How do i introduce myself to my downstairs qt neighbour...

how do i introduce myself to my downstairs qt neighbour ? Already caught her mirin' twice when we crossed each others path in the building, but not enough interaction to build anything.

Also she got a fucking garden and I need to fucking enjoy the sun. And her bed. But the sun would be enough

Tips for talking to a chick that is 6 -7 years younger and 3 floors away from me plz

Hey, I live upstairs a couple of floors. My names user, New to the area? I can show you around.

Hey, I live upstairs a couple of floors. My names user, are you an archaeologist?

I though of this, Not sure she's new to the area, she got plenty of friends coming over regularly. May have been around for longer than I have for all I know


John ?

Nah it's Chad. Eyy talking about Stacy or what?

damn right i am

Dude, discord now.

got no time for that, gotta get that cutie in my bed, can't you fucking read?


Stacy ?

Hey man, looks like you accidentally dropped some clothes on her garden.
You might want to go and get your stuff back. Bring homemade cookies or something for good neighbouring.

Sounds midly autistic

Drop a leopard print g-string into her yard and go retrieve it with your shirt off.

Change this to a lighter and this could work OP, it's common people smoke outside their windows especially lighting their cancer sticks so play on that and if she brings it up just say you are quitting slowly.

bringing cookies is plain dumb, droping shit is an idea, but hard to transform into a conversation

I'm Veeky Forums, i don't smoke.

Hump a pillow or something on your bed, and be really loud and obnoxious about it so that she will hear it. She will assume you are dynamite in bed and thus be more open to your advances.

why hump a pillow when i can hump a girl ?

wait, who am i kidding, havn't fucked in months.

>Interaction 1
Hey! My name's user. I live upstairs. How's it going?

Hey listen — I've got to get a gift for my friend's dog. I know, right? Do you know any pet stores around the area that have like, funny gifts? It's this little toy poodle and I want to get it one of those massive tennis balls, just to see him try to eat it... [shoot the shit for a few minutes].

Hey listen, I gotta run, nice chatting.

>Interaction 2
Oh hey [name]. I'm hitting the bar with a few people later, you wanna come by? It'll be fun.

Here —let me give you my number. If you're free later, shoot me a text and I'll send you the details.

No but you can pretend you retard, fucking hell.

if you are nervous to just talk to her, then your first interaction is going to be pretty awkward. She will pick up on it and either show interest or act oblivious to let you down easier.
Seriously, just start talking to girls. All of them are real friendly when you aren't in a club or bar

I hope this ends with user being forced to regularly smoke in front of her as not to reveal his autistic lies and developing cancer.

Here's an idea:

Just say hi when you come across her and mention her garden. Say that you mire' her garden/flowers/hobby or shit and ask her if you can come check it and hang around once in a while.

>first interation starting with a lie

Not fit related you creepy fuck

>Hey I'm user and I live upstairs, we've crossed ways a few times already and I felt like I should finally introduce myself.

Follow that up with asking stuff like how long she's been living there etc. Though she'll probably start talking about random shit herself if she's into you so I wouldn't plan it out too much.
That's how I'd do it.

Not related to the thread but is it autistic to rehearse before a date? Like I read through our messages and remembered her interests and things she told me and I am now making a document of topics we could talk about still that I'm gonna memorize and bring up in case we run out of things to say.

>D-d-d-do you go to the gym to workout

Thank me later user. just gotta start it off with: "how it goin..? the rest just flows from there...

It doesnt reallly matter what you say, just keep the convo rolling...



That's how it'd happen if I'd cross her in the hallway. Can't just go and knock at her door for no reason.

>not over-thingking a simple problem


Making a document and memorizing is weird, just try to have a natural conversation. It sounds a lot better than something that's rehearsed

Yeah...that shit will honestly just stifle you to the max...

Maybe think of a couple things specifically to bring up , but the rest is just you...just gotta wing it and freestyle...

You gotta suss out if there is any natural chemisty and if not, then fuck it move on

Yes, yes it is.

I mean flipping through a couple texts to remember isn't. But shaking a imaginary persons hand, opening the door for "her" then sitting down by yourself for a dinner you made for two, then having conversations about her interests is

Look, number 1 here is like some PUA shit from 15 years ago (which generally is garbage anyway), but even using the PUA rationale, this is the wrong approach. She has already been eyeing user which means that Female-to-male attraction already exists so there is no cold approach with the need for a little story to make her think you're cool. If she is checking you out already, option number 2 is far superior any just normal. If you don't have any friends to go out with, when she texts just say the place you were at was lame and suggest she come meet you at some cool hole-in-the-wall place you know (if she is a cool, low-key hipster kinda girl) or something more upbeat if she is a party girl. If she brings her friends along don't sweat it... it's the first time you guys are hanging out and girls do this all the time for security. Plus, you are going home to the same fucking place, so just don't be an idiot and you'll be in her apartment in no time ("always wanted to see your garden..." or some bullshit)

Also, don't be a pussy and not touch her the whole night. You have to always be escalating (the one thing PUA stuff taught me that's actually been useful for over a decade). Without physical escalation, the interaction is doomed and you will become her friend who waters her garden when she goes out of town.


"Hey, I've noticed you gardening and I'm looking to grow my own cilantro/basil/mint/etc wand was looking for advice. My name's user."

If you can't pull that off then you're a useless piece of shit who wasn't gonna hit that anyway.

Leave, Veeky Forums, you have proven time beyond that you can't even handle a reproducible, sound scientific experiment

She's going to go on vibe and not the substance of the conversation. If having a few topics on hand helps you feel more confident, it's fine. But don't worry about the specifics.

If you're making good eye contact, speaking in a confident tone, smiling, and just being cool with whatever's happening that moment — you could talk about ranch dressing and she'd be into it.

That type of mindset will have you intentionally putting one step in front of another instead of actaully just walking....if you catch my drift

probably best advice in the thread

I've done something similar before, but rather than rehearsing for a date I wrote down all the important facts she brought up during texts and skype calls.
From basic shit like her birthday and her favorite color and favorite book authors all the way to the date of her dads death.
At some point when she was my gf she told me that one of the things she loves about me was that I am "attentive".
I'm glad she never found my autistic stack of notes that pretty much outlined her entire life.

To get back to your question: It's probably autistic but who cares? I'd rather rehears talking points than sit there in silence. Just don't overdo it and keep it to simple "headlines" of what you want to talk about rather than full blown answers and lines.

You already have the perfect in, why are you asking this? Next time you run into her, mention you live a few floors up, noticed she has a garden and that you'd like to check it out or literally what you said here, that you want to enjoy the sun.


If she's already 'mirin, this is good enough. Opens her up to more interaction, you ask her about a hobby, and get some time with her every now and then. This should work unless OP is a major faggot or lied about her 'mirin.

>tfw I don't know anyone from my apartment building even though I moved in 4 years ago
I knew all my neighbors when I was younger, what the fuck went wrong


A lot of good advice from the same people who couldn't put it into practice if their life depended on it.

That's pretty much what I plan on doing next time I run into her, but I gotta run into her and that may not happen anytime soon.

Looking to provoque destiny here.

>ask her if you can come check it and hang around once in a while
Don't invite yourself to other peoples places or pressure them into inviting you, that's weird as fuck.
If she likes you and feels comfortable about it she will invite you herself.

Make more excuses for yourself to go out. The more you're out and about the higher chance you have to run in to said qt. Could help you get even more Veeky Forums if it's even a jog or not taking a rest day.

Also, curious to see how she looks, so i do hope things happen.

That's what I'm doing, the sun is definitly helping. No pic of the lady sadly.

ITT - jealous autistic cunt who has no social skills breeding ground.

Oh shit, did i just ring your bell?

Not him, but you rang mine.

>Already caught her mirin' twice when we crossed each others path in the building

you mad bro

This man knows what he is talking about. Can I get some tips of physical escalation and pushing things towards sex etc

Shit, I think this is the way to go, especially if you have any cooking chops.

she ain't gardening. I doubt she's good to anyhing else than having a garden with sun.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this unless you sperg out in front of her because you've never learned how to lie to a human being