Snaps your shoulder up

>snaps your shoulder up
>doesent alow for rotation of a scapula like an ohp would
>requires bench to use wich takes away upper back activation
>looks gay
>doesent alow for leg drive like ohp
>feels awkward
>cant use as much weight as a flat bench
>doesent hepertophy the whole chest
>jeff seid uses it

tell me again why you incline bench stupid maggot? you know your only gonna fuck up you shoulder girdle thanks to the scapula not being alowed to rotate upwards like it othervise would be alowed to do if it wasent pressed agains a bench, stay safe, ohp is the answer my friend

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you can still retrack scapula, my chest has been developing well using incline bb press

Only time I've snapped my shit up came from incline pressing. Fuck it

I do db incline press desu

I dont care how hard you retract you shoulder that shit doesent feel right on the shoulder at al and you know it

i can litteraly feel my shoulder cracking just pressing with my arm incline while flexing my shoulder fuck it i putt 1pl8 on my belt and do dips full ROM and i have zero shoulder isues but when i start incline my shoulder start aching imediatly

I had this problem wirh all bb lifts desu

When I use dumbbells no problem

>leg drive

you fucking what

try doing that on a bench

The push press is still an overhead press, just like the strict overhead press. I've visualized it for you.

i see a rebound in the hips, but there is no leg drive.

literally everything you said is either false or just your meaningless opinion
fact: your upper chest can achieve its maximum size only if you focus on incline bench
fact: there are no cons to adding incline bench to your routine

Citation needed on almost all your claims? Do you understand the anatomy of the shoulder because incline press is fine. You get bonus retard points if you flat bench with your arms at a 90 degree angle from your thorax

you suposed to drive your heels into the floor as you press up which requires leg drive
your statement is factually incorect

nice autism, I wonder where you'll put the Military Press. Probably it would shatter your circles

he's pretending to be retarded saying that incline bench is for deltoid; it's like comparing deadlifts wiht curls as far as efficiency in training biceps is concerned

you have to be 18 to post here

>can't understand simple venn-diagram
>calls other people autists
k, bro

If your shoulders hurt from any benching variation it means you're gripping the bar too wide

Lie down on the bench, put your arms at your sides and raise them up in a relaxed fashion.

Whichever point they touch the bar, space your grip 1 finger width out from that point. This is the best grip width for longevity.

because flat bench makes my left clavicle feel like its going to explode. i've tried fixing my form a hundred times, but it always hurts. incline bench with a slight incline doesn't hurt at all.

top diagrams have a fuckable fitbitch

tuck your elbows

It focuses on different parts of your chest. They are different exercises

tried it, along with everything in between tucked and flared.

>leg drive

aw you're one of those fags who try and do as much weight as me w/o earning it

too ignorant to appreciate my tight glutes and perfect form.

I'm the opposite. DB incline fucks up my right shoulder literally every time I try it. Don't seem to have many issues with BB though.

>doesent alow for leg drive like ohp
>Leg drive

is the back allowed to slightly arch back on my ohp or even a little bit is bad? I've been trying to ohp with my back as straight like a twig and its way harder, dont know if its better

I'm pretty sure it was either inclined bench or dips that fucked my shoulder up for a solid 6 months.
I'm finally back to where i was now, not doing them anymore, no shoulder pains now.
Doctor said it was a SLAP tear and recommended surgery but it went away on its own so I guess he was wrong.

>implying the push press isn't a legit exercise on its own

There will be an arch its inevitable if you want to progress. Just try not to turn it into an incline bench.

I do OHP and bench press as main lifts on my push day, and then dumbbell incline with high reps low weight for that good hypertrophy. It's the best imo

Flexing quads and glutes

>is the back allowed to slightly arch back on my ohp
>even a little bit is bad?
also yes.

Same as with the back rounding on deadlifts: it's not something you want, but if you're pushing prs or doing hard volume eventually your form will start to give. Just make sure you keep it within reasonable bounds and you'll be swell.

I've never injured myself on incline. Flat bench ruined my shoulders for almost half a year though.

maybe bouncing helps
around 1:20


have a summer-(You), worth about 50% of a normal (You) due to shitpost-inflation.