What are some great ways to lose weight fast especially for high school students buried with work upon work?

What are some great ways to lose weight fast especially for high school students buried with work upon work?

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Just don't eat.

>high school
>buried in work

Is this a meme or are you a future Trump voter who found high school challenging even after trying his hardest and are a future factory worker soon to be unemployed because a robot could do your dumbass job more efficiently?

>high school student
>burried with work

>high school students

you aren't as busy as you think you are

You are not buried with work upon work in high school. High school will be the easiest part of your life. If you can't manage to just eat less and lose weight in high school, you'll never make it.


Don't even bother doing the work, not like someone as retarded as you is going to go into higher academia anyway.

Don't eat. Also high school is the easiest part of life

It's like you don't even try.
Go read some shit.
And don't pollute this board with dumbshit threads.

>>underage b&


read the sticky

finish your 200 word essays


Not OP but different people have different workloads in HS. Some smoke pot, play vidya and go to parties and manage to graduate. Some people spend avg. 15 hours a day learning and a 2 hour commute back home. All in all trying to have gainz at this point in life is almost impossible.

>15 hours a day with a 2 hour commute
This is just absurd

You tell me buddy, you tell me ...

If you have to spend more than 1 hr a day studying in high school, you're not going to make it.

What kind of fucking fantasy world do you live in?
Gains are ALWAYS possible.
Sometimes it just gets tougher.

So either toughen the fuck up, or make excuses for this fuckin kid.

Summer is coming my older Veeky Forumsfags, prepare for the wave of highschoolers.

Jesus fuck.

Why the fuck would you do this? Why are you driving two hours to fucking high school? Why are you spending like 7 extra hours studying?

Don't believe the bullshit.
Just someone exaggerating the truth, so they can have an excuse.

The mental gymnastics some of these fucks pull....

3d best high-school in my region. Pretty tough course. 3 new languages. Tiger mom. Etc. Etc. Nothing really fascinating about it really. I just hope to suffer through 2 more years and maybe college will be easier

6/10 bait

Excuses. Excuses. Excuses.
If you don't have the force of will to carve out 1 hour, every other day,...
Then you're beyond saving.

This man knows

I think your mommy and friends never told you to be nice... is the bus that takes you to school the smaller one?

It might be. Might be not. Whatever man, the point is sometimes highschool isn't the easiest part of your life
Yeah i carve this 1 hour a day. I carve it 4 times a week. But sleeping 5-7 hours, eating whatever, isn't exactly helping. Sure i look better than i did. But seeing people transform in a year, and seeing my progress, i'm almost ready to give up.

Presumably if you come from a middle-class american family, it's easy to say "uhhhh you just don't put enough effort, excuses excuses". It doesn't work that way in other parts of the world. Not in my at least

First of all. Grow a fuckin pair of balls.
You sound wishy washy as fuck.
Like you can't decide whether to blow a guy or let him fuck you in the ass.

Secondly, Take your head out of the bullshit bizarro-world you find yourself in.
You said it yourself. You aren't eating right, so dial that in.

The world gives a man no fuckin pity. So you either get buried in the shit, Or you rise above it.
This not a hand-holding thread, this isn't a victim mental masturbation thread.
You aren't seeing the results you want? Fix it.

Or give up. You're free to be buried. I'll gladly walk over you, as will everyone else.
And no one will give a shit.
The only person that gives a shit, is yourself.


and who the fuck are you?
an annoying faggot? gtfo

Why is this thread still alive, I thought we all concluded OP might be mentally challenged?

>29 posts
>16 IPs

>Fit related question
>No good advice
>Too good to post helpful advice, but not too good to shitpost

OP, easiest way to lose weight quickly is to read the fucking sticky.
Drink water and eat fresh raw vegetables ERRY DAY

Riiiight... you sure think you're some kind of a hot shit on a silver platter don't you ? Then just abandon the thread and go on do your "walking over" thing

more like a bunch of shit heads dogpiled on OP and judgment everywhere and no actual fit advice or knowledge passed on.

No one wants to help some underaged b& fag who hasn't even read the sticky

"Go fuck yourself" - You have been judged.

At this point it's a fuckin trainwreck, Can't help but look at a crash.

Are we gonna keep telling these guys to read the sticky?
These guys can't do their due diligence to read.
So why should we hold their fuckin hand, when they make shitposts like this?

It's a dumbfuckin thread. Losing weight fast isn't sustainable.
Being in highschool makes little difference. And then you qualify it all with a bullshit excuse.

Literally read the fucking sticky.
Your thread provides no value to this board, except as a cautionary tale of what not to do.

Cut out added sugars. Eat foods that are less calorie dense (vegetables, lean meat).

When I was in high school, every day I would wake up early and cook myself a meal for my lunch. I would usually make brown rice and some sort of protein, with cucumbers or carrots in the lower compartment of my lunch box. I would also pack a ziploc baggie of tortilla chips or smart pop for a snack during one of my classes. I also carried around a water bottle and drank pretty much nothing but water all day, and would drink quite a bit.

In senior year of HS i still fit into t-shirts I had bought in first grade.

Stupida fawking thread

You gotta a bee on your hatt

Don't eat. Fast.


You don't have to fast if you want to lose weight. OP should learn how to eat well. Not just fast every time he gets too fat.


Maybe they have an obligation, but instead of complaining, you should just do a good job for whoever is interested.
Threads die from inactivity. They sort themselves out.
Quit complaining and just be helpful.

Why the fuck are you making fun of op? High school is a lot more stressful these days (only if you're an honor student taking AP classes)
In college you can half ass it but in high school you're still a kid


It works, its healthy, if OP tries it and likes it he can do exactly that.

Cleanse your body, balance your hormones, strengthen your mental clarity and sharpness, and all for free. Only critical thinkers will consider fasting, dumbies will have a knee-jerk rejection of the idea from a lifetime of propaganda. Don't be dumb, research it.

You're acting like most of the people on this board didn't come out of high school within the past few years

>high school students buried with work upon work?
Oh boy adult life will hit you like a fucking truck

I never said there's anything wrong with fasting, you just couldn't wait to jump on me for that though. I said that he doesn't need to fast. And that since he's in high school, he should learn how to eat healthily instead of just fasting.

cut your leg off


Med student with gainz here, if you have to study 15h a day in high school you should not progress into higher education.

The quickest method is also a very unhealthy method, this will drop pounds FAST!

If you have allergies, metal conditions or on any medication...DO NOT DO THIS!

During the span of 7 days Sun - Sat you will be doing 4 things for the full length of the week.
1.) Daily weightlifting: Split your weightlifting of certain body parts into 7 pieces and do one per day.
I.e. Sun=Legs, Mon=Shoulders ....and so on. Each workout should be 30 - 60 minutes.
2.) Hardcore cardio: Immediately after lifting weights do a hardcore fat burning workout like P90X. Again approximately 30 - 60 minutes.
3.) Jogging: Again, immediately after finishing the cardio workout go for a run for 30 minutes. Walk 1 minute, jog 1 minute, walk 1 minute, jog 1 minute etc..... for 30 - 60 minutes.
4.) Fasting: Lastly, for the whole 7 days you will do a water fast. No food, just water and only when you feel thirsty.

I'm pretty sure the only person with shit for brains is OP. Studying for 7 hrs after high school is not only abnormal but a sign of a SEVERE learning disability.

Hopefully you're not studying 7 hrs and struggling to pass classes because "you're a bad test taker."

There's nothing in high school that requires 15 hours a day of study.

2 hours daily is more than enough

>15 hour learning

the secrets of the cosmos?

Bitch u better be learning how to decode the human brain or just kill yourelf

some high schools are insane. mine wasn't even particularly bad and i got 3-5 hours a night worth of homework. once you add in time spent in school, sleeping, eating, and commuting sometimes there isn't much time for meal prep/cardio that wouldn't be 10000x more enjoyably spent relaxing.
eat less. have prepared breakfasts in your fridge, and try to either cook your own dinner, attempt to request something if your parents are super nice, or weigh/track everything. do cardio on the weekends, and during the week if you can find time. if you have to do a lot of reading, using an exercise bike while reading can work, but if not audiobooks might help.

>15 hours a day


Not sure if bait but funny nonetheless.

dude, tiger moms don't fuck around. have you never known an asian kid with a super demanding mom?

>high school students
>bured with work upon work

enjoy failing miserably in the real world, kid

Yeah I read battle hymn of the tiger mother.

Is OP an Asian whose mother demands he play the piano 8 hours a day?
If not, he's has enough time to workout.

she doesn't have to know he's smoking weed 5 hours a day, studying 3 minutes and lifting 2 hours m8

>Posted for hours
>Too busy for lifting
Kys my man

point i'm trying to make is that there literally are kids who have abusive parents. it isn't uncommon for asian kids with tiger moms wake up at 5-6am, start studying before school, then go to school, then after school have tutors. and after the tutors come piano/violin lessons and homework. OP made no mention of a tiger mom, but attempting to immediately call bullshit on one person's situation based upon generalities is fuckin silly

this is just silly coddling sjw bullshit logic. if kid is in highschool, he should be 15-18. he needs to fucking stand up for himself at this point

Read. The. Fucking. Sticky.

Now that was ebic!!!