Look good with a pump

>Look good with a pump
>Look DYEL skinnyfat without

Is that it's like to be a natty?

> Look dyel skinnyfat to people who are obsessed with fitness
> look fit as fuck to the average people

I get compliments all the time irl

I get called stacked, jacked etc

Yet I'm skinnyfat as fuck it's embarrassing desu.

It's something that is 100x better than you'll ever be, on gear or not

>be skinny retard brosplitting and lifting baby weight for two years and remain skinny but with better tone
Fucking newfag mongoloids.

I deadlift 4.5 plate @ 74kg and squat 3.5 plate

So when juice?

You better look like Arnold if you think that guy is DYEL skinnyfat

The biggest compliments I ever get are from gym regulars who are fuckin huge and tell me that I'm growing and improving. Compliments from normal people who are fat and don't work out mean nothing to me. Probably sounds autistic af but it's true.

Joe Delaney is my natty hero

He is far beyond dyel skinnyfat you pussy

I absolutely implore you to post a pic of yourself and if you look even a quarter of how good he looks I will PayPal everyone in the thread including you 100 dollars

Is this b8 or severe body dysmorphia? The world may never know

>I deadlift 4.5 plate @ 74kg and squat 3.5 plate
do you even know what you're talking about? what the fuck is this sentence?

That, or b8

He deadlifts 450 pounds and squats 360 pounds. His bodyweight is 74 kilograms.

no you don't

I really doubt that

You're literally ripped regardless, it's all lighting and angle.

Seriously you're huge for a natural. if you're natural....

I absolutely implore you to post a pic of yourself and if you look even a quarter of how good he looks I will PayPal everyone in the thread including you 100 dollars

there are people deadlifting over 300kg at 75kg

But I do

Is that considered impressive on Veeky Forums lmao?

I'm not saying he looks bad. I'm just showing the huge contrast between pump vs no pump

Yess, nothing better than meeting some gym buddy that asks if you were working out all this time we haven't seen each other (I hit the gym in the morning, rarely in the evening) and saying it's because you got bigger
This is how you set PRs to be honest, I just got pumped thinking about that

This hero of yours is on roids. If you think otherwise, you're an idiot. I've seen this guys instagram before, and him and his friends are on the juice.

There is nothing impressive about being a manlet that does a mixed grip sumo deadlift and sumo squat in your 3inch heels. Fuck outta here lad

I'm 5'10 though

I conventional deadlift

and I could afford to go slightly higher and would still get three white lights when squatting

I dl 6pl8 at 67kg

Did you think your babbylift is in any way impressive? Sorry to disappoint.

I don't understand why people have a hard time believing my lifts

I know an 18 year old u66 lifter that does more than me

Why would I doubt your lift? It's pretty weak, I believe you

>Look DYEL skinnyfat without

Are you just pretending to be retarded or are you genuinely autistic

Lmao nice LARP bro

Was going to post the same thing. He's on gear, well known to lots of people in the UK. The whole concept of having a "natty goal" is really pathetic and beta imo. You can't emulate someone else's physique even if they are natty.

>He's on gear, well known to lots of people in the UK.


What's he on kunt

>I'm not a manlet, I'm 5'10"!

The guy is on roids; get that through your thick skull and realize it's better to know the truth.

>you can't lift that, that's absurd
>but even if you do, it's weak shit
>and besides, youre a manlet

why is Veeky Forums so salty

>idiots who get meme'd into roids

Ok. test and see how it ends up

Unironically, yes

Eventually we stopped getting a flow of people who wanted to better themselves due to inadequacy issues, and instead felt more comfortable telling others they will never be better.

>Left is considered JACKED by hollywood standards
>That is all that matters to normies
Doesn't seem so bad

>@ 74kg
theres your problem

Or they have "made it", but as soon as they realize nobody in the real world really gives a shit beyond a toned ottermode, they have to reap their reward by shitposting on Veeky Forums with their incredible lifts instead.