Veeky Forums advice that you wish you heard sooner

a few days ago an user said that you should do a fuck ton of reps for side lat raises in order to get popping delts.

I thought it was a meme, but today I tried 50 reps of side lat raises per set and I literally fixed my hunched posture and made a weeks worth of shoulder gains all in one workout. Some of the best advice I've gotten from Veeky Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

focus on form in beginning lifting over gains. a lifetime of repairing, relearning, and compensating for shitty form is invaluably costly.

Start off with 5x5 and learn proper from

Be consistent and don't stop training. Go on a serious cut if you consider yourself 'too big' but never quit training when your gym membership expires. Renew it.

Be consistent and don't fuck around in the gym. Just pick a good program of the internet and then do it.

>side lat raises
What did he mean by this?

>set of 50 reps
How much were you lifting?

ice doenst visit Veeky Forums. he's a reddit fag.

Have the exact body as leanice44
If he was here id timestamp in his honor

why 5x5 and not 3x5?


5x5 is going to be hard to progess every workout. 3x5 is better.

Diet is almost everything.

If I would have known that in middle school I would have been fit my whole life.

This, so many months wasted

>a week's worth of shoulder gains in two days

you don't gain that fast unless you're on gear retard

you can gain that much for roiding?
brb, I've a general to lurk

1) You are not supposed to progress every workout, unless you're an early beginner. Progress is valued on weekly or, actually, monthly basis.
2) With 5x3 you're not getting enough volume, unless you're throwing in a fuckton of different exercises to target the same muscle areas.
5RM = ~87% 1RM
if you're doing ~95% 5RM * 5 reps * 3 sets = 14.25 Rep-Volume
if you're doing ~90% 5RM * 5 reps * 5 sets = 22.50

with two more sets you get +58% more Rep-volume
in theory, you should aim for at least 40 Rep-volume per workout per muscle group, for the training to be effective. And less than ~120 Rep-volume per week.

If you did roids and sat on your ass for a week you would still make better gains than if you went to the gym that week natty

I understand why there are so many roidheads
I kinda find bummed for going natty now

You still need to work out if you want to get Zyzz level though, that aint gonna happen on its own

Oh Gods so much this... I wish i could go back in time and smack my own shit up

>some days just one meal a day for no apparent reason
>regular sleeping - lol who needs this
>barely any hydration
>drink Cola shits and sugary drinks
>"dunno why am i not getting stronger?"

Can you spot your source user?
(This is an honest question... I've never heard about that and sounds quite interesting)

Using lower rep ranges is obviously better for gaining strength and size, however that doesn't matter if you keep injuring yourself and therefore can't progress. Stick to 3x20 to prevent injury and to maximize general fitness.

He just never had the pump in that area before

>Using lower rep ranges is obviously better for gaining strength and size
not really
>3x20 to prevent injury and to maximize general fitness
and wrong.

In the current year I'm not supposed to dispel yet another time the myth that hypertrophy is not equally triggered by "strength" and "resistance" training. Do your homework and lurk more.
Lower rep ranges, traditionally considered in the "strength range", are more apt for large muscle groups or for draining compound movements (squats, deadlifts). Higher rep ranges, traditionally considered in the "resistance range", are more apt (and convenient, time wise: less rests, less sets) for smaller muscle groups (shoulders, biceps ...)
There's not a range "to prevent injury". You can seriously injure yourself with a badly performed 3x18 (I refuse to accept "x20" as anything but cardio) french press, skull crush or OHP, i.e. fucking up your rotator cuff. You're perfectly safe squatting 5x5, provided that you're actually using a weight that allows you to perform 5 reps with acceptable form.

Stop bullshitting people telling them that they have to use babby weights (that literally do not elicit a muscular response, just some sweat) because otherwise they'll get injured. Proper form (which involve the use of weights you realistically can choose for that rep range) is the key to prevent injury and to get gains.

So Greyskull isn't an ideal entry program? I've often heard it referred to it as such.

pic and reverse barbell curls

Anything works for untrained/novice. Just lift things up for the purpose of putting them down as you feel comfortable with it, sleep, eat, and you'll progress. Noob gains won't last forever tho,

3x5 is way better for strength gains than 5x5 for novices. I'm talking about NOVICES. The extra 2 sets will just hinder them in the long run.

It's fine to not have 100% perfect form if it's close to PR weight

Skinnyfat at over a year of "working out".

This so fucking much.

GSLP is easily the best one for beginners purely due to the fact that it includes auto-regulation. Personally I would prefer more volume. But that alone makes it better than most.

>2 extra sets will hinder them

And any more than 1 deadlift set per week will ruin their CNS too right? lmao


Kek dyel you'll know what I'm talking about when you lift heavy, it's fucking exhausting to do 5 sets of your 5RM for every compund lift.

I would actually bet a million dollars that I lift more than you bro.

>made a weeks worth of shoulder gains all in one workout

But, wait! There's more! Call now and you can get our abs accelerator for only $29.99 extra! That's a $ 150 value!

Gear Second?

as opposed to front raises, honestly DYEL?

I chased a lot of volume with 5x5, 3x8 and other schemes that said to leave a rep in the tank. I'd rest until I was ready. It was the land of stalling and no gains, no matter how much or little accessory work I did.

What got my lifts up was to focus on things like 8x3 (leaving 3-4 reps and doing them fast), short rest periods with sub-maximal sets, cycles of heavier singles (100+ work reps of DL per week, lifting daily), and long-assed pyramid sets done rest/pause.

The downside is that you're so hungry fastfood becomes an option again

proof it faggot


Pic for what?

when doing yoga or bodyweight, keep your back straight no matter what

I made weeks of flexibility gains in my hips last night

then I went and felt my ass. tight and hard. am I gay?

nonsense. Do at 90% 5RM rather than 95% 5RM.

Fuck splits, just do full body. Unlimited gains.

>reps for side lat raises in order to get popping delts.

First time on Veeky Forums and I have no idea what those words mean
Could someone explain
Pls don't be mean

full body is for not committed people who go to the gym twice/three times a week, get noob gains for ~6 months than summer passes and they go full slob and they start again
rinse and repeat

it means that OP is a faggot and a dyel

i'm starting my third week of Oxandrolone that is a "weak" steroid, and on 15 days i've already gained 7lbs of lean muscle and lost some fat, tomorrow i'm starting pinning test also to see if i can get on 200lbs by summer, i also got strong and hungry as fuck

>every fullbody routine is SS
>Muh gym everyday meme

Do you see SS referenced in the post you're quoting?
Do you see a suggestion to go everyday?

Well yeah, if you go more than 4 days per week, then a split makes sense. Simply because muscles need rest time.

Can someone explain why his arms are so red?

>I'm a fraudster
I'm sorry for you


Maybe he has been doing windmills until all of his blood was in his forearms.

So much this.

You also get a much better workout in less reps with proper form.

Just yesterday I learned I was doing push-ups wrong (too quickly and with my elbows bending out sidways). Now that I go slower and tuck my elbows under me, I went from doing 50-30 each set to only 18-12.

Also, how easy dieting is when you just count your calories.

Im only 160lbs @ 23, but I still feel like I wasted so many years wasted

Lobstermode routine:
>Yanking freeweights out of boiling water as fast as you can x10
>Getting your arms waxed
>Rubbing some beet juice on your arms
>Slapping your arms together x10

Don't play dumb

Seems like YOU'RE the DYEL here, buddy.

A lateral raises is a side raise, without adding "side" to them. Silly kid!

stop pretending to argue with something I didn't write and stop forging strawmen, unless you enjoy fooling yourself and entertain your ego in a monologue.
I didn't think about SS not even for a second and I'm against training everyday.

If you are 6' and 120lbs don't go full keto carbs are not your enemy.

fug me

Can I ask what did you make start roiding? Im curious

Let's look at what you said then

>full body is for not committed people who go to the gym twice/three times a week
How does the number of times you go to the gym measure commitment? That's stupid, baseless, and often times those 3 day a week programs work BETTER than programs that run more days per week such as PPL.

>get noob gains for ~6 months
Clearly you didn't do your googles. Fullbody does not stop working after the novice stage, you just need periodization which programs like stronglifts or greyskull don't have because they're designed for novices.

>summer passes and they go full slob and they start again rinse and repeat
This is you projecting

>How does the number of times you go to the gym measure commitment?
To be clear I'm talking about per week.

This is now mode


1) Hit the gym 5 days/week. 2-3 days/week? Never gonna make it.

2) Saturated fat is not the Great Satan, and good for test production.

3) Ignore/mock SS.

4) Form > All

Only thing from Veeky Forums I wish I IGNORED was the over-emphasis on squats.

I know it has been said but


why not 4x4?

Yo, so I have a question, that's not worthy of its own thread. How often should you do accessory works?

We all feel our ass bro. We work hard for it, why wouldn't we be proud?

Don't be ridiculous

Sleep on your fucking back. Its hard, but u gotta keep trying until u do it naturally every night.

>How does the number of times you go to the gym measure commitment?
Because not committed people are looking for short-cuts and they want to feel they're doing good even if they don't really want to dedicate time. The "I don't have time" is a bullshit. You can always find one hour a day for most if not all the days of the week.

>That's stupid, baseless
>full body works BETTER
You're stupid and baseless.

>Clearly you didn't do your googles
>Just add more periodization

back the fuck up? I've been lifting for over 6 years already. shut up and lift.

a "fuckton" more exercises? You mean like one more exercise? Don't be that delusional.

Higher bodypart frequency has been proven to invariably work better and fullbody allows for higher bodypart frequency than brosplits, PPL or upper/lower. You cannot argue this, this is literally a fact.

>Not adding periodization
Have fun never being big or strong lmao. Out of everything you said this showcases your lack of knowledge the most.

>Lifting for 6 years without any form of periodization
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO how's that 135 bench treating you little guy?

Advice I wished I heard sooner:

1. Compound lifts
3. Cardio isn't the devil, just don't go crazy with it but I have no interest in being a marathon runner anyway. Sprints are great for overall conditioning, along with a few long runs mixed in as well
4. Overtraining isn't an actual thing. Maybe it is, but the level that I was at was nowhere close to overtraining
5. Don't over-analyze every random detail. Sure, try to have a good program, but just get in there, work hard, and eat well.
6. The only supplements that I think have any real value are creatine, fish oil, and vitamin D. Beyond that, save your money.

That's a vague question. But one accessory exercise comes to mind that you can do every workout - facepulls

It's fucking crazy how many people on Veeky Forums don't know basic shit such as this

>Assuming Veeky Forums isn't 90% dyels and autists at this point.

I know it's fucking lunacy. Half these people don't even understand the effect of progressive overload actually has on your body.

It's fun, you'll be much healthier but it won't cure your autism

Don't let her go. There's no one else that compares

What do you mean by this?

> mfw being a fat fuck in HS and realizing losing weight isn't actually a meme when shit just drops once I started watching calories.

Wasted a year just lifting with no focus on diet, when I went to uni and upped the beer and burgers I realised I didn't really pack that much muscle on.
In the process of recomping and losing bodyfat to prepare for a nice clean bulk in August

This was also a meme I had to deal with.

>started out extreme skelly
>started tracking food, forcing myself to eat enough
>started lifting
>gained weight hand over fist
>made gains
>decided to cut and get abs
>lost a lot of weight, turns out I hadn't got as much muscle as I thought
>abs appear but I'm not bulky at all

I'm now extremely impressed by anyone that has visible abs and also decent delts or arms.

How can someone sound so condescending and also be so wrong?

Thank God for my Chad genetics. I eat like a pig, lift heavy, and have the body of a model.

Why? Once you stall on 5x5 you drop down to 3x5 and keep making gains

I know whatchu mean homie

People think doing the same weight for the same weight with the same rest for the same reps is getting them bigger because they got a pump, but hypertrophy is just a side effect of progressive overload. Achieving progressive overload as often as possible should be the goal of anyone looking to get bigger OR getting stronger. Obviously another side effect of progressive overload is CNS adaptation, and depending on the intensity of the lifts your performing you could be training your CNS more or causing more hypertrophy but those two things invariably happen as long as recovery and calories are sufficient.

A lot of people don't get this, they just curl the same 25s all year round and wonder why they aren't getting anywhere.

Progressive overload is literally the cornerstone of 99% of people's goal in the gym but if you asked half the people on here to explain it and the effects it has they wouldn't be able to despite it being simple as fuck.

>same weight for the same weight
meant to say for the same sets lol

>3) Ignore/mock SS.

Yep. Whether you're a Skelly or a landbeast, diet is 90% of gains.


What does 95% % rep max mean? I usually do 205lbs on my 5x5 deadlift.