Why do you lift, Veeky Forums?

I lift because it gives me something to look forward to. I was tired of being a skinny faggot. I needed an outlet, and I always wanted to be a shredded cunt, and fuck bitches.

to be stronk!

You'll never make it with that attitude.

I originally lifted to try to get rid of my gyno but turns out I just needed surgery so I got that done but now I just lift to feel better about myself and so I can actually have goals in life

I will, we are all gonna make it. When I lift, i can feel myself improving, it is something i can always do and it is a direction

because I am trying to become as perfect as I can be.

no, you lift because you desire to be desired by others
you internalized pressure of getting certain body type that movie stars from action movies possese from mass media

yeah thats part of it, but when you are shredded you can get away with anything

Because the best version of me is a few reps away. It feels good to be a better human everyday. I feel humans are like a differential equation, you would stay at 0 if you don't constantly change, positive or negative but always make sure you're not in the same spot when you wake up. So what motivates me is knowing I'm getting better by the day. That's how I started, recently I've been noticing all the positive change that happened and it felt weird but I'm sure it was the gym. That's why I lift, because I live better user.

Started because I didnt like my body.

Now its about getting fitter fot the PT.

Also, exercise is an amazing drug.

you are beautiful in whatever body shape
with that mind you wont find happiness at goal
you will start to find other flaws
dont push yourself and get bluepilled
being bluepilled is manly and masculine

pa k kieres saber eso jaja saludos

I lift to look like the man on a Grant MacDonald album cover


thats true

better than yesterday

the mantra

why cant he just be himselves


No you can't and your shitty mindset will cause you to become very disillusioned once you make it physically.

>thinks getting shredded will make him fuck bitches
I have two friends both around 6'2. One of them is like 100kg and not at all shredded and has a bit of a belly but nothing that a loose shirt wouldn't hide. The other is 80kg, good frame and muscularity and plays rugby. The first guy gets more pussy simply because he knows how to

I don't know anymore. I used to say ''for girls'' but then I got a gf who literally wouldn't care if I stopped lifting. Then I said ''for strength/self-defense'' but if that was true I'd just pick up martial arts. I don't know man. For fun I guess? Whatever, I'm not stopping anyway.

Lifting is the only thing that dulls the pain of my life.

Odds that this fag gradually stops lifting?

lift to be big and strong. lift to be healthy at older age. lift to be respected by males, desired by females. lift to challenge self in methodical way. lift to make grunting noises in socially acceptable way. lift to be humbled and full of pride depending on what the mirror shows. lift to look at girls in tight clothes and big dudes finna squat 3 plates, elucidating 2 different goals worth attaining.

>why do I pilot the robot

because it is one of my goals in life to look a certain way. and I cant understand how guys with wider hips than shoulders can honestly look in the mirror and not have the urge to change their body. it's a luxury nowadays to be confident enough in your body to take your shirt off in public or to be strong enough to carry shit around.

There are so many people unhappy with their body and every time they see someone who lifts they think "man I really gotta start working out" but they never do because they are weak.

Basically lifting is a symbol for what sets me apart from most other people, they talk - I do it. And that's why people respect you that's why some are jealous and others afraid because that's what being a man is about. same with all these bitches acting tough, none of these motherfuckers have ever set foot in a ring or done martial arts they are just a joke and when they look you in the eye they know what's up and back down.

I didn't stop when I got a rea gf I can say I love. 5 months later I convinced her to start going and I shared all my knowledge with her.

She wante to take a break and wanted me to be with her
Fast forward 2 months I haven't hit the gym and I still haven't went there since then(5months ago).

Because my girlfriend left me and I want to feel wanted by someone

Because it makes me better than other people

Because I'm sick of being disgusting as a fatty I just want to finally feel like a human

To show others that just because your a piece of shit doesn't mean you have to stay that way.

Started lifting because my lack of strength and laziness was actually keeping me from my goals. I look forward to the gym everyday now, and I've done exactly what I set out to do which makes me feel a lot better.

because I realize I'm a man.

For fun and that retard strength.
Today just went into "elite" strength standards on the pull up for my weight-92kg. Aiming for "world class". Which will be even more hilarious because I look like a complete fagggot DYEL.

Because I've always been overlooked in life and I want to prove not only my mental superiority but my physical superiority.

I know that line of thinking is cringy and unhealthy, but if gets me to the gym I'll use it.

I honestly have to limit my lifting due to the entry weight requirements for the Marines. Being a muscle manlet is not good for meeting weight standards.

War is upon us

>hamplanet detected

My man!

>you will find happiness at the bottom of a large soda and a pizza box
This is called physical and mental weakness, gentlemen.

Stay strong brother , we shall prevail !

We want you user