ohp 135x2
bench 205x1
squat 290x1
deadlift 375x3

6'3" 190lbs
rate me

You look way better than me, but at least my OHP is better than yours

Fucking kill me please

Normies would think you look great

5'9" manlet 190lbs

OHP 205
BP 275
SQ 425
DL 505

he looks better than you

work on your arms, they're fucking sticks

190cm 85kg. Btw anyone got the "solid, pecs" greentext?

>pose that puts zero emphasis on arms
>arms look small

Gee fucking whiz.

Why are you only showing your backside asshole

Full set from last post


In from last thread before it goes kill

6'3 209lbs



I'm pretty sure you meant to throw a comma in there.
Learn some basic grammar, asshole.

2 months lifting .. am I dyel still ? 5'10 180

But youll make it

Man you got some body dysmorphia if those look small to you

Keep at it bro you likely have a nice physique under that beer belly

havent been to the gym for 1.5 months now

someone motivate me to go

210lbs - 175lbs
Dirtiest of bulks.

Your chest is depressing.

Nice. No homo.

hey you, go to the gym
so left was the end of your bulk? either way nice cut, but work core and chest more

Yes but by bulk I just mean living a fat, drunk, depressing life while continuing to lift.

ayy lads


Like 5 years lifting desu


is there another definition?

ohp 155x5
bench 215x5
squat 275x5
deadlift 350x1

6'2" 200lbs
i squat a2g every workout and yours is still better - can you front squat 245x5 though? (pls say no)


I need to remove my gyno :(

your bench is pretty low compared to your press

>tfw skipped in a list of adjacent posts

5 10, 72kg

I have ridiculously high standards for physiques due to being on Veeky Forums for 6 years and roiding for three.

Everyone in this thread probably looks good to normies I dunno I am a bad gauge of that


your mom is pretty low on my johnson

chem in your humble and experience opinion, do you think I need gear to achieve pic related or am I almost there? Be dead serious with me


kek, breh he's actually why I started lifting too. He was still here and alive when I started my journey.

It took me a long time to realize I'd been rused.

You're not getting anywhere near that without gear, and still probably nowhere near that with gear for years.

His insertions and facial aesthetics were all godtier.

Even roids don't fix genetics.

You don't have gyno.

I don't know why my weight isn't increasing, I've been stuffing my face daily for 5 months now. I look better though, r-right? It's just my body recomping?

OHP: 90lbs x 5
Bench: 110lbs x 10
Squats/Deads: idk (injury)

>inb4 bullying about my nipples

I know he isnt natty and yeah i was an impressionable kid who has been killing myself for years trying to achieve his physique. Is he really that much bigger than me in that pic? He just looks a lot leaner

It's not about 'big', it's about being full and lean with a certain look.

Natty's don't look like that when they get lean, they look flat and depleted.

Always post this pic but...

6 1 180
DL: 385
Squat: embarrassingly low

Forgot pic ^^


Thanks bruh

i feel you dude... its so depressing and makes me want to quit my cut right now. Like honestly what am I even cutting for if im not going to be able to maintain it for long and will just look like a strung out crack head.. feels bad man. I want to get on dat der but am only 20 :(

5'9 170

B 265x4
S 365X2

I know this feel. Do you know the feel where you feel like you wanna stop and just bulk or maintain but feel like you need to lose a little bit more fat because you don't want to lose the cuts right away? I wanna stop but think once I carb up I'll look not as good. Also feeling small in t shirts sucks

Just hop on test jesus christ people act like it's the devil or something

Is that a good idea when your 20? Also why not just do a load of sarms?

SARMS are a meme, I hopped on at 17, I'm only 20.

And in those three years I almost died twice and lost all my gains and spent a year in jail natty with no PCT.

Well yeah you may have done it but is it good for you? What if I can't get a boner at 30? Also sarms can't be a meme I've heard nothing but good things

>but is it good for you?

Some steroids are pretty damn healthy, others not so much

go do unbiased research

I know that feel all too well bro. I wanted to cut to as lean as I could to start a lean bulk but at this point I feel like im just spinning my wheels when I could be getting stronger

i want to but I have mild gyno so im literally petrified of taking gear and it getting worse because right now its not as noticeable .. but ive read if you have it you are very prone to getting it once you start a cycle . Also you look great as always dude, mirin those delts hard man

>th-thanks, y-you too...

> 6'7" 230 lbs
> Fell for the don't train abs meme

What should I work on besides core

Training abs is a meme.

Cutting is how you train abs.

Your a good looking dude user, keep it up!

D1 College runnerfag checking in. 5'10'' 138lbs. After my senior year next year I want to take a break from running and start swimming & bulking up to become a triathlonfag. Currently trying to work on back and shoulders on my free lifting day.

You got great potential if you bulk up a bit more and go back to the gym
You're gonna make it, user, i believe in you!


But I've cut down from 255 since January and still barely have abs. Having more mass there would make them appear at a higher bf, no?

my lifts are shit but i went from being a 220 fat fag to being a 186 skinny fat fag
Feels bad man

Abs don't really grow much duder, it's about reducing the amount of fat covering them.

I've never trained core a day in my life.

forgot height
16 y/o

Impressive, but get back in the gym and get some real lifts down.
and get a proper haircut while you're at it

Are you gay?

i-i also need to know the answer to this...

Lol no, what makes you think im gay?


Alright, well what would you suggest I work on, outside of generally getting bigger?

15 months lifting 5'8 174 lbs

Bench 225x1
Squat 295x1
DL 315x6

how fat am i and how good is my progress for lifts?


>little bitch shoulders
>little bitch traps
>205 OHP
>everything in fact

e-stat manlet fraud fuck off back to the shire lmao.

Yeah im calling bullshit on your stats, you look ok but not that strong.


I would fuck you for hours

Mirin bro, that's some solid fucking size

pls let me ride you


Need a cut for those lovehandles.

Why the fuck do my forearms feel painful when I wake up? I recently bought new pillow and mattress to combat this shit and still I wake up having fucked up arms. It always goes away in like 1 minute after getting out of bed.

You got what I've been going for

Dont visit the gym. Home stuff for almost a year

Closest thing to proof I have on my phone is a photo of a 465 dl I got in February.

I have a 425lb squat video on my computer I'll have to find.

>stronger than he is big
>what is powerlifting

Also pretty sure my delts are doing fine

Currently trying to cut. Cut out carbs for broccoli and veg in general

Those tits, post ass bby

I sleep on my arms and they wake up dead, I have to flail them about in the hope it will knock my alarm into submission with my mongoloid moves

173 lbs 5'11

why do i store so much fat on my lower stomach and chest?

pls kill me now

underneath that bulk is the body sculpted by a god

Lol thanks breh, my diet is kind of limited being in a remote work camp. Whatever is on the menu I gotta eat

look decent, but you're weak as FUCK

Guys stop embarrassing yourselves, if you're under 6'3'' you do not need to lift since no one will ever look at you, fucking manlets I swear

thoughts/advice ? I think if I cut a bit I could look decent.


mirin 18 y.o aesthetics son ?
bp 275
diddly 365
squat 315
ohp 175 but can 135 x10 no prob

Wtf is wrong with your chest