FPH- /fatpeoplehate/

No fph thread? Shame on you Veeky Forums.

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POP oFF James !

There are the only people who deserve torture. Like inhumane amount of pain until their brain shuts itself down because of the pain.

That is abuse.

pop off james!!


pop off james!

Surely this is bullshit

>my substance abuse is quite as harmful so therefore it isn't bad


She's sounding a lot healthier these days

Her breathing problems are completely gone



Would you Veeky Forums?

i would rather drag my ballsack through a patch of fiberglass

>Cracker Barrel brand cheese
>"the good cheese"

Not even worth a hatefuck



copper cab looks like that now?





So, literally evolution.

i see this shirt a lot in the gay scene
a lot of people think that fat guys are warm and cuddly, but as someone who used to date a fat guy, the truth is it's exact opposite.
fat doesn't get much if any blood circulation so the exterior tissue is usually room temperature. this makes it much colder to the touch.


Poor fatties have no idea there's salt in soda, do they?

Did she seriously edit out all the labored breathing?


>denies well established science that soda is bad for you and will dehydrate
>will screech at you if you even question climate science or social science

Pop off james


This is why I don't hang with girls who look much better than me.




Reads like female /r9k/

How deluded do you have to be to prefer right over left? Does anyone really think that "smallfat" is attractive?

pop off james !


Sea water tastes great too but no matter how much if it I drink it will still dehydrate me. Salt does what salt does!



this has to be a troll. I refuse to believe that it's not

pop off james!



Pop off James!


pop off james!


not even with a straight man's dick
it is good tho

>Exercise but don't push yourself as it will put too much strain on your mental health
I think NOT exercising has put far more strain on my mental health than exercising ever has.

someone hold me back before I go push this fat fuck off a cliff


That's kind of true though, like when I'm feeling like shit ill go have one of my favorite chocolate bars and a soda to feel better.
Doesnt excuse blatant binging and becoming a 4ton hamplanet though.

why anyone eats this shit is beyond me.
Besides, if you eat this Beetus in a bootle you are fucking up my orangutan brotha's home.
Orangutan before fatties.

>Getting diabetes and heart disease is worth a false sense of self esteem

>6 minute mile

Fuck me, my friends in Cross Country in high-school were pushing 6 minute miles. CROSS COUNTRY!


Is that a trains vest ite


Now i want to see what a size 16 thicc anavar goddess would look like.

For as long as my tax money goes to healthcare then no, i don't think it is okay.
My money is supposed to uphold a healthcare system that treats and cures people that have had accidents, fallen ill in someway and care for the elderly/ disabled.
Not to keep self entitled fat fucks that ate themselves disabled and do not take part in society.
Furthermore, I don't want you pushing your disgusting self harming dogma onto my children.

At least she could lose weight and compete. I'm friends with CHAD.

>He is an asshole because he dates somebody infinitely better looking than me

This amount of butthurt makes my nipples hard

>5 wonderful children
>and another named brian

My sides have left the star system

That'd be awesome if it were even remotely true. I'm on Veeky Forums now because God got tired of my shit and hit me with 'beetus.

I see this all the fucking time whenever health is brought up with overweight/obese people who have the means to change but simply don't want to change and make up excuses.

I went to the store today and bought
- a 5 lb. bag of frozen chicken tenderloins
- 1 lb. of strawberries
- 1 bundle of green onions
- 10 oz. of white mushrooms
- 2 bags of frozen carrots
- 2 bags of frozen cauliflower
- 2 bags of frozen broccoli
- 1 bag of frozen green peas
- 1 bag of frozen chopped onions
- 6-pack of eggs
- 1 bag of small assorted peppers
for a total of $28.23. This will last me 1-2 weeks, along with a $3 loaf of whole wheat bread and $3 container of grape tomatoes.

I understand that there are different standards of living, but you really can make it cheap if you just fucking TRY. That $12 you just spent on 2 bags of chips and ice cream would have been better spent on actual nutrition.

>constructing reasonably eloquent sentences
> looking like that




Pop off JAMES!!!!




>(Also me being obese has nothing to do with me being neurodivergent)

Sympathy for type 1 diabetics getting lumped together with fatfuck type 2 diabetics.


I really like the implication is that this anonymous poster is the first person to ever have this idea.

Wow female incels exist

Anyone got a link to the video where drinkswaters breaths during her ted talk were cut together.

What is neurodivergent? It sounds like another feminist invented word to make themselves sound intelligent?

Neurodivergent is a description for anything that isn't part of normal mental health. Mental illnesses.

This is why you see me chugging out of a 2 litre bottle of diet pepsi between sets and not drinking that filthy water that is likely to give me dysentery.


honestly I think artists should draw larger bodies, and better yet make it realistic instead of the romanticized fat image of 'attractive' curves and no cellulite. draw the truth

troll probably

>rants about how the woman is suffering from anorexia because she's and a normal size fit
>"The natural state for a healthy, well fed Woman is with plenty of fat reserves."
>"well fed"
>"plenty of fat reserves"
I-I have no words... How can one choose to be so willingly stupid and blind?

>men hit on friend
>get angry at friend

>Would you date someone who is obese? "No."
>If one of your potential matches were overweight, would that be a deal breaker? "Yes."



Christ she looks like ugly betty but even worse.

Someone should demand a source on that "fact".

The one on the left is naturally beautiful as it is attractive to be thin or at least close to it. While the one on the right looks like it stuffed itself due to sadness.

>So when someone acts proud of losing weight. They're not actually proud of losing weight.
No, I'm proud of losing weight for the sake of losing weight and bettering my person and my long-term health.

>Protect fat kids and let them know they are worthwhile!
>Forcing kids to diet is child abuse!

dumbass me didn't attach the file


What makes it even more funny is how chicken cutlets and even chicken stir fry are 3-4$ per lb. You could easily get 7 days worth for 21$ that is cheap even more so than steam which is more expensive.

Also it's not hard to make guacamole either with Avocado, onions, spices and limes then mix. That is it really and if anyone knows fiber it keeps you fuller for longer.
