How to resist/deny FOOD TEMPTATION ?

I'm hungry and there's McDonald's my roommate came with... HOw can I deny it ? How can I deny food temptation ? There's also hella chocolate and shit............hungry. I am. How can I deny food (like these God)

I am so fat but the problem is hungry how can I deny it ? Junk food everywhere how can I deny this ?

You say no and don't eat it you pathetic fat fuck

don't. One or two days of eating good won't kill you, you worked hard for it, treat yourself!

Can't hunger if you're dead.

But how can I resist hunger ?

That's what I thought I HATE MYSELF.

How can I deny hunger ?

those stretch marks means she used to be fat?

Start slow and practice; like first listen to your body's signals and determine if you're actually hungry or is that your appetite. If you're actually hungry (stomach growling, feels empty) then eat until you're no longer hungry and you're satisfied.

If you're not actually hungry and want food, find out what you really want. Like you don't have to go through therapy to analyze your emotions or some shit but like if you're bored and just like the taste find something else to do instead of eating.

Also, It's okay to eat McDonalds and junk if you do it in normal portions and amounts
Good luck, I'm still working on this too so I feel you :)

just eat the food bro it sounds pretty tasty, yolo anyways right?

eat fruit/veggies and drink water

McNuggets aren't awful for macros if you have to get something quick.

just be yourself

No it means she's got THICC breeding hips/thighs that exploded into being when she was 15 and her skin couldn't keep up.

I can't tell if this thread is one big samefag-fest or if we really are up to our ears in complete fucking retards

OP, exercise some self-control you animalistic piece of filth.

Go back to Tumblr you fat activist. Denying yourself short term pleasure brings on long term pain. Indulging in every little temptation lessens the pleasure received in each moment of joy.

Being fit isn't just about gains. It's about becoming a better member of society.

easy. deny it. People in 3rd world countries spend weeks on end being hungry. Also, the feeling of hunger and the feeling of thirst are very similar. Next time you're hungry drink a big glass of water. You may find out your body was really just thirsty.

For starters, the easiest way is "out of sight, out of mind". Don't leave junk food on your desk or in your room. Leave it in the kitchen, in a cabinet, on the highest shelf, behind some non perishables that you'll never use. When you go to the grocery store, don't buy junk food. The temptation is still there but would you rather have it only when you're at the store or every waking minute you're in the house. If your roommate is the issue, get a new roommate or a place to live. In the meantime, step out of the house for a while and do something productive and possibly calorie burning. Jog, walk, lift, read, whatever.

Willpower is a finite resource that gets used up by the end of the day. It gets used up every time you make a decision. If junk food is within view, you're making a decision like every 30 seconds to resist it. That wears you down.

The pleasure of eating mcdonalds is greater than the pain of the consequences.

Soon it will reverse due to some epiphany or life event and you will be slapping yourself. Best start controlling yourself now

go out and spend time literally anywhere where theres not a ton of food around you.

eat a couple of apples or some shit to ease your hunger, drink more water or something

good luck

Make sure to always have some temptations nearby; that way it becomes the norm, so when something new comes up you have no problem skipping it.
When you inevitably cheat don't use that as an excuse to cheat even more; try to get back on schedule as fast as possible.