This goofy looking, pasty DYEL fucks hot /out/ chicks on the reg

This goofy looking, pasty DYEL fucks hot /out/ chicks on the reg.

What's your excuse?

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He lives in a van down by the river.

This guys grip though. Climbers have such strength but look DYEL.

This dude just pulled off one of the most incredible feats in human history.

This goofy looking, pasty DYEL has bigger balls than everyone on this board

The guy just performed the equivalent of a 3000 lb deadlift

Dude probably has a hella firm handshake though

Probably girls with a hairy bush desu but I'm sure he lays pipe. He's the most famous rock climber in the world right now and status like that goes a long fucking way.

Dudes dedicated though which makes him inspiring. He's had that goal for almost a decade and pours his body and mind into climbing.

Good motivation.

he probably has repressed rage from being dressed like a girl

Scientists did brain scans on him, and his brain doesn't correctly process fear.

How come he has such a nice chest and core, but such skinny arms?

You'd think rock climbing would give you a juicy back and arms, not chest.

Good climbing technique favors using the rest of the body to get up the rock, as over using your arms to climb will tire you the fuck out.

that's the smile of a fear processing disorder

or a sexual predator

>implying The Honnold is some mere mortal

or both

Is that true?

The only thing you need to do to attract a she-/out/ist is go camping with them.Too bad that, for all our talk about getting tough and being manly, most of Veeky Forums would cry if we had to sleep innawoods overnight.

hahaha i actually like this comparison

not even close, more like a 12pl8 bench without spotters

Classic SNL Skit

I know that this is a meme on this board, but if anything, THIS is what peak performance looks like.

Literally no other man on planet Earth has completed the physical feat he just casually did.


Nah, this user is more like it. Only two other climbers in history even thought about maybe considering doing what Honnold just did. And both of those climbers are dead from rock climbing accidents.

What did he do?

You can say that about any world record holder in anything.

i dont know, being fearless is a common autistic thread, im sure many guys at Veeky Forums can manage it, returning alive is another thing.

Climbed El Capitan without any rope or safety gear. A free solo climb of 3000 feet up a sheet rock wall with nothing to protect him if his grip slipped. He did it in 3 hours 56 minutes.

Maybe any world record performance of strength, but that's why it's such a big deal when those are broken. Most world records are childish and meaningless.

Thats incredible

>that rogan interview
One of us
One of us
One of us

Holy fucking shit

Is he human What the hell.

the power of autism

Two professional climbers did it recently with gear, took them 19 days to do what he did in four hours

It's called STATUS

hes a famous person in the rock climbing world

ofc he would fuk some chicks

this guy oughta start climbing shirtless for a while, that farmer tan is ridiculous

To some extent. What he did is qualitatively different than anything achieved before. Benching 1001lbs is hardly different than 1000lbs even if that 1lb means the world record, but free soloing half dome is completely next level.

*El capitan

I think you mean 19 hours

having climbed/hiked half dome, I would blow this guy out of sheer respect

no homo tho

You're thinking of the Dawn Wall, and the reason it took that long is because they were attempting to free climb (has safety gear, but doesn't assist the climb at all). The Dawn Wall's rating is significantly higher (like 7-8 ratings higher, so like 1.5-2 plates more) than El Cap.

But geared, people typically take 1-3 days to climb El Cap, mainly because leading (setting safety) as you climb up, then belaying your partner up who then has to undue the previous gear on the way up takes WAY longer than just going up.

What he did is still absolutely astonishing, though.

I watched a doc about rock climbing that ended by introducing this kid as the next step in the sport. The dude seems autistic, or just extremely socially detached. A lot of his achievements are credited to his mental focus more than his physical strength.

>getting laid

when will they ever learn. grats to the guy though. climbing to the top shelf for his favorite cereal translated into a great skill. Little guy did well for himself.

do you actually think you're above this guy because he's 5'11?
Get off your high horse faggot

If you could reach the high horse, you'd understand.

>finishes his historic, possibly never-to-be-repeated climb
>is asked what he will do with the rest of the day
>says he has to workout, because he's working out every other day and it's the other day

even if you don't care about climbing, you can respect his work ethic. dude has been preparing for this for a year and is on to the next thing already


This Rogan interview is funny and interesting. Honnold does seem a bit autistic, but Rogan represents a nonclimber's fascination with Alex's feats, while Alex is super down to earth and matter of fact. Pretty entertaining

I can't find the video, but he was getting interviewed by some thicc reporter lady once and he mentioned his fingers were huge and he could barely fit them in tiny slots in the rock and the lady was instantly like 'show me.'

There's another video of him and some blonde irish qt talking too and they definitely rugged

here it is

so does that mean he's a psychopath or autistic?

>Rest of your body
>His pressing muscles

Who cares.

Wow the monkey xman climbed a rock. He gets laid.

Awesome truly inspiring .............

Why post the link if youre telling the whole fucking video with your shit blog post

Which means he's very confident with girls eh

What a fucking legend. Literally superhuman.