I think these"nattys" would be doing gear if it was more readily available. What think

I think these"nattys" would be doing gear if it was more readily available. What think

maybe a lot of people would do one cycle for fun but in total do you really think the numbers would skyrocket?

Just go check reddit on the topic... availability isn't an issue. Or you could always ask a roider at your gym.

I don't think so. Stuff like Creatine is freely available and many peopel don't do it because of the "Hairloss" meme


Stuff in the back is vyvanse 70mg, good shit

I think there would be a lot more young people/retards who use them improperly and end up with gyno or otherwise fucked up hormones and nogains

Overall its good the way it is. It's at that state of illegal where nobody really cares, even authorities to an extent, so its easy enough to obtain if you do genuinely decide you want to go down that avenue, but difficult enough that you don't just do it on a whim.

That being said I wish there were more suppliers in the UK

I manage a vitamin shoppe and we cant keep our monohydrate stocked because so many people come in looking for it so that isnt super accurate.

>if it was more readily available

It's a google search away holy shit how much easier can it get?

Normal people don't go to vitamin shops.

Most lifters don't even eat right. Really. There's only a tiny percentage of gym goers that actually do things right. The rest are people eating shit, doing ineffective erxercises, or doing pure cardio every day thinking they're being healthy despite only taking in 1k calories a day.

Yes, just from working in the industry if steroids were easily available people are so desperate to gain size or cut weight i think the numbers would absolutely blow through the roof.

Couldn't agree more. 8 out of 10 people are literally wasting their time.

mushrooms and yoga will help you make it better than steroids

I stopped taking creatine because of this lol its not worth it man even if it is a meme I love my hair too much .

I would probably do something like this to get me where I want to be and then go natty and maintain.

What i think the common user does

I will be once I get to much heavier lifts

Sorry, maybe a dumb question, but is it possible to maintain a roided physique after cycling and going natty?

> anabolic steroids
> adderal

Of course, why not?

It isn't illegal in the UK. Police have searched my bag and found gear, AI tablets and needles and didn't care. They did however care about me doing 90 in a 69 zone, but I digress.

As for OP's question, the main reason most guys don't jump on in a civilised country is fear and misinformation. When you bother to read about it properly and then when you (literally) take the plunge, you realise it's a brilliant decision. Provided you're not an idiot or very unlucky, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.

In countries like the US however, you have the minor issue of steroids being illegal, but mainly the brainwashing from a young age that it's "cheating".

Nah. I'm actually not insecure at all and I get laid pretty regularly so I don't feel the need to poison my body so I look extra grotesque to appeal to the lowest common denominator gym skanks.

I honestly just never looked into it before. Didn't know if your test bottomed out or whatever and you lose the muscle mass to some extent or what

A lot of people do take steroids. They just don't admit because they want to feel special and unique that they did it "naturally" when they are really juicing just like everyone else. A lot of people juice. All fitness youtubers started juicing around 17-18 years old so.

I guess that's why every Olympian and professional athlete takes them. Poison sure makes them perform better!

I think people would say they're only doing it for one cycle. But from what I heard, it's pretty addictive

I feel like there are some really good looking people on gear

Depends if they are past their natural limits or not.

If one runs gear and goes past their natty limit, they can try their best but they will lose anything they habe gained that is above their natural limit.

So a lot of these super juiced guys wouldn't be able to maintain their roid physique if they came off gear no matter how hard they tried, it's just not possible. They would shrink back down to their natural limits and that's about it.

>condescending on people that are "wasting their time" in the gym
and what the fuck are you doing right now? why the fuck do you care what others do? maybe some folks just want to get a sweat and see their friends at the community centre gym?? you guys think youre so cool hey

so basically really stupid ineffectual

youre also pathetic. you realize that the small DHT increase isnt even proven to be just from the creatine? if taking creatine makes u lose your hair youre just delaying the inevitable . you should quit lifting or doing anything that builds muscle or supports the production of testosterone because that is the same mechanism which muh creatine apparently gives hairloss

what kind of pussy are you that you come into a thread about lifting and equate steroid use on the same level as lifting for chicks? dudes like you dont even make the gym a lifetime thing, so fuck off. if i lifted for chicks i would have quit many many years ago.

dudes like u think we have mutual respect when we see eachother lifting but when i know what youre about and all you do is lift for chicks, well... i think youre a pathetic mong, lol

The side effects seem not worth it at all

>literally wasting their time



you're quite the negative nancy for how casual you try to be

no they won't you fucking retard

you're an autistic faggot who probably hogs 7 different workout stations for some retarded circuit workout that takes you 30 minutes to get to each thing with all the rest you need to take from being too fat to breathe normally

>dudes like u think we have mutual respect when we see eachother lifting but when i know what youre about and all you do is lift for chicks, well...

wow you talk like a movie villain coolerooni!!!

cool bait

Gear is impossible to get in Aus reeee

Where do I get roads or whatever? I want to get a big.
I'm in bay are hmu.

I'm scared of needles. A needle pricked my ass once when I was a kid and I was scared of them ever since.