What is the point of education nowadays...

What is the point of education nowadays? The system is absolute fucking trash where no real knowledge or skills are learned.

t. high-school dropout

>it's a rite of passage
>reinforces discipline in children and gets them used to taking orders from authority figures with dubious claims to said authority
>The further down you go the more it becomes about exhibiting to employers that you are willing to put up with doing something you hate for years on end considering that's how you're most likely to end up once you're employed
>Breaks down creativity in children and trains them to create within a specified set of parameters
>Enforced socialization and therefore separates the wheat from the chaff so to speak

But the main purpose?
>Is a daycare center in a world with two parents working

Do you learn skills in school? Yes, but they are mostly byproducts of socialization.

>no real knowledge or skills are learned
The only way you can possibly believe this is if you have never actually met anybody with less than full high school education.

Not OP, but I dropped out at 15. What did I miss?

>What is the point of education nowadays?
To hide the fact that employment is increasingly skewing upwards in age, young people unable to find jobs, politicians unwilling to show shrinking labor participation, so they increase the number of students. Half of them never graduate, of the ones that do, a quarter receive no more pay than if they had never attended college at all.

Did you GED drop out or did you really drop out?

The church, the family, and the community are defunct as socializing institutions. Public schooling is a daycare system that basically absorbs billions of dollars in order to occupy adolescents, employ educators, and inculcate undeveloped brains with grand historical narratives and guilt complexes (persecution complexes too now that half the student body is nonwhite).

Imagine spending ages 5-18 “learning” only to get semi-competence in your native tongue and some basic calculus lmao
James Madison spoke Latin, Greek, and Hebrew as a teenager.

That doesn’t prove anything at all since only the very poorest people tend to drop out. The fact that they’re no worse than many who did graduate proves it guarantees nothing

>>Enforced socialization and therefore separates the wheat from the chaff so to speak

>literacy rate at its highest point in history
>dude school is useless xD

>spend untold billions making a bunch of peasants semi competent in english at the cost of 12 years of their lives
>produce no Jeffersons, no Madisons, no Goethes
>le ebin progress of humanity

Public schooling was a mistake

It's le machine man xD

But seriously, it is one cog in a huge machine designed to grow continuously. The public school system in the United States originated mainly as a result of immigration. How can we bring in hordes of alien peoples but still run a country? By brainwashing everyone so that the effects of our short sighted greed and opportunism are canceled.

Of course, it also had the highly desirable side effect of producing a population obedient to anyone who with an air of authority. See: Germany lol

High school English teacher here.

I am fairly confident that my entire 11th grade class this year would neither actively seek out nor be exposed to any form of text substantial enough to tangibly effect their literary competency in any appreciable way. The only self-proclaimed "avid reader" in the class prides himself in watching subbed anime and reading manga before class.

These borderline illiterate juniors (who read with the same stilted, monotone cadence as 4th graders) require someone to cram texts longer than the odd plebbit article and facebook post down their fucking throats.

Your basic premise is good. High school is broken. Kids are stuck in high school because no one knows what else to do with them for four years.Time for an educational revolution.

Two very important social philosophers, J. S. Mill and Rousseau romanticized private teaching.

Of course, Rousseau's self-professed most important work is the cardinal educational text 'Emile', in which he says the equivalent of public schooling in HIS times, (i.e. the Catholic convent) corrupted morals. That's all it was for him. That the collection of young individuals in this manner actually corrupted the morals of the population instead of enriching them.

It was just a moral issue. And it still is today. Do not think he was wrong. Simply because the Catholic convent has become the sprawling mass public educational system it is today does not mean we need this sort of thing, especially in a non-warlike state.

This is literally the only argument I've ever gotten from statists and leftists whenever anyone criticises public education. It's a failing system and you know it. Frankly I would rather be functionally literate like most Americans were back in the 1900s with some seriously bright minds in charge rather than everyone be literate and fucking retarded. Equality of outcome is a mistake

literacy, writing and numeracy is a given in an advanced industrial society though. teaching it in groups costs less that other methods, right? not saying that school systems are not flawed, only that education systems can be useful

>. teaching it in groups costs less that other methods, right?
not if you need 12 fucking years to do it

Sure but I would argue the way that we go about it is terrible. Private schools still produce more educated students consistently with exceptions to public schools that have solid AP courses or (((IB)))

Homeschooling requires the same amount of time (unless you wish to receive a subpar education).

>untrained layman require the same amount of time, often one or two years less, and achieve far superior results
wtf i love public schooling now

You certainly have my sympathy. I couldn't do what you do.
(Anime and manga kid- Sounds like he might have potential.)

I'm biased and certainly jaded: I'm the unfortunate product of home schooling. Mother didn't see fit to teach me anything beyond elementary algebra, history, and English. I've spent the last two years playing catch-up on my own.

Holy shit i hate the way people read outloud. Why are kids so fucking scared to do it? You're right, it's so stilted and boring, like they've never read before in their lives. Keep fighting the good fight user maybe you will change someone's life for the better.

>history, and English
Just spend two months learning math up to basic calc and you're got up, congrats
also read: cecil chesterton's history of the united states
you know have a better understanding of us history than most profs, congrats again

>Why are kids so fucking scared to do it?
Fear of rebuttal/reprimand. That and the fact that students are almost never required to read aloud to an audience beyond the classroom context.

To train obedient works and people capable of being processed by bureaucratic systems efficiently. The purpose of education is the same as everything else in our society: to maintain a slavery so that a rich few may rule over the rest using hoarded power derived from stolen labor.

You missed roughly 3 years of education out of ~13 mandatory years. 10/13. You still got ~77% of mandatory education.

Try someone who didn't get that.

>spend billions
>make trillions
Looks like money well spent?

>no real knowledge or skills are learned.
Literacy is gained. That's fairly important for modern life.

Yup. Look at Africa and compare it to China.

There is ONE SINGLE THING Mao did right and that is his literacy campaign. The modern Chinese economic boom would not have been possible without that early investment in education.

>implying China is more successful than Africa because of one of Mao's programs and not due to genetic superiority

You didn't miss much in terms of education, if you haven't mastered literacy and numeracy by 15 either you or your surroundings were fucked and 3 more years wouldn't make much difference.

However in terms of social status you are at a significant disadvantage. You can go to a community college but not a "good college", making business connections and starting a high end career will be very difficult, you will have to use your initiative a lot. Becoming a doctor or something will be almost impossible unless you learn Spanish, fudge some documents and study in another country.

I dropped out. There's a program in my state to get a welfare diploma from your original school if you can compete a few simple tests.

>hehe spent 12 years of my life jacking off to work for coca cola...anti capitalists btfo

Also, it influences grammar and lack of reading anything aside tweets and plebbit posts will inevitably cause the language to mongrelize. English language especially, but the same can be said (from my perspective) about Russian too.

Also, at the very least, the school curriculum includes basic things that:
a) Will help you in the higher education (speaking about tech disciplines, not humanitarian ones, though one might say that forced socialization might do it)
b) Will help you, at the basic level, filter the plain bullshit you might get forcefed by advertisers, like that "magic minerals" shit or something similar.

Also, in retrospective, school sets you up for many situations in the adult life in "lite" fashion and trains you to adapt the social skills for the long-term profits - the "doing 12 years what you might not like and tolerating people that you not like" is an example.

Too bad, though, that all the opportunities, usually, are understood only after you finish the school. Which is shame.

>you know have a better understanding

Homeschooling, everyone.

>learning math up to basic calc

Drone peasants don't need more, yes.

Go fuck yourself, mate. People are even more obedient if the only thing they learn is spelling their name and counting enough to pay taxes to the landlord. See: Imperial Russia.

To indoctrinate the youth into socialism. Look at what subjects are mandatory. Is it maths, science or history? No, in Australia its english for the 'critical thinking' with a good dose of gender/queer theory.

We literally give children 16 years of primary through tertiary education and at the end of it they have no skills and are unemployable. They can only do the only thing they have been taught in that time: blame capitalism.

>hurr durr muh genetics will make me successful

Congrats, you are no different from "muh melanin" kangz.

Are you talking about secondary or higher ed, OP? Because those are two different things.

In the U.S. secondary school is geared toward people who are college bound, which leaves people who just want to get a job at a disadvantage. For the most part it does go back over some basics of math, history, geography, reading, writing and so on that you would have learned earlier.

Higher ed is a different game. Different fields have different purposes. If you want to be an armchair critic, there's literature and philosophy. If you're a nerd who likes to solve problems, there's engineering and math. If you want to feel powerful without doing anything, or go to law school down the road, there's political science and economics.

>reddit spacing
>confounds typos with misspellings
>peasants don't need more
That's all public school gives you. As you show, it simply isn't able to provide much more.

This is the right answer. Schools even had bells up until recently, to simulate a factory environment and get you used to following a strict schedule.

School is all about indoctrination, teaching you and having you internalise the nation-state myth and making you an obedient worker.

"Up until recently"? Where do you live?