Is mcdonald meat real meat or like the normies says it's fake meat

Is mcdonald meat real meat or like the normies says it's fake meat

also , when asked define fake meat, we never get a proper answer

Enlighten me Veeky Forums

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It comes from a slaughter house. That's all I need to know.

i used to work at mcdonalds and the boxes said it was beef

Only fucking idiots think it's fake meat.

McDonalds meat is real, delicious, and the best value per price ratio. They literally have teams full of scientists working day and night to provide you with the most delicious experience for the lowest price possible. Their food is engineered to have the perfect amount of salts, fats, and sugars to tantalize your taste buds and satisfy your hunger.

Stop listening to idiot liberals.

So it's good then? I always saw mcdickeys burgers as okay as long as eaten in moderation.
I just throw the buns away and stack 3x 1€ cheese burgers on top of each other and eat away. Diet coke with them and thats pretty much keto-ish food. No useless carbs. They dont even give mayo in the cheap ones which is good, ketchup is fine as theres so little of it.
Who honestly pays for 5€ burgers when they could just 3-4x the cheap ones and stack them into a bigger one. Smh.

Doesn't mean it's good. A homemade burger will taste better

I said taste per price ratio. Their burgers will always be ready faster and cheaper due to the economics of scale.

>Is mcdonald meat real meat or like the normies says it's fake meat
McD patties are made with 100% beef. That means that the part of it that's beef, is 100% beef.
>also , when asked define fake meat, we never get a proper answer
Fake meat = it comes from textured soy or pea protein blends and didn't have to scream
>Enlighten me Veeky Forums

>real meat
rape animal, torture animal, feed animal with shit, don't let animal ever see the sun, kill animal

>fake meat
use healthy vegetables in shape of meat

If only your dad used his fake meat.

it's not fake, but it's super low grade and they use colouring to make it look more appealing.

I believe when referring to "fake meat," people are often referring to lean finely textured beef, AKA "pink slime." At one point, McDonald's had been criticized before over their chicken being pink slime, when in actuality, part of their burgers used this. Since then, McDonald's has reportedly stopped using lean finely textured beef, but I'm certain they only replaced it with something else.


It's not fake meat, but it consists of the less desirable meat portions of an animal all rolled up into a consistency that mixes with real beef. I'm not sure what they use now, but if Subway can get away with a large percentage of their chicken being soy, then McDonald's can too with their 17%+ market share of the entire fast food industry.



Funny that the opposite of that comic is the case.

>what is the difference of real meat and fake meat
>how are vegans allowed to define real meat and fake meat?!?!?!

Meat really lowers your IQ...


You're really dumb, you know that?



When your argument needs an ms paint comic to argue with itself, it's not a good argument.

Aaaand done. Hope I got my point across.

>strawman comics
>"hope I got my point across"


i hate how vegans try to place animal cruelty and meat eaters on the same boat.

McDonalds beef here in the UK is amazingly bad. Worse than an average frozen burger.

Their chicken is fine though.

its real meat, its just terrible quality

There's no difference

A strawman argument is an argument that presents the opposite side's argument as weaker than it is to make it easier to attack.
Animals do scream and do have to be killed in order to reach your burger. That is not a strawman. If anything, you are committing a strawman (by calling my solid argument a strawman, which I irrefutably showed it isn't) and an ad hominem on top (by implying I am using dishonest tactics)

>$0.01 has been deposited into your account

You're making this easier than shooting fish in a barrell

A strawman isn't making the argument weaker, it's creating a target to attack separate of the argument. By assuming that all meat eaters are animal abusers, and attacking that argument, it is a strawman. And it's not an ad hominem to call out a fallacy.

Calling you an idiot is ad hominem, even if it's true.

>argue with yourself
>always win

t. Vegans



Being cheeky doesn't make you any less of an animal abuser


It's fake as fuck. McDonald's is the only food that can consistently make me feel sick and even puke.

I'd rather buy a gyro from a random street vendor than eat this trash.

I'm a vegan, but you are 100% whiny bitch


thats called your preference. I puke every time i eat a certain type of fish but you don't see me calling it fake. Im not allergic, i just find texture and taste extremely off putting(preference).

What I mean is you are making it worse for vegans and vegetarians everywhere by arguing like a butthurt fedora. Please stop and let someone more competent present the case for abstaining from meat.

get a load of this faggot

NEWSFLASH!!! If you are a vegan you are a pussy faggot and a disgrace to your ancestors who toiled and fought from the bottom to make humanity the dominant species.
now post tits or gtfo bitch

Prove that I'm an animal abuser without a one-sided comic.

Lead by example. You didn't add anything of value to the thread with these posts either.

Do you eat meat, fish, dairy or eggs?

I eat honey

Yes. Now prove that it makes me an animal abuser. Note that consuming materials of "abuse" (its not), doesn't not make me an abuser.

Trying to get out of grill duty, I see.

If I pay a hitman to shoot you, am I a murderer?

paying for meat != paying for animals to be intentionally put in pain.

i can't eat mcdonalds without feeling disgusting, its too oily and the meat is too fat

>consuming materials of "abuse" (its not)
it is.

>not make me an abuser
it does.

Paying someone else to kick a dog for your amusement makes both of you abusers, same thing with eating animal products.

> "But I NEED muh meat to live/lift it's not the same as just for amusement!!"

You can live and lift and make gains on a balanced vegan diet, so basically you're still eating animal products just because you're used to it/it tastes good/whatever. Maybe not 100% the same as "just" for amusement, but pretty damn close.

No, it's not. I don't know a single person who would willingly choose to eat a McDonald's burger if there's an alternative. It's the shittiest food, even by junk food standards. A street pizza is 10x better than this garbage.

Canuck here. Both taste like shit.

But obviously it's real meat. Just really cheap and poor quality cuts of meat are used, and there is possibly some filler ground in too.

okay, thats just dumb, i don't pay for people to cut animals throats, usually they shot them in the head with a bolt pistol so they usually die instantaneously and if they don't they die while unconscious, and i already killed countless chickens when i was living with my grandfather (he was at a really bad alzhimers stage) and i'm 100% sure that chickens don't feel a thing when they die
i don't give a shit if you eat meat or dog shit, you want to eat vegetables only? cool, i don't give a shit, but don't come to me and tell me what i can or can't eat

not an argument

I wish I could go through life on purely emotional arguments like vegans

No. a murderer is someone who commits murder, which requires actively killing someone. You are responsible for conspiracy to commit murder

You seem reasonable. If you want to continue the discussion I promise to not post any more comics.

Is it morally acceptable to inflict harm, whether there is pain involved or not, on an unwilling human when there is no need or justification to do so?

>You can live and lift and make gains on a balanced vegan diet
Nowhere near as good or effective as a diet containing animal products
>so basically you're still eating animal products just because you're used to it/it tastes good/whatever. Maybe not 100% the same as "just" for amusement, but pretty damn close.
There is nothing wrong with this. And it it isn't "just" for anyting since eating animal products are, again, better for gains and health


I don't like McDonald's meat, it's got those weird little rubbery white balloon fat sacs. Gives it a bad texture and grosses me out. I don't know if there's any health problem with it though.

Would you not get equally angry to someone who paid to have your brother killed and the killer himself?
(Regardless of whether you answered yes or no) Wouldn't you argue then, that someone who chooses to consume animal products is contributing to animal abuse?

Serious question: How do you get enough protein as a vegetarian/vegan?

I went vegetarian for awhile and struggled to hit my macros without overloading carbs from Quinoa and shit. And I switched to veggie protein powder and it made me sick as fuck. And I dont want tits from too much soy.
If I can find a vegetarian diet high in protein Ill go with it because I think it would get rid of my last few points of BF easier

Heart Disease:
ADA on veganism:
Longest Living Population:
Low Carbohydrate Diets and mortality:
Plant foods have a complete Amino Acid profile:
Benefits of a vegan diet:

Nope, because animals and people aren't comparable.

I am honestly confused about how this relates.

Got any links to optimal vegetarian diets while lifting?

Id save a fuckton of money in grad school rn if I could eat next to no meat

they bath the meat in ammoniak and colour it afterwards. the meat have to look and taste always the same all around the world.

jamie oliver was at court because of this. he wanted to declare the meat "not for humans". he failed but mc donalds had to admit that they do it. do some research and you'll find a source if you don't believe me.

FFS show me some actual recipes and diet examples of a vegetarian who gets enough protein without chugging soy and protein powder and Ill switch, goddamn.

Cause the shit Im finding online is all carb-loaded bullshit

I love mcdonalds, much better than burger king or our domestic alternative hesburger, and cheaper to boot

>Serious question:
Happy to help
>How do you get enough protein as a vegetarian/vegan?
Well, two things
1) you do have to be a bit selective in the foods you eat.
2) depends on what you consider enough. I am content with 100-150g per day at 95 kg bodyweight, but you may feel you recover best on more than that. I won't tell you how much you should eat, but eating my maintenance calories (2700) in plain white pasta gives me 95 grams protein. I don't actually do that, it is just a hypothetical to show that you don't really have to track it even when eating "carbs". Just eat some beans for lunch and nuts for breakfast, drink some plant based milk with your cereal, put seeds in your shakes (hemp is the tits), pick low calorie fruit like berries to avoid too much sugar (dates, oranges, bananas), maybe add a scoop of pea/rice/hemp protein powder
>I went vegetarian for awhile and struggled to hit my macros without overloading carbs from Quinoa and shit.
Beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas are all lower in carbs and higher in protein than quinoa, try them
>And I switched to veggie protein powder and it made me sick as fuck.
Really? Which brand and what kind?
>And I dont want tits from too much soy.
Myth, soy has phytoestrogen, a weak potency estrogen-like compound that mimics real estrogen, binds to the estrogen receptora in your body and prevents real estrogen from being as effective. Beef and dairy milk have actual mammalian estrogen.
>If I can find a vegetarian diet high in protein Ill go with it because I think it would get rid of my last few points of BF easier
Hope I helped. Final tip: don't go cold turkey. Slowly substitute what you can to make it easier. Give vegan cheese a try, vegan ribs, beyond burger, plant milk... One step at a time. Slow and steady.
Good luck!

Alright cool thanks

I gave it a try before but stopped after a few months. Im starting with eliminating beef.

Its gonna save me a ton of money.

Yes but the answer will attract a lot of shitposting.
Leddit dot com

I mean /r/steroids is pretty accurate among others, reddit gets some things pretty right

Honestly if you avoid the underage and the sjw subs the community there can be very informative

>implying value to prove ratio is good for consumers.
If McDonald's can make a burger 20% cheaper but 15% less tasty, they will. Corporate can save billions of dollars from that, you save a couple pennies for a burger that tastes even worse.

>Is it morally acceptable to inflict harm, whether there is pain involved or not, on an unwilling human when there is no need or justification to do so?
There is no set of consistent moral principles that work so appealing to morality is fucking stupid.
But even if we were to pretend that there were such a set of principles, it's a fallacy to assume that non-human animals carry the same value as human animals. There are several reasons for this but perhaps most obviously is because non-human animals don't even have a concept of morality.

Even going beyond that and pretending that non-human animals are moral agents or carry the same value as humans, there is plenty of justification to kill animals to eat them. Just because you don't agree with the reasons doesn't make them any less valid
Starting at the most cynical reason, the free market dictates that there is a considerable market for animal meat.
>but the free market would show a market for human meat if it was legal!
That's changing the argument. I'm saying there is reason to kill animals, not that there isn't reason to kill humans

Being less cynical, meat tastes much better than artificial replacements, is very healthy, natural and a great source of fat and protein.


>Heart Disease:
And by all of that you surely mean:
>Complete bullshit
>ADA on veganism:
The ADA and other oragnizations research/tenuous correlations trotted against meat are laughable
>Longest Living Population:
Another meme bacxked up by obnly tenuos correlations , only looks good compared to the SAD or SAD like diets, and those poeple are more likely to be health consious overall. this doesn't disprocve anything
>Plant foods have a complete Amino Acid profile
And yet aniomal products are still superior against sole plant sources in this regard. And if you eat both you're more than covered
>Low Carbohydrate Diets and mortality:
More tenious links and memes
>Benefits of a vegan diet:
Can be gained with even more benefits, including superior strength and muscle building, by including animal products

>Damage Control
More shitposting about how you don't research or read either, I see

>There is no set of consistent moral principles that work so appealing to morality is fucking stupid.
If morality is subjective, then can I rob you and stab you? Careful, this is dangerous "appeal to legality/social contract" pitfall if you try and refute this.
>it's a fallacy to assume that non-human animals carry the same value as human animals.
I never said they do. A retarded kid is also of lower value to you, that doesn't mean you can eat it. Elon Musk has a higher net worth than you, that doesn't mean he can eat you
>There are several reasons for this but perhaps most obviously is because non-human animals don't even have a concept of morality.
Schizos don't either, that doesn't mean we can eat them
>Just because you don't agree with the reasons doesn't make them any less valid
Unless they are objectively wrong and not a matter of personal opinion
>Starting at the most cynical reason, the free market dictates that there is a considerable market for animal meat.
What if a couple thousand literal pedophiles gather and start uploading ads for single digit age sex slaves? There is a market, however tiny. We should meet their demands, not?
>>but the free market would show a market for human meat if it was legal!
>That's changing the argument.
No, not really, it's just pointing out the logical inconsistency
>There is a reason to eat meat and a reason not to eat meat
Assume your mother is in the ER and reguires multiple, extensive, expensive surgeries due to a car crash. There is a reason to save her (you want her to live) and a reason not to (it's expensive and we need the money to fund the war in Syria, plus we need our best doctors to be available for the next 2 hours because they need to put a bandaid on Trump's toe). Should your mother be let to succumb to her injuries?

>Being less cynical, meat tastes much better than artificial replacements
Do 2 minutes of pleasure justify someone's entire life?
>is very healthy
Absolutely not, read > natural
Cobra venom is natural. Cancer cells are natural. Polio is natural. Feces are natural.
Condoms are unnatural. Vaccines are unnatural. Smartphones and PCs are unnatural. Chemotherapy is unnatural.
You see where I'm getting with this?
>and a great source of fat
A most terrible source of fat and the WHO agrees with me on that one
>and protein.
That is also true.

Well, you have some awfully shitty taste then.

dont listen to this conservative,
burger king is the healthiest food out there.
professors phds, mds, chemists, 9 star cooks are everyday working so hard to make you an insane king feeling.

>If morality is subjective, then can I rob you and stab you? Careful, this is dangerous "appeal to legality/social contract" pitfall if you try and refute this.
This doesn't follow. More importantly, you're using a strawman argument as is the case with the rest of your post.

The onus is not on me to justify any law or principle, only criticise your weak implication that there is no morally acceptable reason to kill an animal and that there isn't justification to do so either. And I've done so.
You're now assuming a whole set of other statements, for example, that robbing and stabbing is wrong purely for the same moral reasons that I dismiss early on.
To prove my point, I can easily say they are not morally impermissible actions, they are actions that we deem illegal and punish for to allow for a thriving society that can flourish. We universally (pretty much, ignoring terrorists) want this to be the case

This does not apply to eating animals.
Reconsider your responses and then come back to me

>inb4 not reading this post and claiming I didn't respond to most of your post

>More importantly, you're using a strawman argument as is the case with the rest of your post.
No, this is not a strawman. And calling it a strawman won't make it a strawman either.
It is an A N A L O G Y. I use YOUR OWN LOGIC and apply it to a different scenario. If it elicits a different response from you (which it did, you dismissed it), you are using a double standard. That is formalese for "hypocrisy"
>The onus is not on me to justify any law or principle
Then why start this discussion
>only criticise your weak implication
Strong, crystal clear and direct statement*
>that there is no morally acceptable reason to kill an animal and that there isn't justification to do so either. And I've done so.
No, you have not. You said something along the lines of "it's tasty", "who cares", and "animals are below us". The first two are not justifications and the last I have refuted
>You're now assuming a whole set of other statements, that robbing and stabbing is wrong
But it is. Is it not? Bait?
>purely for the same moral reasons that I dismiss early on.
What is your reasoning for robbing being moral then?
>To prove my point, I can easily say they are not morally impermissible actions, they are actions that we deem illegal and punish for to allow for a thriving society
>This does not apply to eating animals.
You literally fell into the "appeal to legality" and "appeal to social contract" pit I warned you about at the start of my post. To show why they are wrong, I will now use two analogies. Not strawmen, analogies.
>I married a neet wife without a prenup. I make $500k. I want to break up because she got fat. According to law, she is entitled to half my assets. It is legal for her to take half. Is it RIGHT though? Does it resonate well with me?
Social contract:
>Niggers used to be slaves 200 years ago. Women couldn't vote. Gays are stoned to death in certain middle East shitholes. Everyone does/did it, it is/was the social contract. Is it RIGHT?


>"Is it morally acceptable to inflict harm, whether there is pain involved or not, on an unwilling human when there is no need or justification to do so?"
>Strong, crystal clear and direct statement*
If you think a question is a strong, clear and direct statement than it's no wonder you can't argue for shit

Please explain to me why I should care if an animal dies?

I don't see how you're so confused.

>You literally fell into the "appeal to legality" and "appeal to social contract" pit I warned you about at the start of my post.
What are you even trying to say? You asked if you were allowed to rob/murder someone
I said that these actions are illegal because it prevents society from thriving. Can you not gather from that that that's a potential answer to why these actions shouldn't be allowed without appealing to morality?

>The first two are not justifications
Yes they are, you just dont agree with them (unsurprisingly)
> and the last I have refuted
No you haven't

Have you ever argued anything on an academic level? Seriously, jokes and memes aside

Because all life is sacred and faggots need a cause to feel morally superior to all the meat-eating plebs (despite owning iphones made from borderline slave labour and wearing leather shoes)

I mean it says 100% meat. It may not be high quality meat, but it sure is meat. It really isn't the meat that's bad for you tho, it's the gallons of grease they put in their food. Still, mcdoubles are God-tier cheap bulking food.

It's almost certainly a mix of low grade beef and soy for filler. They proved Subway chicken was substantially cut with faux meat.


>tfw ill never be a burger scientist

Go back to the naruto and star wars forums you came from, please. Global rule 2 applies here.
>What are you even trying to say? You asked if you were allowed to rob/murder someone
>I said that these actions are illegal because it prevents society from thriving. Can you not gather from that that that's a potential answer to why these actions shouldn't be allowed without appealing to morality?
The discussion started here. I am not making an appeal to morality, we are discussing morality. You are literally off topic.
>>The first two are not justifications
>Yes they are, you just dont agree with them (unsurprisingly)
Analogies ahead on why X is not a justification
> "it's tasty"
You are tasty so I am justified in killing you for food. I know it is illegal, but you can't be mad at me because I did the right thing.
> "who cares"
I killed you because I don't care about you. I know it's illegal, but you can't be mad at me because I did the right thing
>and "animals are below us"
>> and the last I have refuted
>No you haven't
The refutation follows logically if we agree on the above fallacies of human murder being unjustified
>Have you ever argued anything on an academic level? Seriously, jokes and memes aside
Yup, defending my second thesis in a month. Way easier than this because my professors don't usually stray off topic, and they also understand simple arguments like 1+1=2. Thanks for asking.

>You are tasty so I am justified in killing you for food. I know it is illegal, but you can't be mad at me because I did the right thing.
And this is a justification. Not a very good one, but still a justification to some. Justification is subjective, how do you not understand this?
The next step is arguing that this is not sufficient justification

>Yup, defending my second thesis in a month.
Bullshit. You're either doing a shitty degree like English where you don't need arguments, only analysis and "persuasive" (read: biased) prose, or else you're bullshitting. No way someone who fundamentally can't argue is defending their second thesis in actual academic work.

Eating meat is evil, but less so than most things people already do. Animals eating animals is kind of part of life. Every species on Earth has had time to evolve with that, and as fucked as it is, it's more an issue of the cruelty in evolution than people themselves.

Basically what I'm saying is, eat meat or don't. The difference is negligible. There's already been about a billion years of this going on, and it will continue for as long as life exists. You could convince every human to go vegan, and it wouldn't put a dent in the suffering that has already existed.

>The next step is arguing that this is not sufficient justification
Well, is it?
Hope you can read Greek, my textbook for the last class I have to pass. All the proof I can give atm.