
capitalism isnt inherently patriarchical but under the power dynamics of modernity it has almost always been. especially post white imperialism the entire world is basically white male dominated capitalist society.

Who are you talking to?

None of your business micro infant.

Life is inherently patriarchal because it works as a good survival strategy, women led societies are shit tier. Likewise capitalism works as it entails a high degree of economic freedom, which, when combined with political liberty, hard work, ambition and determination, lead to successful societies full of inivative inventions that make our lives better


fuck off commie

fuck off commie

She was not communist!

fuck off

Wow! What a glimmer of hope.

>the entire world is basically white male dominated capitalist society.

Friendly reminder that the people that say stuff like this will mock racists for making generalisations about any non-white ethnicity

Is that why our current society is on track to apocalyptic resource depletion and climate change?

thanks doc


what is that image

>the entire world is basically white male dominated capitalist society
if only

There was no sense of this during Industrialisation. The market is working to solve these problems. What makes you think any of this is contingent on whiteness and maleness? White people seem to be quite compassionate in my experience. The groups you have defined have no logical bearing on the outcomes of capitalism, you would do better to concentrate on class.

well said glimmybro

Gilmmy worst pone

this is untrue

I’m not OP and I don’t think whiteness or men have anything to do with it. What I do think is that the market sure as shit is NOT finding solutions for it. Capitalism lends itself to resource depletion because it requires constant growth and consumption to survive. Infinite growth in a finite system. As for climate change, the market will keep doing something as long as it is profitable, which means that as long as it can sell oil it will do so, even as the oceans boil around us.

It's very true actually


>women led societies are shit tier.
Sparta any one? Spartan women we're literal whores.

>resource depletion and climate change?
Women who are materialistic and have too many kids.

Right, and we live in a system that will inevitably encourage and support any vapid materialist or consumerist urge, or even create them out of thin air.

>resources become more rare
>price goes up
>enterprises discover cheaper alternative
>the market decides to stop using the expensive resource

That assumes that there are alternatives that can be made profitable. If there aren’t then the market replaces it with nothing as opposed to producing at a loss or making rational use of the remaining resources.

And when the price becomes unacceptable, people stop buying. Basic supply and demand. Thats not to mention people boycotting on ethical grounds.

It's pretty like shining starlight

Yes but what I’m saying is that in the absence of a profitable alternative the market replaces the old technology with nothing, whereas a system based on rational addressing of needs finds a solution regardless of the potential to make a profit.

If there's not a profitable alternative then that means that no one wants an alternative, and thus it isn't necessary to find one.

WTF is this thread. WTF is that image

fuck off worst pony

Stealthy shitposting

No, because it’s possible that there is an alternative, but it can’t be made cost effective while making a profit. It may be possible to implement this alternative, but only at a loss. If that’s the case, then it will not be implemented, regardless of how imperative it is for the survival or happiness of society. It’s also possible that established interests will attempt to frustrate new technologies or suppress information that would lead to the collapse of their industry, like how the oil industry spreads disinformation about climate change and works to suppress green technology.

Has anyone ever been this fucking wrong?

Yay! Best pony

Gas all Glimmerfags

Garrote all glimmerfags

zoom.mh worfs

>under the power dynamics of modernity it has almost always been
very good thing
>especially post white imperialism the entire world is basically white male dominated capitalist society
extremely good thing

Fug glimmerfags