Could God create a stone so heavy that even He could not lift it?

Could God create a stone so heavy that even He could not lift it?

Yes and No

No, because he doesn't exist.

this. He could only create a stone only he could move slightly
also depends on your view of god as a creator, a protector and savior all that shit would influence anyones answer

He could. But he could become strong enough to lift it at a later date.

But could he create a stone so heavy that he wouldn't be able to lift it in the future as well?

No he couldn't. But it doesn't interfere with His omnipotence. It's just that "a stone so heavy that God can not lit it" can not exist. The world has it's own limits, just as it is unthinkable for a triangle to have four sides, it's impossible for a task impossible for an omnipotent being to exist.
The limit here isn't the power of God, but rather our own definitions and limitations of this world.

But God created everything, including laws of physics and math, didn't he? How could he be limited by anything?

What does it have to do with anything?
By very definition an omnipotent being can't lack the ability to do something. So if we assume the existance of God and his omnipotence, then "a stone so heavy that God can't lift it" can't exist. There simply is no such thing.

But could he bake a cake so big he couldn't finish it?

No, because "a cake so big that an omnipotent being can't finish it" can't exist.

Concepts like omnipotence are paradoxes that violate their own definitions, like a triangle that doesn't have three sides. Such things are fiction because violations of their essence means they are something else.

Got it, thanks for explaining

what did thomas autitismas say?

I dunno about that but I have made a sandwich too big for me to finish

Yes, he did create your mom.

Simple answer: no. Complex answer: yes.

God is not a person with legs or arms. Where would he be standing at the time of creation of this rock? God needs to manifest itself (or part of itself) in a physical being, on some sort of planet. But no physical being exists that can fulfill the criteria of the logical puzzle, therefore God cannot do it in our current world.

Now, if we assume God to be something that transcends worlds and can create worlds then it is possible to imagine God creating a world where the physical laws of that world/universe allow for the fulfillment of the criteria of the logical puzzle.



But then, if He decided He wanted to, He could lift it.

But He is too smart to waste his time on such parlour tricks.

This is the patrician answer. Why would he waste his time doing something so mundane and trivial as this?

One thousand years are like a blink of an eye to God. This is said in the Qu'ran. We are to suppose this being is much like a tree... very wise and connected with all living things.

God would be able to create a stone that he could not lift, but then, on the third day, he would be able to lift the stone which he could not lift previously due to the resurrection requiring a stone to be moved.

Why doesn’t he just use telekinesis

“Lifting” is moving an object intentionally in the direction opposite to the centre of gravity of a givin mass, and god is not a corporeal being so he could create a representation of himself that could not move the rock, but since the rock is constantly moving through space and time he would need to stop the rock so it stays in the same instance and part of that instance. Really you need to understand what god is and isn’t to answer that question, but simply put god transcends lifting

God transcends time, a thousand years is no different than a number that has a googleplex of decimals in it converted into years, although I understand why “Allah” would use such a metaphor

user you missed an opportunity to have some fun with this.

Could God create a burrito so spicy, not even He could eat it?

Could God take a shit so large, not even His asshole could push it out?

Could God create a thread so bad, not even He could reply to it seriously?

Does God even lift bro?

Yes, and then he could lift it anyways, because omnipotence means being able to fuck logic right in its oily asshole.


Could God create human free will so even he could not harden Pharaoh's heart?

Something about teach a lesson, also he asked for that

No because God is not part of creation.

If God is infinite in His very nature, then to create a rock so heavy that He cannot lift, God would have to create something greater than Himself - who is infinite - which is impossible.
But not only that, God would have to deal with physical realities that simply make the proposition in our universe impossible.

Firstly, God cannot create a physical rock of infinite mass, because no such matter can exist on our plane of existence. Matter is, by its very nature, finite.

Secondly, we have to look at what it means to "lift" something to begin with. To "lift" means to elevate something against the current predominant gravitational field. Newton's law of universal gravitation suggests that the gravitational pull between two objects is directly proportional to their masses. So not only would God have to create something of infinite mass, but He would have to create a plane of existence where there is an infinite force of gravity acting against Him to lift the mass, but the plane of existence would also have to act in such a way that its gravity was somehow greater than the infinite mass.
So, if God were to fundamentally alter the gravitational coefficient, the laws of gravity, or the definition of lift - and thus cause the physical universe as we know it to cease - then yes, He could create something of so great a mass that He could not lift it, thus causing the end of all things.

But, as we see, this is simply impossible.

Yes, since God has a physical body in heaven, the body of Jesus Christ, he can create a rock so heavy that his physical body cannot lift it. In fact since God's physical incarnation on earth had the abilities of an average human being, apart from the miracles of course, there are many rocks on earth that he already cannot lift.

Can God compute the sum of all positive integers?



The question doesn't make sense, mathematically(can infinity outinfinity infinity by creative infinity+1), also this There are some debates on what omnipotence entails, exactly, but not on this site, and certainly not towards a public that thinks this is a smart question.