any vicodins or valiums or anything like that laying around from a injury or something, have a handful ready for the discomfort and insomnia
>Literally lock yourself in a room and do not leave the house for any reason. Give your keys to a friend if you have to. Order pizza for all meals.
>Sweat it out, masturbate profusely, play video games, do whatever except leave the house or hang out with people ESPECIALLY if they are smokers
>You will not want to hang out with people anyway because you're going to be such an asshole

Things you will experience:
>Dramatic mood swings, mostly frustration and anger
>Confusion and head cloudiness (walking into a room and not remembering why you went in there)
>Pacing or other nervous activity
>Insomnia or other sleep discomfort
>Teeth grinding, physical discomfort
>A horrible hacking cough (this may continue for 2 weeks)

You literally just have to not leave the house and sweat it out. Do whatever it takes. During hours 72-96 you will get over the 'hump' and from this point the extreme symptoms will decline.

At this point, you have to:
Replace smoking with cardio or exercise
Avoid triggers (I did not drink alcohol for ~2 weeks after I quit)
Stay vigilant

Good luck user rooting for you

>3 days later
>thinks he has quit


I only smoke when I drink. Have managed not to drink for 2 weeks, haven't smoked in 2 weeks. Not really helpful for you but there's my contribution to the thread.

Been 3 yrs with no Tabacco... My story envolves a few powerful LSD psychedelic trips prepared and geared toward quiting.. Set up a game plan and followed thru... I first stopped smoking n chewed skaol... To get ride of the lighting up habit.. Then slowly cut back on the chew n picked a day to just stop.. The preparation n slowness of my quiting softened the blow.. But I did it

Currently smoking 6-8 a day. I plan on quitting once I run out of tobacco.

yeah i used to smoke like a few a day
the idea is not to be a pussy

I quit smoking pretty easy but I haven't been able to quit drinking, it gets on the way of my gains bad

I only smoked a pack a day
Quit cold turkey and went on a 3 day fast at the same time


Haven't smoked in 5 months now
Started with the champix stuff but it's the worst kind of garbage made me all kinds of depressed altho in the end i think the depresion kinda helped keeping me off
After the champix i started vaping 0mg Nic but quited that Because of to many comments about it being gay
Now i just cruise, passes my mind sometimes tho on "the" Moments but overall om good, cutting is going really bad tho

Low intensity cardio (walking in the park) can have the same effect.

Wish I had more to offer. This is the difficult part for me as well.


Christ, have you ever tried getting high without smoking. Do you want these people to fail?

So why did you people start smoking ?

It always smelled like shit and I sometime saw people reeking of tobaco so I never tried it but I'm curious as to why other would do it.

this new

to look like a shredded sick cunt

My town had about 7000 people in it. There were about 10 bars and 5 churches. Half the town was white trash or hicks, the other half thought their shit didn't stink or had more money than they knew what to do with. With so little to do, these groups often intermingled and influenced one another.

Trying a little of everything was par for the course. I'd say any young person experiences the same with regards to their own bubble. Some things just stick. Tobacco, like most substances, allows one to feel in control even when life rolls the dice and fist fucks you.

It's just that tobacco has the lowest immediate risks, easy accessibility, low cost, legal, etc.

Just like anything though, it's fine in small quantities. Hell, walking through a parking lot everyday is probably as unhealthy as a few cigarettes. Not an excuse. Life is like finance, risk vs reward.

I quit tobbaco the day I saw how fucked up my toungue got. Got geographic toungue from this shit, it's no bueno. I'd say quit while you are ahead.

In my case, two semi-hot chicks i hung out with all the time basically forced me to. Being the pathetic beta I was in high school, I let it happen.