Modernity is bad...

>Modernity is bad, I would rather be an impoverished peasant with half of my children dying than enjoy the comfort we have now.

This entire forum is meaningless, and I'm going to kill myself after this thread.

Western Culture is meaningless, it was just a vessel to deliver us to the consumerist era.

Christianity is the slave morality which Nietzsche correctly identified. If you make people believe in an afterlife it will pacify them in their actual life -- the only one they will ever have.

White genetics are not vital for the consumerist escalation. If they were; Indians in Silicon Valley wouldn't be a thing. Eventually genetic engineering will eclipse all of your concerns over phenotype aesthetic.

There is no great family model to return to where you can be a patriarch. Any children you have will be absorbed into the consumerist mass. Parental influence is meaningless in an age of hypercommunication.

Your wife will have social media. I don't think I need to go into any more detail on this.

There is no super intriguing clandestine force which controls the world -- only consumerism and capital. Sure, Jews are involved, but only insofar as they are involved with everything which requires skill. It was just an upbringing which emphasises the importance of study. That's the end of the Jewish mystery; it was an ingroup which held intellect as its highest virtue.

In an age where there is no great struggle; there is no need for anything aside from intellect unfortunately. There is no need for valor or fidelity anymore. So the Jews win and you never get to bring your high minded presupposition of valor to them.

There is no great war or impending happening that will bring meaning to your life. There is only the slow assimilation into the global consumerist

There will be hiccups, like Islam for instance, but humanity has not produced a creed capable of contending with the awesome power of consumerism. It will devour you all.

There is no great cause to live or die for my brothers.

Don't kill urself life is hard, always has been idk start drawing, going for a walk in the woods. I agree the modern era is spiritually dead, despite all the material goods.

The people who would have been spiritual previously still are now, and the consumerist rabble now are no different from the mindless toiling serfs of the past.

>Modernity is always better, it's solely because or social organization and not because tech advance, a feudal landlord with modern farm technology would produce less than because yes

>despite all the material goods.
But user, we have more soda flavors, how or era isn't plain better?

Nihilism is babbies first attempt at being deep friendo. Perish like a dog if you like, but I'm not going to give up hope. Life itself is highly irrational in nature, the mindset you have is largely based on an overly logical view of the world, life and morality.

Of course the reality is you're too pussy to kill yourself, just like the rest of us.

Consumerism the new bogeyman in the dark eh? When will you people learn that wealth, materialism etc. are just a means to an end. Literally nothing wrong with a consumerist system, we live in the best time for human existence ever to have occurred. The only reason people get all wah wah wah depressed is because the lack of struggle and prosperity is an alien existence to the human condition which has to be filled by a self made suffering.

Narcissism disguised as depth.

>Nihilism is babbies first attempt at being deep friendo. Perish like a dog if you like, but I'm not going to give up hope
Still nihilist you pretentious loser. Stop reading motivationals and get off your ass

>All this projection

This shit really pisses me off because idolized images of peasant life, mostly put forward by 18th and 19th century aristocratic reactionaries, aren't true at all.

Peasant men generally did not marry 15 year old virgin tradwifes. People married in their mid 20s for financial reasons and brides were often pregnant. See this chart by PEH Hair, from his 1977 essay on early modern married life.

Not only were many peasant brides not virgins, but cucking was incredibly common, especially by aristocratic men. Tolstoy for instance fucked pretty much all the women living on or near his estate and Troubadour songs are rife with stories of knights seducing or raping peasant women regardless of marital status.

Truly chaste femininity was not really standard except for a brief period from the 18th century until the early 20th century, and even then only among middle class people. And even within this context there are enough stories about adulterous wives to suggest it was a common enough problem to be prevalent in the general cultural anxiety.

About what? I'm not the one who made bombastous statements thinking they are a refutation of nihilism.

You are the one making up words to try and sound smart though.

Kike shill soyboy cuck detected. After browsing /pol/ 4+ hours a day I concluded that I would have a house, a perfect faithful wife and 7 children without work by now if only I were born before social media.
Can't you see that living in the most prosperous society of all time with the entire accumulated knowledge of humanity at my hands is to blame for me not getting training or acquiring skills?

Which words?

>This entire forum is meaningless, and I'm going to kill myself after this thread.
>Western Culture is meaningless, it was just a vessel to deliver us to the consumerist era.
It is the duty of man to rebel against the meaninglessness of existence by living life to the fullest. Don't even joke about taking the coward's way out

>Christianity is the slave morality
The only people who talk about the will to power are people who don't actually have any to wield.

>Eventually genetic engineering will eclipse all of your concerns over phenotype aesthetic.
Couldn't come fast enough. These fucking /pol/tards are like out of control apes shitposting absolutely everywhere

>There is no great family model to return to where you can be a patriarch.
The nuclear family is itself a product of a consumerist culture, particularly related to the business of buying and selling houses. For the vast majority of human history the tribe/clan/gens was the most import unit of human interaction.

>Your wife will have social media.
She mostly uses it to share cooking recipes and catch up with people she hasn't spoken to since high school

>There is no super intriguing clandestine force which controls the world
You're a smart guy, user, why do you want to kill yourself?

>There is no great cause to live or die for my brothers.
But that's the best part: nobody in this world can justify oppressing you in the name of some higher good, it is always an act of destruction regardless of intentions. The only higher good is inventing a cause for yourself.

>It is the duty of man to rebel against the meaninglessness of existence by living life to the fullest. Don't even joke about taking the coward's way out
Jesus can you please stop being a faggot?


Amazing argument. Probably underage B&.

Old pasta, but apparently still efficient

That's a common word and to noone but you does it sound smart

Nothing of value was lost

There is plenty of medieval literature that we had to discuss in class where they talked about the virtue of chastity, honor and loyalty. I think you show an incredibly biased view towards the medieval times, if Lords were to bang the peasants girls the whole time they would eventually rise up and kill them all.

>Modernity is socioeconomic status
Imagine being this retarded

I just love how people that don't now anything about middle ages imagine that people act just like today or their favorite "historic" novel

This, except unironically

>God I love my children being raped by refugees

Only good post in this site rn

Ever read the decameron? There's cucking in every other story.

What do you mean?

Holy SHIT imagine being this much of a brainlet.

There are two factor when considering standards of living, first of them is technology, the capacity to produce more things with less effort, better medicine, more nice stuff like internet and tv.
Second is how society organizes, an Asian monarch like the Assyrians and many polis like ancient Greece, with the same tech will have very different standards of living.
When people says modern society is great, they use things like less diseases, more wealth, the existence of internet,... all of them caused by modern technology, never by modern society itself. When people defend modernity such their arguments are base on modern customs, economic system,... never on how more knowledge made live worse.
Both are right, our greater knowledge pull us up to better standards while our crap organization pull us down. Like a really incompetent engineer with the latest software can do a better job than a competent one with paper and pencil.

Autists who read too much fantasy and have never lived on a primitive farm before

I haven't, but are those early novels not supposed to be a form of entertainment, what more could include shock than adultary, that does not mean it necessarily happened to such an extent. If you open the TV today, you also see sex scandals constantly.

>overused meme
not an argument

I've seem Bugs Bunny wear woman clothes, but this isn't a prove that queer people were common or accepted.

Ride the tiger and eventually you will conquer him.

I unironically would




Different regions had different marriage patterns. In northern Europe, user was correct about similar marriage age. In southern Europe (Italy mostly) it was very common for a young girl to marry an established man close to 30. I can provide more info if you'd like but it's not hard to look things like this up



>rape never happened in the past

all of us are the product of rape

comfort is for babies


>Boy oh boy I sure am glad the people dismembering me alive are using modern medical techniques and anaesthesia to prolong my suffering in this state for as long as possible and not just letting me go into shock and die like would have happened when the Assyrians dismembered people alive in the bronze age!
>Thanks Modernity!


>constant threads whingeing about modernity are bad
>but there hasn't been one for a while and i feel like moaning about them
Kill yourself.

>Perish like a dog if you like
Speaking like an old mickey mouse meme doesn't make you sound particularly deep either


Wow a whole 4 words, its like 100% identical.

Dying of diarrhea is better than being an incel

>Modernity is good, I love being a vapid spiritually and morally bankrupt materialist who allows his government to destroy his nation, his culture and his heritage to make room for millions of third-world refugees who will inevitably destroy the comfort we have now and condemn half my children to beheading by Muslims rather than live without internet

This meme has a lot of wisedom in it tho

this a romantic concept of envisioning a world before industrialization.

Why is this babby thread still up
