Hitler was an athei---

>Hitler was an athei---

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>painting pictures of beautiful jews
>hitler was an anti-semi-

>Mary and Jesus
Pick one.

>Mariyam and Jesus
>Not Muslim

Positive christianity actually posited that jesus was a germanic warrior stationed in judea at the time or something

LARPy as fuck but the early gothic arianic christians teached the same basically in the Wulfila bible

Racists can't be Christians.

>Yasha = Demon in Buddhism
Jesus is a fucking devil

This but unironically

Jesus was a racist though. Against non-Jews.

>cant separate art from subject matter

Consumer pleb, we gotta make some money somehow.

Peace be upon them.


Why does he heal centurion's daughter brainlet?

Even the talmud says that Jesus's father was a German soldier named pandera. His grave was actually founf in Germany in the 19th century.

It has been proved time and time again that the Nazi Party had multiple faces in order to appeal to a wide audience. For the middle liberal class it was about upholding values in a corrupt government. For the poor working class, it was about Jews ruining everything. For the Christians, it was about being soldiers of God. Devout Christians were actually the least tolerant group towards the Nazi party in the polls.

Surprised nobody has mentioned Mary's monstrosity of a claw hand yet. Woof.

He literally calls the Jews the children of Satan.

hmmm no sweety
there are several parts in the new testament in where it is clearly stated christianty is for every person who accepts Jesus as his saviour

>Literally have a very detailed chart of ancestors going back to David, and then to Adam
>Larping Jesus way out of being a Jew

The Nazis man..

The right-wing christian parties were actually pretty impressive with combating Nazism in the late stages of the Weimar Republic.

Not painted by Hitler

Jesus was racist. Racist against Samaritan.

Jesus tells us to desire things; that good will happen, buddhism tells us that desire is evil.

He wasn't an atheist but it's not that painting that proves that.

>Mary got yaoi hands
No wonder they didn't want him in Vienna.

Hitler was a Catholic. Nazism was an explicitly Christian organization.

Many of the upper echelon were very anti-Christian. Rosenberg and Himmler especially, even going so far to advocate a pagan religious revolution after victory

How can anyone dispute the fact Hitler was a chrtistian

He had lots of pagan shit mixed in

how didn't he get admitted into art school? he's talented, if a bit generic, but still talented.

wtf? Jesus says the opposite. “ Do not worry about what to eat or wear, for the Father knows you need all those things.”

when he said that christianity was lame and he wished germany became muslim instead?

He wasn't an orthodox Catholic but to deny his Christianity is just insane. And he knew almost nothing about Islam, he prolly thought it was just a type of Christianity.

>Hitler used anything to attract the masses

Funny how Catholics didn't like Hitler

Yes, "funny". Also "funny" how they voted him en mass, and "funny" how the Pope said prayers for his soul on his birthday. It's almost like Catholics loved him, but after he lost they did a complete 180 like the spineless filth they are.


and why do you do the opposite and assume he was christian when there was evidence for his being against it or at best indifferent to it?

It's an undisputable fact he was a member of the Roman Catholic church.


I assume nothing, he WAS a Christian. He never repudiated his faith, he attended church, he was on good terms with the pope, idgaf if it hurts your ass to accept this but he was as Christian as anyone.

and...? are you so much of a brainlet that you can't believe that a religion you're BORN INTO doesn't you are a strong believer in that religion by default?

>denying reality


I said he was a member of the Roman Catholic church. He never left.


He was excommunicated, never attended liturgy, took no part in any of the sacraments and is noted to have spoken against Christianity on numerous occasions. r/atheism lied to you, I'm sorry.

That doesn't say Hitler left the Catholic Church was was excommunicated. That's how the RC work, once a member you stay a member until they kick you out or you ask them to leave, neither of which happened.

>(((everything that (((you)))'re saying)))

It has sources at the bottom for the material. If you're going to be a dense motherfucker you can always join the brainlets at /pol/

>He was excommunicated
That's just plain not true.

> took no part in any of the sacraments and is noted to have spoken against Christianity on numerous occasions.
The Catholic Church doesn't have any auto-kick policy where you are no longer a Catholic if you express religious doubts or don't turn up to church.

Then link the sources faggot, why do you imagine I'm going to waste my time reading a long wiki article to prove YOUR point for you? Fucking moron.

> he WAS a Christian
an assertion, not a proof. you're starting with this assumption and then cherry picking facts to back up your evidence

>He never repudiated his faith
maybe because it's politically taboo to do so?

>he attended church
[citation needed]
also define "attend church". stepping inside a church or going to one for the publicity is not "attending church"

>he was on good terms with the pope
absolutely false. Inb4 "muh concordat", Hitler broke the terms of that deal almost as soon as he agreed upon it. The relationship with the church went downhill FAST after 1933, but the Church was too afraid to speak out against the Nazis because Hitler had all the cards.

>idgaf if it hurts your ass
I didn't know that making an counter argument now qualifies as being "butthurt" lmao. i actually find it hilarious how hitler apologists will go to great ends to distort facts so they can have their cake and eat it too (my edgy nazism and christian beliefs are totally compatible!).

If you scroll to the bottom you can find the ISBNs of the books referenced. Of course I'm going to assume that having to read published literature on history is going to make you chimp out as its not some (((blogpost))) or (((random website))) being used.

>That's just plain not true.
German Bishops collectively excommunicated anyone who was a member of the Nazi Party in 1931.
>The Catholic Church doesn't have any auto-kick policy
It actually does, it's called latae sententiae excommunication.

again, and...? I never disputed that Hitler was born a catholic. I'm disputing that he had a strong christian faith or cared about catholicism. your argument is basically "well according to catholic logic, hitler was a christian". But real life doesn't follow catholic logic. The Church was following political realities by not kicking Hitler out, Hitler didn't leave the Church also because the bad PR that would have garnered.

Hitler was neither christian nor atheist, his faith was called nazism. He probably began as christain as he wrote that in his book, but he wasn't a fan of the church as it was a threat to his power and he believed Jesus to be a "Aryan fighter". He saw both forces that weaken germany. He spoke publically against atheism -because it was "Jewish materialism".

His religion was called germany.


They lifted the excommunication a couple of years later,

Fuggin lutherans eggs dee

I didn't say he had a strong faith or cared about it. I said he was a member of the Roman Catholic church.

ok, but that's meaningless if he didn't practice the religion or believe in it

>East Prussian Poles voted for Hitler

Hitler was most popular in Prussia.