Why the fuck wont my OHP go up over 65kg x 5?

Why the fuck wont my OHP go up over 65kg x 5?

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fuck I really wanna get a dog

Use microplates. Dropsets. Accessory exercises...Goddamnit OP dyel

change rep ranges, do triples on one day, 8s on the other, maybe partials or push presses depending on your weaknesses.

because progressing gets harder as you step into intermediate weights goddammit

make your life good enough to afford a pup and still save money
then go for it because dogs are the best animal

Yeah that's what I plan on doing. Finishing up my undergrad currently but once I get a stable job/own place and I'm able to afford it I am definitely gonna get a pup.

90% of this thread posters havent and will never reach a 65kg OHP, welcome to Veeky Forums.

Do the accessories, i.e. core work, BNP, lat raise, front raise. Do push press with slow negatives. Btw push press is superior, I quit press itself.

same here, I do heavy>medium>light programming with heavy push press singles, strict press work sets and z presses (as brian alsruhe recommends) and it worked just fine, tested my strict 1rm today and I gladly progressed past my former stalling point to a clean 75 kg. Also push press begins to look badass now that I am at 2 plate, can't wait for mires at 2.5 let alone 3 plate

1. diet
4.add more volume on ohp like 3x10 70-80%1rm
5.find the spot where you stall most in the movement and find accessory to help that part of the movement.
6. work on your pull-ups/rows
7. work on your form
8.sleep more
9. be patient and micro plate load

all factors you can work on, or are relevant to stalling

Congrats on the 75kg, I'm at 72x4.
I think push press is also more satisfying as the point of maximum resistance is during a continuous movement, while for the press you either get off your upper chest or you don't.

did you forget to tip the receptionist?


I tested both the 2 plate PP and the 75 kg strict this week and have to say that the push press was far more satisfying. There is a bigger skill component to it but at the same time the higher load and lockout makes the pre-PR hype real. At the same time, I feel a much better carryover to my binch due to the increased weights

here's top athlete memer Ehab working up an hour up to his PR of 154 kg PP


>tfw stalling at 70 kg for 5 reps

Fuck OHP just switch to push press.

>tfw went from stalling at 150lb OHP to push pressing 205 in about a month

It's way more fun

Is it as effective as ohp? I mean, I don't mind lifting less weight as long as I'm sure it will hit my shoulders harder than push pressing.

nice rack

Jesus,man just do some push press with 70kg or more of 1-6 reps.You can also do some pyramid or reverse pyramid style training.Most importantly,you should get stronger triceps and core.Maybe do some dumbbell shoulders presses too

eat MOAR

it's effective enough, if you want the biggest carryover to the strict press alone you can just focus on the slow eccentric with the increased loads. According to Pendlay (I think), push press has a good carryover to strict press and additionally also bench press due to the heavier weights when locking out + stabilization (~1.3 x your strict press if you have learned to leg drive properly).

I think he said something along the lines of "A good strict presser can be comparatively bad at benching and vice versa, but a good push presser will be proportionate on both other lifts".


Call it a Military Press you fucking faggot(s).

Push press is just cheating with your legs. Why the fuck would you bother?

Assistance exercise you DYEL. Why use a spotter when it's cheating? It's to max out in attempt to force the body to adapt to high stress situations.

>Assistance exercise

Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?


I will soon

Get a load of this fucking loser, lmao.

it's not even an assistance exercise, it's overall a more "athletic" (or rather dynamic) version of the generic strict press


shot putters do push pressing too, it's useful to build throwing strength. It's also, as highlighted ITT, a great assistance exercise for your conventional strict press as it overloads your delts/tris in the overhead position.

The "cheating" you're referring to is not a "real" push press btw, it's rather a inefficient bastard version of it that results from poor form - an actual push press needs careful practice to generate a shitton of bar speed

It's a different exercise desu.
Press->push press->push jerk -> jerk
WOuld you call jerking cheating user?
