Hey bro, pass that dumbbell

Hey bro, pass that dumbbell

>using heavy dumb ells
>not using heavy barbells for your workout

Not going to make it.

is there a good way to make my callous not so gross like in the pic

>i would totally bite and chew those off
anyone else do the same?

moisturise i guess. Or wear pussy gloves

File them down

I use sidecutters every now and then to bring them down, I then use a pumice stone in the shower to make them smooth. Tough hands is pretty good after they have been cut and wore down.

Much better than letting the bar cut them which nearly always ends in blood for me.

I cut them down with nailclippers
you're in "pain" for like a day or 2

Grip the bar properly on all pulling exercises. Search for "mark rippetoe grip" on youtube. The calluses you get on your fingers are easy to trim down and wont rip as easy.

cut off a bit less and you won't have any pain

ah yes, I remember when I used to grip the bar like a fucking idiot

>just gonna grab a dumbbell real quick bro

Thanks, didn't even realize that was an avoidable problem. I didn't bother looking it up before because it seems like such a minor nuisance.

some calluses are unavoidable but to have them looking like that just means that you aren't gripping the bar right. learn how to properly grip and use chalk

How do you manage to get callouses like that right under the first joint? Mine are barely noticeable.

I don't get why you'd want callouses



By actually working out.

For real though, it happens with deadlifts and shrugs without grips. The weight is so heavy that at the end of your 10th rep, you are just barely hanging on. That's how you get those calluses that high.

Make your hands tough and strong. If you have soft palms, your palms hurt after working out. With callouses, it's a layer of thickened dead skin that's there to protect your living skin from damage.

I rip the dead skin off mine.

sometimes I pull it so hard, I rip the skin

but isn't it long term/permanent ? don't you lose sensation ?


Using nailclippers sounds like an infection waiting to happen. Hopefully you disinfect it or something.

It is not permanent. They go away with time. It's your body's way of protecting your hands.


my mom has had deep rough calluses on her fingers and hands ever since I can remember

well you work out to make your muscles, ligaments and bones stronger right? why not make the hands stronger and tougher in the process?

I get grip strength & having beefy hands, but calluses seem a little excessive to intentionally strive for

Just to add here. If you "grip the bar properly" you'll be weaker than if you grip it the wrong way. This is because the skin on your hand acts as another support to keep the bar in your hand.

well, not like OP's pic ofc, but reasonable calluses are inevitable and good to have

>dad was an electrical engineer for 45 years
>worked with heavy machinery
>carried around 20kg set of tools with him all day erry day
>his hands are so rough and leathery he can pick up trays out of the oven bare handed


Get a callus shaver.
I've tried all the other methods and this is by far the best. Just don't go too crazy with it and don't do it directly before a workout.

that parmesan would taste great on a spaghet

>losing 1-2 days of gains
>risking infection

use a nail file you nicompoop.

i literally take knive to it and cut them away

/g/ represent with that T410.

>Get a callus shaver
>a callus shaver

Jesus man, what late night telesales bullshit did you buy into just to feel like a woman is handling your underwear filler?

Either suck it up and let the callouses do their job or trim that shit with a nail clipper and a file or sandpaper if you don't warm a seat for a living. No need to go buy gimmicky shit.

Strong farm hands man

>grips the bar wrong
>haha you dyels dont even workout properly

>dude why would you buy nailclippers
>dude why would you buy scissors
>dude why would you buy a tool that makes something easier

>telesales bullshit
>literally sold in every pharmacy in the world

It does the job quicker and better than anything you mentioned.

>literally sold in every pharmacy in the world

clearly you ain't gotten out much son...

>Not just using a cheese slicer.
They sure got you good

nah i have actually been in every pharmacy in the world and hes right

I do the same thing. Thought it's only me

I only do a little bit on the surface every few days. Never had an infection, bleeding, pain, etc. it's just a little dead skin

They just opened one in Algeria today; your argument is now non existent, much like the approval and respect of your father that you so deeply crave.

Nope I'm in alegeria now and they have them in stock

Pfft, silly user, that's a smegma scraper

>Afraid of skin, the main component of all dust around us

Is the pussyculture born in planet fitness and crossfit clubs spreading? I occasionally see pages about powerlifting posting "some people need deoderant as their PWO LUL".

Complaining about the smell of sweat. In a gym.

>that's a smegma scraper

>implying this is a bad thing

Yeah, well try ripping off those calluses and I will guarantee you'll regret it the next time you lift.

This goes in my disgusting folder.