Could I get some glutes help please?

So I used to be fat. Got thin through diet and cardio.
Then two months ago I started lifting. Just doing machine work bc I'm weak af and don't really know proper form. And just bodyweight squats.
My issue is that I can tell I'm making progress with the other exercises/ muscles but squats I can't get it right. Not building muscle at all, bum looks flat :( I only feel strain in my quads.
Is there something else I can do?
I'm a grill if that wasn't obvious.

Other urls found in this thread:

b-bump please

lmao at that no-ass.
hip thrusts & quarter squats is all you need for beginning

Get someone to help you. Once you know good form it's off to the races.

Listen, little baby.
You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are, you hear me, sugar?
PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve Everything and Anything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking about you hurting

reverse lunges
bulgarian split squats
squats (once you learn how to use hip drive)
conventional deadlift

learn how to do those, do them properly
enjoy ass gains

but you also need to eat properly so gtfo and read the sticky

basically GOMAD SS

theres plenty of tutorials on yt about how to do squats and deadlift properly

but i recommend this
(also covers breathing and bracing)
best deadlift tutorial video there is

>tfw I remember the original post

kek, gets me every time

just videotape yourself, watch youtube videos and evaluate your form.

Don't get too hung up on the details, you just need a handful of exercises and be consistent.

Deadlifts, romanian dealifts, squats (back and front) lunges and hip thrusts all help, or if you want just sprint up a hill for sets. pic one or more of these and work on them and you'll be fine.

1) Learn proper form, have someone help you. If you lift any free weigh, first perform the move withouth the weight, then with an empty bar.
2) Squats are very morphology-dependant. You can learn to target/recruit/feel your ass when squatting (think of an hip thrust when pushing)
3) hip-thrust with weights are a good ass exercise. My gf is a DYEL, began sports, and does hip thrust with 20kg
4) Keep working and have a progressive overload : Increase set and reps, then increase weight.
5) Eat well

Hip thrusts


What about your diet?

Make sure you get everything you need. I use

(it's free).

Watch this

If you don't have a good diet, which gets you everything you need you're building on a bad foundation.

>don't really know proper form
Education. Read sticky!

For example.

>My issue is that I can tell I'm making progress with the other exercises/ muscles but squats I can't get it right. Not building muscle at all, bum looks flat :( I only feel strain in my quads.
Check form (important! doesn't matter how many you do if you're doing it wrong) and make sure you get enough protein (important that you get enough protein!). Check diet with cronometer or similar.

Add extra weight to them and do it at least 3 times a week.

If you do all that you should get a bigger butt.

Here's a great YouTube channel she has both body weight routines and gym equipment routines on her channel, all the workouts she has are for body sculpting not getting big and strong so don't worry about looking beefy unless you're taking steroids
My favs for a perky ass are bike rides and hip thrusts while in glue bridge mode
Also grats to you for your successful cut, im also trying to build my ass currently as I think I've let myself lose too much muscle mass while cutting
Pic not me but semi related

Founds this gif. It's good form for squats. Although you should add weights of course.

do yoga poses: cow face, fire logs, pigeon

so this during or after squats, lunges, etc.

t. boy with a rounder and tighter ass

you probably won't get results from squats bc you literally have no glutes and will just overcompensate with quads. start with glute bridges for a few weeks working up to a few minutes then do weighted glute bridges then do actual human exercises

Just lol if you think she didnt get butt implants

The best rundown on squat form is in Starting Strength. I suggest reading it, and watching videos of good form. Here's some cues, off the top of my head.
>feet shoulder width or very slightly more
>don't point toe out too much
>knees only bend the direction of the feet
>only very slight arch in back, do not go lordosis mode and tilt your pelvis
>"drop your dick"
Proper squat form is a constant pursuit.

That said, if you want to target your glutes, look into:
>you should already be deadlifting once per week
>can do Romanian deadlifts as a heavy lift or go light for an accessory
>hip thrusts (the best ass-builder, just be sure to use a pad on the bar)

I thought it was a shoop, here's a better example of a nice realistic perky booty

Holy shit you give new meaning to flat as a pancake
>Starting ass, by user
Low bar squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
SLDL 3x5-8
Walking lunges 3x5-8 (per leg)
Stepping lunges 3x5-8 (per leg)
OHP 3x5
Lat pulldown 3x5-8
>Week: AxBxAxx/BxAxBxx
On the x5 rep ranges increase weight every week, on the x5-8 increase weight when you manage 3x8
Don't, do a slow bulk instead. Track your nutrition.

For tips on form, search "how to squat/deadlift/SLDL/whatever" on YT, the best channels for that kind of info are Candito, Alan Thrall, Brian Alsrhue, Omar Isuf.

>starting ass
>only one ass exercise

>lunges don't work the glutes

No it's not Jesus stop

want to tell you how you dont even lift?

goodbye lower back

>just bodyweight squats
>Not buildint muscle at all
Hmm really fired up my neurons...

read the sticky

> the best rundown of squat for is in Starting Strength

you dont know what buttwink is
>goodbye lower back
with bodyweight squats?


Heavy glute bridge, barbell lunge, split squat.

Your lunge needs to be heavy enough to stimulate posterior chain over quads, but light enough that you can do good volume and not get injured.

Look up Brett "Glute Guy" Contreras

do dumbbell deadlifts, doesn't have to be heavy weight 15 or 20 lb ea or work up to there. squeeze your ass cheeks and hamstrings to raise your self and at the top thrust your hips forward


deep squats

low as you can go

post says add weight
>it's only bodyweight