Your experiences with Kratom. Has it helped you out with pain, anxiety, relaxation?

Your experiences with Kratom. Has it helped you out with pain, anxiety, relaxation?

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Helped me with all of the above and I used way less painkillers. It does build a tolerance slowly and is dehydrating so load up on water when you use it.

Has anybody used kratom at a party? I don't drink so i was wonder if it will help with socializing and anxiety?

Helped with all three. Can even give you energy at low doses.

I know its legal in canada does anyone know a good site i can get it from?

Wanna know this as well. Specifically if there's any negative side effects or addiction/withdrawal

I bought some like a month before it went illegal. Like most OTC drugs I really didn't notice anything especially positive about it but nothing negative either. I would have liked to give it another chance but then it became inexplicably illegal.

Tons of help with all three, it helped me get off narcotic pain meds after 2 ankle surgeries in a year. I notice the more I move around physically while it's in my system it wears off quicker. If you take too much, you can get a headache and some "brain fog".
I've used a few kilos over the last year and a half and there's not an addiction but there is a tolerance that builds up and you hit a cap eventually. Hope that helps. Check out r/kratom for weekly vendor lists and best pricing/sales.

What country do you live in? If it is USA which state do you reside in?

Addiction, super uncomfy withdrawals, decrease testosterone, definitely noticed sluggishness and less intensity in workouts, loved the stuff and gave it up. I have a lot left and it just sits now.

Was addicted to it for 3 years, I highly recommend no one uses it recreationally. It is an opioid and it is very addictive. The withdrawls are hell and post acute symptoms can last longer than normal opiate withdrawls.

Also being an opioid it severely lowers testosterone and your libido, and a lot of forums talk about it causing hair loss.

If you're using it to get off of meds it can be a godsend, just try to never let it be daily use.

Also don't listen to the idiots that say it's non addictive, it is a fucking opioid. Look at /r/quittingkratom and you'll see how hard it is to quit, It takes some people a very long time to get off of.

I have been off it for 60 days and I still feel post acute withdrawl symptoms and I wish I could go back in time. I wish you guys would stop making these threads on Veeky Forums it is the opposite of something you should be using for fitness.

This guy knows



you fucking junkie

Not an opioid*


it is an opioid you fucking retard lmfao

It's an analgesic, but not an opioid.
Look it the fuck up, you ignorant fuck.

Opioids are substances that act on opioid receptors to produce morphine-like effects

Mitragynine is an opioid agonist, meaning that it has an affinity for the opioid receptors in your brain.

btfo, off yourself faggot, why do people not do research before calling others ignorant? you are scum

Congrats you can use google search and pull off the first thing to tell me about. You don't think that's funded to steer public opinion?

Please oh great google searcher, where is it classified as an opioid?
It can opium-like effects, only in higher doses.

It seems like you don't understand the definition of Opioid. It is something that acts on the opioid receptors. Perhaps you are mixing up opiate with opioid, they are two different things.

Being that it acts on your opioid receptors that makes it an opioid.

"This alkaloid is the one responsible for analgesic activity that has been linked to kratom use mostly due to its potent opioid agonist property"

So what part are you having an issue with again?

You know what man, I did get the two mixed up, it's 4am and I just had huge fight with my girlfriend that didn't end well and I think I just wanted to be mad.
Sorry man

No problem mate, I also want to apologize for calling you ignorant scum, I usually don't get that triggered, it is just something I'm kind of sensitive about cause I had an addiction to it.

Have a nice night, thanks for responding with that :)

It's all good dude. I wish you well on your recovery. I use it now, it got me off of prescription pain killers from multiple surgeries. I just keep the dosages low.

We all have off nights, but I can admit when I'm wrong. Thanks user, have a good night.


Whatever it is doesn't matter, I was hooked on that shit too.
I wouldn't recommend anyone to try it out.
You'll feel quite good and want more and when you notice your habit is getting out of hand you don't want to stop anymore.
I'm off since January and been using it for 1-2years.

I understand it might be useful to people suffering from pain but don't just use it because you're bored and want to "relax".


This is why fit is the best board

Trips confirm

true men always kiss and make up in the end, btw thinking your kratom withdrawal was bad, try fent withdrawal if you want to know the real meaning of living hell.

kratom is small time opioid

I never said there weren't worse withdrawls than kratom, however it's all about perspective, for some people quitting kratom can be harder than for another person to quit morphine.

kratom still took a toll on me as a person and fucked up my life, and if you visit /r/quittingkratom you'll see a lot of people say that the post acute symptoms are commonly longer lasting and worse than pure opiates, I assume it's because of they huge amount of uresearched alkaloids in kratom

Yes it would. Opiods/opiates are super amazing at parties. You feel euphoric, non anxious, and suddenly feel super social. It's great.

Yeah stay the fuck away. Been off opiates since last November other than an occasional slip up where ill binge for a couple days then hate myself.

Kratom wd is nowhere near as bad as oxy or anything but its still really fucking shitty and you'll want to rip your bowels from your body to stop stomach pain.

Also any mu opioid agonist, which Kratom is, will have a huge impact on testosterone levels with prolonged use. Say goodbye to your gains

Stop posting.

Read the rest of their convo.
It's kind of sweet.

Look at all these babies bitching about kratom withdrawal. Welcome to the wonderful world of opiod/opiate addiction. Be grateful you are did not end up like the rest of those miserable souls who end up getting addicted to waaaay harder opiates like heroin/fent/oxymorphone/etc.

So basically does anyone have any clue how much kratom I can take in a day to manage pain and not seriously effect my gains?

If you are taking any amount daily it will effect your gains

I don't have any science to back it up, but I feel like even one dose lowers your test being that your libido disappears

You're probably right about a dose or two lowering my test. I've had days where I've taken several doses to manage pain and I'd say no to my gf laying next to me or don't even bother fappin. Fuck

Look at what these guys are saying
and ask yourself if reduced anxiety is worth the risk.

Uh, did you mean to quote me?
Cause I take it to manage pain and it got me off of narcotic pain meds.

oh yeah i'm not saying it wouldn't be bad, sorry, didn't mean to be a dick, i'm 1 month clean off of heroin and it's still getting to me a bit. I know the pain of opiate wd and it's fucking nasty whoever it happens to

what were you on? ex smack head here.

Oh no lol, i meant to quote this guy
You have a legitimate reason for taking them. Stay strong bro

I understand the pain dude, but I'm not really sure I have that good of advice to give you. You could always continue taking it, and then get your bloods done and talk to your doc about trt.

Also although I don't have much experience with it I've heard good things about weed for pain

Also ibuprofen and massages. Not sure about the nature of your pain and I probably couldn't give great advice even if I did, but you could talk to your doctor about non opiate/narcotic options

search "chronic pain" on /r/quittingkratom and you'll see a lot of people with the same issue and you might find some good advice. Best of luck

No problem I misunderstood.

Good on you for getting off heroin, about 2 years ago my cousin who I lived with overdosed on it and passed. Keep on going man and never look back no matter how hard it is, there is aboslutely no value to meaningless plasure.

Lol did want to try kratom but hearing it lowers test and libido is reason enough not to.

Good infographic, user. Good work at getting other people to meditate.

i've experienced withdrawals from kratom before. but that was only after heavy use for quite a while. imagine feeling restless and tired at the same time. just go on a short run or workout and your brain will release the chemicals you are craving so much, in my experience.
idk about that, i get horny as all hell but percocet makes my dick hard so maybe i'm just weird.