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Previous thread:

>Who is /fat/ for?
Fat members of Veeky Forums who want to lose weight
>Even though it is easier to ask, ignore the read the sticky fags
>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions
>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

Other urls found in this thread:

Post in mine, it has a title

>maybe next summer
I will make it this summer, or at least july. I'm so close to my goal.

What's your goal friendo?

More like next summer i will have lost 50+ pounds

How can you guys not feel sorry for Boogie?

Did 30 minutes on a cardio machine for the first time this morning. Usually exhausted/bored to death by the 20 minute mark. Also dropped off my application to that job I want. Will be testing on June 20th. I had a very good morning.

I dont feel sorry for people who make no attempt at bettering themselves.

>"the comments on this page are horrible!! :("
>nothing but praise
is this... the power... of child demos...?

>blah blah not my fault
>blah blah childhood trauma
>blah blah I'm a nice guy
heard it before, from the millions of fatties who blame everything but themselves
just because he has an army of children ready to defend him on the internet does not change the fact he's a drop in the obese ocean

That's just youtube etiquette. People see one negative comment and they virtue signal enough for a lifetime of negative comments, while they're actually highlighting things that 99% of viewers wouldn't even see/know about, including the person being talked about. Virtue signalling does more harm than good.

kind paradoxical
how can you be seen to combat evil when you're in your own bubble of rainbows and puppies

When he states his opinion on some trending topic it's always "im not taking sides" kind of thing. He always tries to stay neutral on literally everything to satisfy all possible viewers and maximize ad revenue and his retarded fans eat it up like cattle, they absolutely reject any criticism towards boogie and pass it as hating. And all his videos about fat loss where he keeps making excuses as to why he's still and overgrown manatee like "i was abused when i was a kid".
I really can't feel bad for him at all

I just gained my 5 pounds that I just lost back. I thought I could do without counting my calories and just making healthy choices, but I'm eating like shit. I was at 200, I lost 20, then I gained back 5, lost it, and now i just earned it back. I guess the fasting comes now.

8lbs away

Ok fatties, my wife made some great skinny pizza last night that I think the rest of you would enjoy, so I'm gonna post the ingredients/cooking time here.

1 Joseph's Flat Bread - Honey Wheat
9 slices turkey pepperoni (we use kroger brand)
1/4 cup great value shredded mozzarella
1/4 cup Barilla Marinara

Spread the marinara on the flatbread, sprinkle on cheese, add pepperoni

Bake on cookie sheet for 8-10 minutes

Calories - 244
Carbs - 24.8g
Fat - 10.2g
Protein - 20.3g
Fiber 5.5g

Had one of these along with a salad with chicken in it for dinner last night. Shit was delicious.

Any of you fatasses have gyno?
>Man boobs
Most studies say roughly 40% of young men under 25 have some form of gyno.
Is DIM effective in getting rid of moobs?
It's supposed to lower free estrogen in the body and increase test.

thanks! this'll be great for my book club :)

Fuck - forgot to mention - bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 mins. Fail.

Tell me more shillman
t. Guy with gyno since 10

sounds delicious. My compliments to the chef. Will try it on a day I feel lucky!

Can't tell if sarcasm

How can you tell? My chest sticks out bt idk if its just normal fat

nope. i'm a woman

So I've lost about 100 pounds in 7-8 months on IF and Keto. I havent been to the gym consistently though, around 3-5 times randomly throughout the 7 months. realistically, how much of that lost was muscle? I used to lift years back but never really made it much past dyel. I know I accumulated some muscle back then, i just fell back into bad habits and stopped liftan.

tl;dr How much of my 100 lb weight loss could have been muscle as I did not lift consistently?

I fit in a slim fit shirt for the first time in my life

we're not THAT smart here.

congrats on the 100 lb loss. what was your starting weight?

How much did you weight before you lost the 100? I ask this because it's my year goal to lose 100.

You all are never gonna make it in the long run.

post body
If you drop fat to like less than 15% and still have puffy nipple, or more specifically puffiness around the nipple, then the duct behind the nipple may be developing
Literally growing tits.
IDK, I'm asking to see how effective it is.
DIM is an estrogen blocker.
I want to try this, around 13% Bf rn, but still have minor gyno.

I lost 70 pounds in the past year. When I was 50-70 pouns heavier, my lift numbers were high but i was fat as fuck. I focused on losing weight and when i hit the 50 pound weight loss mark I went back to the gym and my lifts were no where near what i used to lift. So Yes, i think you tend to lose a lot of muscle.

So ive been sticking to a proper program for the past 3 months and making some good progress. just keep lifting consistently now brother

Eating heathy doesn't always mean eating less you fat fuck.

>TFW me and my girlfriend have our own book club where we are the only members
It's not weird right? We like to read things together and talk about them.


>reading cracked for anything

>201.4 this morning

Every day I am more confident that I will make it, lads

>take a piss in the morning
>come back from morning run, swarm of ants crowding around a part of the bowl where i forgot to wipe

What in the flying fuck


I'm doing intermittent fasting. If I drink a protein shake 30m before workout, will I be kicked out IF mode? I'm asking cause I hear that working out while in IF mode leads to more gains

Your piss is sweet. Congratulations user, you have diabetes. You have failed.

I'm actually jealous af :/

I love talking about complex texts, but I live in bumfuck Louisiana. Not a lot of intelligent people here.

>wiping the bowl after a piss

u wot m8?

Do you have diabetes?

Oh hey one of my exes was from Louisiana. I hilariously know exactly what you mean by that.

Losing weight is like a marathon ;_;

But I want results now.

>If I drink a protein shake 30m before workout, will I be kicked out IF mode?

Von, is it you making these threads?

Guys pls talk me down

I'm so dangerously fucking close to ordering pizza even though I've reached my 1600 cal for the day. I can feel my mind slowly fucking weakening and withering away christ


I can talk you down, but only you can make that decision. Do you want to feel like shit? Do you want to be disappointed in yourself? Go ahead and order the pizza and you'll instantly regret it. You'll look back on these moments and thank yourself for not giving in later.

Order the pizza, user. Hate yourself today and use that as motivation for the next couple weeks.

distract yourself, do it, it will pass in time

Just look yourself naked in the mirror and ask
"Do I need pizza" while pinching your fat.

user...don't fucking order the pizza. think of it as poisoning yourself. As if you're buying the gun to shoot yourself with. Go to the mirror. Now fucking go and look at yourself. Now picture yourself at your goal weight, your ideal body. And make the connection with not having the pizza. Then go back to your computer and put on those pizza reviews shows made by disgusting obese lards and watch one. See if you still want the pizza after that, mate.

>Stay at a friend's for the night
>Visit another friend
>10 pm

1200ish unneccessary cals eaten.
>Try to make up by doing 60 mins of cardio instead of 30 for the rest of the week

You need to come to terms with your cravings/hunger and say

"This is what it is. I accept the situation that I'm in. I'm not comfortable, but I'm okay. I'll have food again tomorrow."

Yknow what, I get you. You have nothing in common unless you catch frogs or go deer hunting

im jealous too. wish i could get a gf to talk about books with.

Why do you need a pizza? If you want it that bad, plan for it another day

That's just your body throwing a tantrum to remind yourself to feed it. You are in control and in a few days, it will adjust to your new eating schedule

Any of you ever do those inbody composition scans at your gym? How bullshit are they?

Since i posted in the DEAD thread, post progress

Are cheat days alright on PSMF?

Been on for 6 days, gorging myself today. I figure it'll fuck up my low carbs/macros and I'll gain a bit of water weight, is there anything I should watch for other than that?

you get a free meal once a week and a refeed a set amount of hours a week. Not a cheat day.

Start lifting now. You are becoming extremely skinnyfat.

keep it up, breh

i've got physical training tonight
i really dont wanna go but i already skipped last week

Don't go if you want to continue being fat

I started counting calories in the beginning of my diet 2 months ago, but after like 2 weeks I stopped, it just seemed to over the top and obsessive. But, over that time, it went from estimating how many calories I am eating to just eating whatever I want. Should I just do meal plans? Cut the shit out? Because I really don't want to have to punch in everything I eat.

Bump. Wondering about other people's experiences with this thing.

After two months I was already estimating and mentally nothing everything rather than punching in anywhere, it's minimal effort. Just do it fgt.

if i didnt go, i would've went to the gym anyhow. but shit. you're right

if you're too lazy to log everything, then yes, meal prep is your only option. and you'd have to prep and count EVERYTHING in advance, including snacks and drinks. is that really easier than pulling out your phone and spending 30 seconds to a minute before/during/after eating, punching in mfp data?

I need you to lose 50 pounds. /fat/

guys i took 2 scoops of preworkout and it feels like i have to shit my whole intestine out

Then do it you little bitch.

oh, i am

in a public bathroom even

>taking a vegan supplement to increase testosterone

225 days of counting calories
70 lbs lost

only ~40 pounds to go (I hope)

What do you do when you have to go to a local restaurant that doesn't list the caloric content of their menu?

Eat foods with whole ingredients (like chicken) then estimate the size. Better to over-estimate.

Guess and overestimate somewhat.


The fuck is wrong with you?

proud of you (:

anybody here strict diet only? I have no cardio routine, or strength training routine currently. I have lots of excess fat that I'm cutting off before I even step foot in a gym.

Nothing. Just emphasizing the fact that I'm a mindful and somewhat depressed person from a dusty old town with a Gilbert Grape reference.

Are you a grill? I'm sure you could easily find a dude here on your level.

If you're a guy though, you're probably fucked.

Yeah I'm a grill. I strongly believe in relationships developing naturally (real life), but yeah I have a great time talking to everyone here already.

Just threw in some cardio a week ago, I feel great and fat is melting off much faster.

I'd start lifting too, but sadly I can't do that at 3am in the forest, for free and away from normie eyes.

>I strongly believe in relationships developing naturally (real life)
Then I advise you move, toots. You won't find your dream man in that hick town you call home.

What is your diet?

I goofed. I had been eating at -500 deficit for a bit now. Last night I had about 6 scoops of icecream, some cinnamon rolls, and two waffles.

I'm back strong with my normal meals this morning, though. I'm posting to make myself feel more responsible for my shit actions.

Nope don't have it, my nipples have nothing in them to squeeze

I can see a vein on my forearm with good light and a solid pump. I cant wait to see what my body looks like underneath this fat.

Yeah. I know..


Why, user, why?

>tfw two forearm veins now

bro it just keeps getting better.

Any protips I should know for IF on Keto?