To the user who posted this pic in a thread a few days ago: this is legit my goals...

To the user who posted this pic in a thread a few days ago: this is legit my goals. You also seemed pretty at ease and confident with your circumstances so good on you man. If you see this thread, please drop a line, I want to talk to you about your approach to lifting/diet/etc. No joke, not a troll.

Not sure why you'd want to look like that, but it's your body so you can do what you want.

Bumping this thread. I hope you meet your other bear-bro.

As long as you're over 6', I think bear mode or built fat look fucking great. Not OP, just giving my opinion. Also, there is a definite line between built fat and obese. The picture posted is hard to tell completely, but it looks borderline to me.
I would look into a powerlifting or strongman routine and add in a couple arm days. As for diet, get on a surplus and try to keep it at least somewhat clean.

Fair enough.

My thing is that everybody is different and likes different things. I've actually got a bear build (football all through high school), but worked very hard to get away from that kind of a build because it's usually not healthy.

I had an uncle who had a bear build and he died in his early 50s from heart failure. Excess body fat isn't good, and just because there's lots of muscle under it doesn't mean that it's suddenly not bad for your heart anymore.

Again, that's just personally why I tried to get away from it. I have no qualms about people doing what they want or trying to look how they want. Bear-bro me in the past would beat the crap out of current me, but current me will also probably live way longer and has better cardiovascular health.

Yeah I'd agree there's a definite age limit where built fat gets pretty risky. After your mid 30's or so you should probably focus more on a decent diet and not load up on wings and burgers every day to maintain your massive size.

>my goal is to be obese and look like the average whale with a little more biceps

I know several guys going into their fifties who are still massive. They should probably start cutting down but if you're active you can maintain it for a while. It's different for everyone; monitor your health closely and the most you have to worry about is an aneurysm (and perfectly healthy people get those too). Ib say live however makes you happy.

Don't be jealous brah.

Fuck this guy.
If you want to be big as fuck and still eat literally whatever you want, go for it. Just be prepared for the health risks associated with it.

I think my problem is the eating. Getting into the gym and working isn't a problem, it's eating enough and having my body actually absorb enough to recover. The one time I successfully bulked, I pounded down potatoes and chicken and filled in with cookies/store-bought cake and greek yogurt. It was a gigantic chore and each meal took 45 minutes+ of constant eating. I look at guys who gain weight by accident and I can't figure out what the fuck I'm doing wrong.

I'm thinking I'm going to try a bunch of digestive aids soon. Enzymes, fermented foods for the probiotics, ox bile...

I'm the same way. I gave up on 200+ and now focus my efforts on sticking around 180

So I'm this user , and again I want to reiterate that you can do what you want and I'm not judging you for taking control of your body and getting the physique you want.

However, the reason I used to have a "bear build" was simply that I grew up poor and had lousy nutrition. I would eat Hungry Man Turkey TV dinners for breakfast every morning and drink mountain dew (yes, that's seriously what I would do). I was on the football team doing 2-a-days, lifting like crazy, and was super active, but maintained this "bear build" simply because I didn't know how to take care of myself (I'm seriously cringing thinking about this).

From my perspective as someone who used to be there, now I struggle with the opposite problem. I could literally just eat constantly all day.

When you're talking about eating cookies and cake and forcing yourself to eat by stuffing yourself, I don't really think that's in the best interest of your body. If you want to gain like my old bearbro self, you can, but there's nothing wrong with just doing it gradually.

And for god's sakes, if you wanna get big, you can still do it clean. Lindt's 90% dark chocolate is 250 calories for ever 2.5 squares. You shouldn't have to resort to eating cookies and cake with all their refined sugars.

There are a lot of things that people do that's pretty terrible for them. I wouldn't go hog wild, but the personal and social boons of being a big, strong man are significant.

yea im so jealous i have abs while this guy probably cant even see his dick but hey got a better deadlift right lmao how can you be this delusional

Some people aren't pretty boy faggots that only care about abs

>I have abs
Post them

im not a pretty boy faggot only caring about abs i am 6'0 210 lbs at about 14% bf
but being as fat as op pic is just a disgrace

>Wanting abs when you can have godly traps and a chest out to the horizon

Who is she?

i really hope you are trolling
this is boogey level obesity
he will probably die in his 30s or 40s

>young doug is anywhere near as fat as OP's pic
Don't do that.

There's no way in hell that your lifts justify being such a fatass. What are you deadlifting, twice your bodyweight?

Heart failure is mostly genetic senpai

Picks up 7pl8 on a whim at meets he doesn't even compete in. Is disappointed that he's only repping 450+ on bench.

I have no remorse being on this man's dick.

you're an idiot. just do SS + 3xGOMAD for 2 years.

A fat fuck who still looks like a fat fuck with no definition even with half natty lighting? Hmmmm....

>Lactose intolerant

Not true. If you're fat as fuck and straining yourself to lift weights because you want bearbuild, that's going to put stress on your heart.

Recent research shows that even being slightly overweight is is bad for you.

Recent research shows that being slightly overweight in old age is protective against sudden death, compared to "healthy weight" or "underweight." Also shows that exercise and diet is more important than current weight.

Bamp in the hopes kind user will show up.