What's the deal with sugar, Veeky Forums?

What's the deal with sugar, Veeky Forums?

When I first started lifting, I was told sugar was somewhat important, actually. Being a carbohydrate with a high glycemic index, I was told to mix it with whey shakes and overall use it normally as it would actually prevent my body from burning actual lean mass to produce energy.

On Veeky Forums, however, everyone and their mother seems to hate sugar and avoid it like the plague. I have also severely reduced my sugar intake, but as a skelly (62kg) I don't think it would have made a difference at all. If anything, sugar would help me attain more energy during workouts and function on whey shakes as a good carb.

So what's the catch? Should skellies not worry about their sugar intake (as long as it's isn't obscene, of course), or should everyone else regardless of their body type avoid consuming sugar?

Sugar is bad for several organs, what else is there to say? You can't outrun or outlift the damage.

every carb turns into sugar in your body but how and how fast is determined by the type of carb

best carb sources are brown rice and oats, which are mostly my only source of carbs

Gotcha, but what about it being actually useful as a high GI carbohydrate? Isn't it reasonable to put some in your diet to avoid muscular catabolism? Post-workout shakes, for example, would be partially wasted without sugar, since your body would use some of the protein for energy and not muscular synthesis.

I can live without sugar, but how else would I get cheap, goes-with-everything energy from?

banana, oatmeal, nuts, berries

they all have carbs

If you're having trouble with craving sugar you should try fruits, they give you a fuller feeling faster therefore prevent you from consuming too much carbs. One of my favourites is quark, greek youghurt, bananas and blueberries smoothie. No added sugar, tastes great and gives a lot of energy.

your liver produces sugar when needed

Do you mean sugar like an apple or sugar like a cake? The only people who need straight up sugar with no fiber are diabetics if their blood sugar goes way too low and people who are ridiculously physically active. Like niggas in the Tour de France.

If you're a skelly just fucking eat more.Sugar is bad for you but it won't be the end of the world if you eat some of it. Do whatever you want to do, but don't try to make it sound like it's anything but an unhealthy decision.

Sugar is vilified by the "health food" and "fitness" industry just like fat was before .. however sugar in moderation is fine IF you're active, not overweight, and get everything else you need out of your diet.

Watch Sugar The Bitter Truth. Glucose is life, glucose is love. I was eating liters of honey a month and was still losing weight by doing cardio and pumping iron. Cottage cheese and honey is top.

Blend a fruit smoothie post workout.

You fags need to go watch NutritionFacts on youtube and stop getting your nutrition information from bros.


cottage cheese and honey is so god damned good but none of my friends know about it/think its gross. are you russian by any chance?

Yes :3 Putin eats it too.

Why would our bodies prefer to burn muscle over fat for energy? If this was the case, shouldn't we have died out a long time ago? A caveman trapped in a cave without food for too long now doesn't have the muscle he needs to hunt, and he's dead. Body apparently kept his fat though. That doesn't make sense.

A caveman's diet is different from the modern man's diet for one.

>Isn't it reasonable to put some in your diet to avoid muscular catabolism?

Why not just take in more calories in general? You're making it sound like not eating sugar is a one way ticket to skelly land. Sugar is in no way essential, if it has a negative impact on your body then just eat something that doesn't. This is a no brainer.

That's beside the point, what I'm talking about is how the body itself fundamentally works.

Fuck off on the sugar, get on honey.

I have typed this several times, the reason people say not to eat sugar is because it's ADDICTIVE.

Eating something that's been pumped with sugar (cakes, donuts, cookies) kind of makes a feedback loop if you wanting to have another until you (hopefully) reach a threshold of feeling disgust for eating so much.

>What's the deal with sugar, Veeky Forums?

It doesn't. The body will burn fat before muscle.

I put a lot of research into this, breaking it down:
1. If you put enough calories in your body on a day-to-day basis, you don't need to concern yourself with protein being burned instead of used for anabolism. BTW it doesn't matter when you eat, you can drink your "post workout shake" 4 hrs after workout and it won't hurt the gains. complex carbs will make sure your body has all the energy you need.

2. normal sugar is bad because it hurts your teeth and can make you a diabetic. here's where fructose steps in: fructose isn't as diabetogenic, but it will make you fat. That's why normal people should abstain from eating too much fructose, it can cause fatty liver. But for athletes, it's a good thing because we usually need all the energy we can get. So while you don't need simple sugars at all (see 1.), if you still want some, fructose is probably better in the long run. If you crave for sweetness, your safest and best bet is aspartame (but it can't be heated, so it's no good for baking).

because muscle tissue uses up a lot of energy. some pro athletes have to eat about 6000 kcal a day, some bodybuilders up to 10000 kcal. Your body won't burn away the muscles you need for basic movement, but the excess muscle tissue you're not using, because it's economic.

Fat, on the other hand, is a safety cushion that will keep you alive even if you don't have any food.

So your caveman simply lives longer because his body curbs energy consumption when it burns the muscles away first.

>What's the deal with sugar, Veeky Forums?
After Americans realized they can't lose weight by just cutting out fat, they're trying the same again with sugar.

Hint: It won't work either.

>every carb turns into sugar in your body


Wow I shall try this thanks a lot
Also why is fructose bad? Isn't it just sugar from fruit?

Its not good. If you wanna get fat/increase weight eat a lot of fat. White sugar dosen't give you energy like most carbs. Its litteral garbage. You will actually loose energy and feel completely shit if you eat significant ammount of white sugar (50g+) However don't be scared of sugar. Only white sugar. Fruits are great since it contains tons of antioxidants, fiber and other tons of goodies.

>put a lot of research into this
>sugar gives diabetes
Jesus Christ dude. What causes diabetes is bad fats and cholesterol. What triggers diabetes symptoms however is sugar but that is because the fat is fucking your shit up,

>You fags need to go watch NutritionFacts on youtube and stop getting your nutrition information from bros.
you're actually retarded if you think cheese helps with fatloss or just health in general.
how is honey "healthy"
Fructose is not bad. Eat as much carbs as you want as long its from good sources. Its really good for you. Id recommenced to watch "what the health" great documentary to get you started with what is "healthy"

>you're actually retarded if you think cheese helps with fatloss or just health in general
It's just a source of calcium and brotein.

indeed. just like snicker bars are a great source of copper and carbs which is why I eat them. What do you mean there are major health consequences eating shitty food with the excuse of "it has a lot of this ONE nutrient that you can easily get elsewhere"?

What do you think digestion and metabolising actually do?

Except it's not shitty, you arrogant schmuck. Just like honey. And together they are even better.

>you're actually retarded if you think cheese helps with fatloss or just health in general.


That shows no effect

There's nothing wrong with sugar as a carbohydrate. Its an okay energy source.

However, you will die early if you consume it too often. But it is kind of ironic that there are people who literally inject themselves with chemicals they buy from their smelly dope man, but wont eat sugar.

>you're actually retarded if you think cheese helps with fatloss or just health in general.
can confirm, its a great snack with good macros. I eat cottage cheese with honey on an almost daily basis, currently on a cut

I didn't know they even bothered to paint the walls at Auschwitz.


Sugar is good for you but the average westerner probably consumes 5x what is ideal on a given day. Probably 10x if you drink soda a lot. You have to train your mind to dislike sweet things.

It's bad for your health no matter what so treat it like a luxury you can't afford.

>having nobbly traps

Sign of beta gentics 2bh

So let me get this straight. IF i dont eat enough carbs and instead of dinner i drink my protein shake i will not get any gains nor fat loss but my muscles will burn instead?

>Not paying attention in HS chem

Atp, Krebs cycle, glucose any of this ring a bell?

lol $10000 he looks better than you

>average amerishart