Quick! How do I lose all of my testosterone...

Quick! How do I lose all of my testosterone? I am getting a testosterone test soon because I feel I have had low test all my life but just recently I have taken testosterone pills in hopes of helping but it completely passed over my head that the pills may affect my test into having the test tell the doc that my test is not at a level to worry about (still low but not enough to prescribe me). What do I do? How do I lose this test? Jack off 3 times a day for the next couple of days or something?

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Good for you testosterone pills are about as effective as snake oil.

Also, if you're concerned, talk to the dude taking your test. They'll give you some helpful info. But past that, i'd agree with I assume "testosterone pills" are supplements that are aimed towards regulating test. If you're suffering from low levels of minerals/vitamins, then it'll help a bit, but you have to take them regularly while changing your diet. So i'd argue you'll be fine.

Get drunk every night for the 3-4 days before the test. Try not to sleep much. Each garbage food and jerk off a lot

Not old enough to drink. Ill do the rest tho

>he's under 21 and wants to go on trt

You're a fucking retard dude

Why would you bomb your test levels for trt you don't need? Just live a healthy lifestyle and you'll have the same test you dumbie

Eat soy, soy protein, soy milk
If you came back with the test results would be pretty good so we can check if it does work

I do need this trt. I have kleinfelters and just now realized it was a thing. people with kleinfelters are supposed to be on test since they hit puberty, I am actually years late.

Post a pic

Your doctor diagnosed you with klinefelters and didn't discuss trt with you?

No but thats what I am going to mention first then ask about test and such. But I do check out in every symptom that kleins comes with. Wide hips, all of my fat goes around just above the hips (but not quite stomach, like no matter how fat I get my ribs will still show), gyno since age like 14, always feeling lazy and lethargic and never have motivation to do anything and doing school work is extremely difficult for me because of it, no sex drive. etc.

You just fit to the criteria of being a fucking bitch. Cry to your doc and only hormone hell give you is estrogen so you can grow a pair of proper tiddies and get your balls cut.

So you self diagnosed yourself with klinefelters?

You're a fucking retard.

Have you tried lifting a barbell you stupid piece of shit? What is your diet like? Do you do cardio? How do you sleep?

Front. Its pretty bad, if it doesnt look bad just realize that I have been lifting for two years 5 days a week (average hour and a half each gym session) with good diet, (only oats, rice, pasta, chicken, steak, tuna, peanut butter, spinach, broccoli, that is literally the only things that I eat), spending all this money on vitamins and protein and preworkout,and it looks like ive been lifting for 2 months on and off, drinking constantly, with shit diet...

Gotta agree with about that one, you're being retarded. Why the fuck you wouldn't get tests run if you match symptoms is below rational thought. It's like the dumb sluts that say they're depressed because "i feel sad a lot".

Get tested. Then get test once you're properly diagnosed. Otherwise you're an actual fucking autist, and you should diagnose yourself with that too.

What are your macros? what is your height/activity level? How heavy are you lifting? Give more stats.

you can see my gyno from the side a bit better (although its not as bad as others ive seen on google images but google images is always exaggurated cuz those are the pics that get reactions and shared)

You're fucking retarded

Go to a neurologist to get your head checked out instead of an endocrinologist.

i am getting tested, like i said i literally just found out about kleinfelters and so im going to get it tested and will also mention lack of test although the doc will probably already know by then. i used to think i was just weak.

not much activity outside gym
lifting about as heavy as i can, i never one rep maxed anything because i never see progress, 115 for 8 reps is my goto normally on bench

Have you bulked? Cut?

Are you making strength gains?


Girls with literally no testosterone make gains and you don't? Fuck you lazy faggot

You'd probably be fine if you actually lifted and built some chest. The thread gave you some decent advice and in general you can google how to tank test levels for blood levels. But even then a lot of docs won't give you test even with low levels so if you don't know ahead of time ur doc is a bro, it's probably a waste of time. You seem to be going about this whole thing very sloppily and should do some solid research. Check out the sticky for how to into fitness, /fraud/ for roid info.

The issue i'm having, is that you've said your getting test, you've self-diagnosed a medical disease that is 1 in 5-600 while not having had it tested because you've linked symptoms and gone "that sounds like me".

It's literally a stupid thing to do. Lack of energy, feeling weak, looking flabby/not built despite lifting is all explainable by a bad diet. So you've in anyones eyes, have jumped at an easy explanation, and are pursuing it from a poorly thought perspective.

But lets assume you have it, but it hasn't been diagnosed, it's much more beneficial to get it completely confirmed by a professional, and THEN getting test, rather than skipping straight into test usage. Any professional that's worth a damn will tell you to get it confirmed before giving you test anyway.

yes ive tried bulking and cutting, ive cut down to about 157 and this is the heaviest ive been


There's literally 300 things more likely than klinefelters.

I guarantee you sleep poorly, eat poorly, live a sedentary lifestyle, and don't train shit or even do cardio.

It's not a waste of time, it's just not prescribed for people under fuckung 25 who don't have ball cancer or some shit.

So what EXACTLY is your diet? what's the amount of calories and the MACRO's you're having with it?

Also, again, how heavy are you lifting? give an idea in Kg.

Do you only bench? What's your routine? work through it with us.

Hi friend.115 for sets of 8 isn't that impressive, although somewhat understandable given your picture. You *should* be making solid progressive overload as you are. Having a "goto" weight that low into the gym makes me think you lift the same weights every week, never improving. You need a routine, and to work the routine meaning progressive overload. And like the other guy is saying I highly suspect your diet is bad. You really need to step back and reevaluate what you're doing with fitness if you're actually serious about it all.

You don't have klinefelters you fucking moron.

You have mental health issues and extreme insecurity and body dysmorphia, you have the equivalent of anorexia.

Your hips aren't that wide, the gyno isn't that bad, you just have a poor diet and exercise routine.

Stop lifting every day, do an actual regimen out of the wiki, lift heavy but less often, actual women who lift have more muscle than you, so low test is not your excuse.

Part of me wishes you did have klinefelters, at least then you would be infertile and you wouldn't have any chance of inflicting your offspring onto us in the future.

2350 cal/day 50% carbs 25% fat 25% protein
squat 135 pounds (two plates each side) for 8-10 reps
bench 115 pounds (35s each side) 8 reps
t bar row 115 pounds (45+45+25) 8 reps
i dont know if that could give a good idea

How about you tell your doc you're taking testosterone pills


Well mate, hate to break it to you, but your protein intake is bad, you need to have much higher protein intake AND eat more in order to bulk.

And if those weights are easy to do 8-10 reps, and 2-3 sets, you need to go higher in order to overload your muscles and get bigger muscles mass.

What you're eating, is ok for maintaining yourself. But you ain't gonna be feeling "high energy", nor will you see bigger increase in muscle mass, and consequently, not going to see improvement until you review your diet.

You curiously don't mention deadlift or OHP and instead mention rows of all things. However your lifts do paint a vivid picture, of a beginner lifter. And there's no shame in that. 50/25/25 is a macro split I've heard of... never. I really get the impression your doing dumb shit in the gym and need to get a routine. Honestly even before you address your diet which is probably not good, address your routine. And then look into your diet.

theyre over the counter shit, from gnc, dont work for shit, but yea i will be telling him

if you're that convinced that you have low test fucking buy test off some china man and pin yourself.
You can see if low doses make a difference, and if they don't then you can either A) admit that there's another root to your problem or B) fucking blast
You don't need a doctor's note to inject yourself op, although you REALLY need to learn something about basic nutrition.

>Advising a complete dyel WHO'S under 20 y/o to roid

Fuck you man

Anyway, my opinion, is your diet is poor OP like i've said, you're eating at maintenance, while consuming a small amount of proteins, and expecting to gain. That's your issue, not a 1 in 5-600 genetically related disease.

My suggestion is two-fold, fix your diet (eat more protein and more in general, lift heavier progressively.) and to also not jump to conclusions and actually study about dieting, working out, OTHER SOLUTIONS that aren't fucking unlikely to occur (1-10).

You're the textbook reason why people aren't allowed to self-diagnose, because diseases can share symptoms, but be completely unrelated to one another, especially in the genome.

I'm out.

> potbelly
> no motivation
> no sex drive
> no work ethic

Sounds just like your average teenage stoner. Lay off the weed, faggot.

I only wish to see autists like him grow by any means necessary.
And I did tell him that there would most likely be another root to his problem man.

if you actually lifted you actually have a decent base desu. I wish i had your "gyno" mines fucking massive in compariosn grow up man, youre fine

I really doubt you have klinefelter's from your pics. Your hips are a little wide and you might have a small amount of probably pseudo-gynocomastia. Cut sugar out of your diet, watch your macros, and be more active. Do push ups and pull ups as often as you can. Once you have some definition, reevaluate.


Before you waste your time going to a doctor, answer this question for me please.

How big are your testicles?

People with klinefelter's have immature sertoli cells and therefore a low testicular volume. Very low. People with klinefelter's are on tanner stage 1 of development. Their nuts are the size of raisins. Lol.

Jerk off a lot
Don't sleep
Drink a lot of IPAs
Go for a long ass run somewhere

tell the doc u took pills and say ur test will b artificially high and see if u can reschedule in future when effects ware off