A 500 lb man telling the world it needs to change its lifestyle

>a 500 lb man telling the world it needs to change its lifestyle

Really makes you think..

Other urls found in this thread:


He isn't wrong though

>help the planet
Is he talking about himself?

He's right even though he's a hypocritical moron. I like that it's trendy online now to not give a fuck about the environment. Truly fun and edgy stuff.

cmon user, don't you know god's gonna step in and manually fix climate change himself once it gets bad? fucking libtards amirite?

Didn't he admit that he's fat cause he eats to much and that it isn't HAES shit but just CICO and his bad habits? Like he's a fat bastard and I'll forever judge fat bastards silently but at least he's an honest one which wins *some* brownie points over typical HAES.

(((Climate change)))

Doesn't science tell you that eating 6000 calories a day and no exercise isn't healthy?

yeah lets just give trillions to the UN that'll fix everything!


fucking this

twitter was unbearable today no one actually read what the US committed to in the agreement

biggest fucking job killer for not even a CHANCE at a 2 degree drop in warming


>b-but caring for the health of the planet is just a liberal conspiracy right guys?
you're literally getting jewed out of your children's future by some of the richest and most powerful people in the history of the world so they can keep making oil shekels for a few more decades

he thinks getting gastric bypass surgery will magically make his eating disorders go away. if the surgery doesnt take him, he will kill himself with his food.

This. shit is all just another plot by the bilderbergs. For all the bitching and moaning people have been doing for years and years about "someone needs to change our fucked up system!" Trump comes along and actually does so, and they hate him because hes "unrefined" or stupid or mean or whatever. Cowards.

we will be fine in 100 years

we will probably be fine in 200 years

stop being a fucking twat

don't give it to the fucking un, invest it in advancing green technology. as china is literally currently doing
i know they obviously have ulterior motives but this is where the future's going and they're gonna leave the JewSA in their dust

You realize that coal is a dying industry and that no jobs were actually "save". Propping up a dead industry is only going to delay the inevitable.
If you work for the coal industry, you will lose your job in the next 10 years. No amount of government handouts is going to fix that.
Natural gas is already cheaper than coal and renewables are getting cheaper by the day.
The market is heading in that direction like it or not.
You lost.

>it won't affect me or the next couple of generations
>so fuck it let's burn it to the ground so giant globalist corporations can keep making money

This. You people are so fucking short sighted.
Do you not give a fuck about your children?

also the thing that really, truly fucks me off about it is that literally the ONLY people benefitting are fossil fuel & transport industries, their affiliates and the governments they bribe. there are masses of right wing arguments i have sympathy for or even fully agree with, but CC denialism and deregulation of healthcare by anyone other than business magnates or their shills are like turkeys voting for christmas

Lol, it also used to be even a left wing talking point that immigration to first world countries is horrible for the climate. Oddly that's slipped away for some reason.

Nobody fucking thinks this. Stop inventing imaginary people to make fun of.

i was joking (obviously) buuuuuuuuuuuut

>i don't believe in climate change
Ok. Do you believe in smog?
Do you like smog?
Probably not.
So we should try and get rid of it.
>but pollution means that people have jobs, which is good for the economy
ok so you're a special kind of retard.
Consider this: We will run out of oil eventually.
The simple truth is we use up oil quicker than the earth can produce it. This is a fact. It takes millions of years for a barrel of oil to be produced, it takes less than a minutes for a barrel to be used. iea.org/about/faqs/oil/
We will run out, and when we run out, guess what's going to happen to all those jobs?
No more oil, no more jobs. Simple?
So instead of keeping a dying industry alive, why don't we try to create new industries with new jobs?
Good idea right?
>but wait, what if we find more oil
You're not to bright are you?
Imagine you have a bowl of candy and every day you take 2 pieces out and every day I add 1 piece.
What is eventually going to happen?
You'll run out should be the obvious answer.
But what if you find another bowl of candy?
The you'll be satisfied for a little while, but you will eventually run out of that too.
Then eventually finding more candy will get more and more difficult, and the more difficult it gets the more expensive it becomes, which isn't good now is it?

Even if you don't believe in global warming for whatever reason you can possible come up with, there is no logical reason for supporting fossil fuels.


I got up on my soap box.
I made a point.
Refute it or shut up.

I wonder what people would have blamed the ice age on back in the day

>hurrr durr nature never changes it cycles randomly

you're an idiot

these regulations effect basically every facet of the economy

restrictions on oil and gas lead to higher costs for all businesses and therefore less revenue, less hiring etc

this climate agreement would basically cripple our economy while countries like China and India continue to burn anything on their way to economic growth

Go to bed elon, nobody wants to buy your shitty (((cars)))

On top of that I want my child to live in a thriving economy where he can get a decent job and support himself

I will take that shit everyday of the week over have a degree warmer summer

ps: scientists have falsified data before and were caught so there's reason for skepticism

>lets save the economy by propping up dying industries
delaying the inevitable.
You're child isn't going to have a job when the oil dries up.

Don't scientists also say that you can lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn? He should listen to them.

Shut the fuck up I know all you fucks drive cars and buy products of the shelf. You have no power to make a difference and neither do I, you just want to take the moral high ground. The more we cripple our economy here the more China India, africa and every other third world shit hole will increase their emissions

>oil and gas is the only industry in the world
>one degree hotter summers are the only effect of climate change
is that really a reason not to try? just because we expect some third world corrupt ass shitheap to behave like a bunch of retards, we need to stoop to their level rather than lead the way for the benefit of all life on the planet? also see

>lets enter into another terribly onesided deal that the other countries will inevitably slack off on Alan NATO
Yea naw..

personal choices on an individual level don't do shit sure but governmental policy has huge implications and you're the ones who think an unsustainable industry should be allowed to rape all the ecosystems of the earth in their death spasms without any governmental oversight
would you be ok with letting an industry go unchecked that was making a bunch of money and creating a bunch of jobs but that the vast majority of experts in the field said would result in a quarter of the world's population inevitably getting cancer in 200 years time?

>know all you fucks drive cars and buy products of the shelf.
I bike to work and only drive to go to the store.
>You have no power to make a difference and neither do I
Nice defeatist attitude. Let people walk all over you.
>The more we cripple our economy here the more China India, africa and every other third world shit hole will increase their emissions
A) It's funny because China and India are working towards oil independence. Go look up India's solar farm.
B) There are other industries we can invest in. Oil and Coal are not the end all be all.
I don't understand why you people are so attached at the hip to oil and coal. You realize there are alternative industries we can be building jobs in?

So we shouldn't try to make any progress because nobody else is trying to make progress (which is bullshit btw).
Also, the US is one of the biggest producers of carbon dioxide, so we have a bigger mess to clean up.

>scientific studies on climate change
>it's proven science!
>scientific studies on relation between race and iq

I would switch to a metro, bus, electric car, or otherwise the second I was given the chance. But as of right now it's unfeasible for me.

>a subset of people i disagree with are hypocrites
>therefore science denialism is fine even though the future of the world is on the line
also i don't deny correlation between race and iq, the difference is race/iq studies are only descriptive, they don't tell us anything about what needs to be done legislatively. denying climate science denies that there is a problem that desperately needs solving, hence delaying the solving of the problem and putting us even farther beyond the point of no return

are you US? you have the car and oil industries to thank for that too
you wonder why the US has such shit public transport and railways compared to the rest of the developed world? cos the auto, fossil fuel and airline industries lobby the government for pork barrel projects or to restrict infrastructure spending to shit like highways

>they don't tell us anything about what needs to be done legislatively
Remove negroid.

>scientific studies on relation between race and iq
>it's proven science!
>scientific studies on climate change

>let me bring up a completely irrelevant topic

This isn't an argument on climate change. It's pointing out the left's hypocrisy when it comes to """"science"""". Same thing with transgender freaks.

>I come to Veeky Forums for the anonymous culture where it doesn't matter who you are or how long you posted here, the only thing that matters is the content of your post.
>Let me judge the man behind the post instead of his post itself

You have to go back.

This isn't an argument on the left's hypocrisy.
This is an argument about climate change.
I don't give a flying fuck what the left thinks.

Boogie pls

This is how you know you've won.
They start baiting other topics to try and shift the argument.

Boogie's emissions are responsible for 7% of the world's global warming gasses

but he already adresses that he, and most reasonable lefties don't deny the correlation between IQ and Race. yes, the facts show blacks have a lower iq, but there is the bigger questions that these don't answer. for example, if you took those same "facts" from america, yes it would show black people are dumber, but what about when you control for socio-economic status? oh things don't look so scewed there now do they.

Like the other guy said, these facts don't lead to any legislative changes, climate science does, not to mention investing in green/renewable energy in the middle/long run is VASTLY superior economicly then propping up a dying industry.

by the way, your boy trump XO'd the clean water act so companies can poison your drinking water for short term economics gains. enjoy when your town turns into flint michigan.

>arguing on the internet
Oh I am laffing

Me too :^)

The OP is about "science" you mongoloid.
>but he already adresses that he, and most reasonable lefties don't deny the correlation between IQ and Race.
Show me proof of this.
> yes it would show black people are dumber, but what about when you control for socio-economic status? oh things don't look so scewed there now do they.
Actually it shows that the poorest whites commit less crimes than the richest blacks.

>Like the other guy said, these facts don't lead to any legislative changes, climate science does
And why do you think they don't lead to any changes?

So what's your point?
Because the left is full of hypocrites that some how invalidates scientific evidence of global warming?
Why would bring up global warming in your post if you didn't want to talk about global warming?
Good attempt at a strawman.

You mean the studies that told us we would be underwater by now? Why don't the "climate experts" tell us exactly what the climate would be like without human influence?

>Why would bring up global warming in your post if you didn't want to talk about global warming?
Because the initial tweet didn't even mention it? All he talks about is science, so I mention two controversial "science" issues.

>brownie points


when people dont agree with me they're being trendy!

>You mean the studies that told us we would be underwater by now
funny you should mention that

because you can't legislate based on race, even when trends are dramatically apparent. aborigines in australia have incredibly high rates of alcoholism, does that mean they should ban all aborigines from buying alcohol?
my main point is that even if blacks are on average stupider than whites, in the same way women might be on average stupider than men, there are savant blacks and women and white male retards, and when it comes to the law everyone is treated as an individual. judging and categorising people by their most superficial traits (race, gender, sexual preference etc) is what the sjws do and we all rightly hate them for it, don't fall into that trap

>Climate Central
Clearly unbiased.

>scientific studies on climate change


>because you can't legislate based on race, even when trends are dramatically apparent.
Rhodesia and South Africa, until the west started supporting the wrong side.
>aborigines in australia have incredibly high rates of alcoholism, does that mean they should ban all aborigines from buying alcohol?
> judging and categorising people by their most superficial traits (race, gender, sexual preference etc) is what the sjws do and we all rightly hate them for it, don't fall into that trap
>race is only superficial

>Scientific studies are the word of God and can't at all be biased
I bet you still support eugenics too

He should probably start by feeding himself to the poor.

You sound like one of those liberals that doesn't want to believe a scientific study that shows the relationship between race and IQ.
Remember it's only science if you agree with it.

Oh look, it's /pol/ coming to shit up yet another thread with inane ramblings. Please, tell us more about how leftists are hypocrites and climate scientists are all liars because some MS paint image told you so.

>It is finally worth remembering that many other factors, not linked to human activity, contribute
to local sea level rise, and thus to total and residual flooding (Table 3). Such contributors include
global sea-level change unrelated to 20th century anthropogenic global warming, as well as natural
variability in atmospheric/ocean dynamics, the ongoing response to the end of the last ice age,
and local land motion. While less important than AGSLR at most study gauges (Table 3, final two
columns), these factors compound the accelerating flood challenges that coastal communities
already face.

Anyways, I was referring to the studies from 15 years ago on "climate change" that put new york city underwater, not small floods.

Things wouldn't be as bad as there are if the left didn't coddle minorities and actually forced them to improve their standards.

>This is how you know you've won.
Hello Scott Adams!

You wanna help the world? Start now. Get reusable water bottles. Bring your own mug when you get coffee. Carpool. Take the bus once a week. Ask for a plate and real silverware if you buy a pastry and eat it at a cafe. Recycle your junk mail. Don't just throw it in the garbage. Don't throw away your old clothes, sheets, towels. Donate them to an animal shelter, they'll gladly take it. Don't keep your PC on when you're not home. Turn off all the lights at night. Go vegan. Don't lift, you eat more food than you need when trying to build muscle. Grow a beard. Get a tattoo of a chair on your left wrist. Tattoo a treble clef on your right forearm. This starts with you. Activism is great but tweeting how appalled you are isn't gonna stop shit.

fuckwit, race IS superficial when you're judging an individual person, thats my whole point. if the average white male was dramatically more retarded than any other group but you were still exactly as you are, would you want legislative measures in place that disadvantaged you because of the group's average?

Yes. My reasoning isn't based on emotion, like yours is. Thankfully, your scenario is false.

>My reasoning isn't based on emotion
>It's based on MS Paint images I found on /pol/


Yes? No one is arguing that the earth doesn't naturally give off carbon dioxide which heats up the atmosphere. The problem is humans are putting more of it in the atmosphere and fucking up earths ability to absorb it.
You'll notice there are more flooding days in table 3 attributed to AGSLR than other factors.
Anyways, do you think a giant flood is just going to appear overnight?
It starts with small floods. We've been seeing small floods more frequently in recent years. This kind of stuff takes time. Longer than your life scale, but just because it isn't going to affect us for another 200 years, doesn't mean we should ignore it.

More like won. The people working the coal industry will retire in 10 years and their children will be propped up by there earnings to get a job in renewables.

>you'll be underwater in 50 years
>w-wait we mean't 200 years!

I don't think that's how that works, but ok.

>the oceans aren't rising
>it's just a myth
You can believe whatever you want, but you can't argue with facts.

>oceans rose and fell for thousands of years
Perhaps retarded Floridians shouldn't build houses below sea level on the coast.

Alright, let's pretend climate change is real.

How is leaving an agreement that has the USA funding India and China, while they don't have to lower emissions, denying science?

shoo shoo mr. tomato

10/10 troll

>implying I have anything better to do

It's not, and nobody thinks so except in your deluded fantasies.

So why is Boogie claiming it is? Why is everyone in the MSM claiming it is? Why is every leftist faggot claiming it is?

here are some things that you can probably agree with
>there's been an increase in carbon dioxide output in recent years
>the sea level has been risen much higher in recent years
>we know that carbon dioxide has an insulating effect
>we know heat melts ice
and before you say something stupid like "water is denser than ice so the tides should fall" remember that not all the ice is in the ocean

do you see a pattern here?
again you can believe whatever the fuck you want, but don't go around pretending like the evidence is obvious.


>graph doesn't even finish the 20th century

>Says this
>Also says the laws of thermodynamics don't apply to him

calm down with the victim complex buddy, none of what you said is true

>Dying industries
Gonna need a citation on that. If it wasn't for regulations in the USA we'd have so much more oil, effectively taking out transit companies and foreign interest.

Notice how you're not making any arguments? Change that.

The reason Trump won all those coal states was because he promised to bring back their jobs.
The truth of the matter is coal is dying. Coal is losing to natural gas because it's cheaper.
Renewables are becoming cheaper and will eventually overtake fossil fuels.
The fossil fuel industry has a limited amount of time.
By pumping money into it, you are only delaying the inevitable.

Fossil fuels will eventually run out regardless of how much we have on hand.
And once we run out of fossil fuel, there will be no more jobs in the fossil fuel industry.

The smart idea would be to invest in other emerging energy industries and stop prolonging the inevitable.

I also want to reiterate that it doesn't matter how much oil we have or how much oil we find. It is a matter of how quickly we use it versus how quickly it is made. We will run out if we use it up more quickly than it's created.
And just for clarification it takes millions of years to make a barrel of oil. We burn almost 100 million barrels a day world wide.

Anyone ever notice how there's not mindset for the positives of global warming? All this carbon dioxide is going to come our anyway, we're merely the middle man. Warmer climates would be more conducive to life. As far as environmental concerns grow yes we shouldn't be destroying the environment to get natural resources, however treating every opportunity to get those resources as "raping the environment" is ludicrous. There are better ways to get resources. There's an alternative though. If you love the land that much, THEN GET A GROUP TO BUY AND MAINTAIN IT. Then you won't have anyone bothering your land again unless you sell it, wouldn't that be some irony.

yes he is

Is he the planet?