Why do you keep saying weights is better than cardio at losing weight? I am never exhausted after a gym

Why do you keep saying weights is better than cardio at losing weight? I am never exhausted after a gym.

You can gym every single day of the week - arms & shoulders, chest and core, back, legs, and not get drained. But you can't do cardio every day and if you do do cardio every day you will burn the weight way faster than some SS or brosplit shit.

So what's the big deal? No way does lifting burn more than cardio. I've never seen a thin person get thin from just lifting. Lifting for mass gain and retention sure but for weight loss? Cardio is always gonna work better.

>I am never exhausted after a gym.

Try lifting to failure once in a while yeah?

Do heavy hang cleans

>Spend 2 hours doing cardio
>Burn the equivalent of one small meal
>End up skinnyfat

>Do 1 hour of weights
>Burn a little bit
>Don't eat the extra calories you don't need
>End up fit as fuck

Try mid-heavy compounds. Every set's an AMRAP, 1.5 minutes rest between each movement of your superset, 3-5 sets. Build good looking body, burn ass much if not more than cardio.

So doing 80% of 1RPM 5x5 squats doesnt exhaust you ?

> I've never seen a thin person get thin from just lifting.

Me neither.

>I do 3 sets of 12 for curls and bench on Monday, and 3 sets of twelve for pulldowns and lateral raises on Tuesday, and 3 sets of 12 for shrugs and calf raises on Wednesday, and 3 sets of 12 for crunches and squats on Thursday, and 3 sets of 12 for leg curls and rows on Friday, and I'm not even tired.
No shit, ya dingus. Try a full-body exercise with minimal rest periods, in circuit-sets, for 5x5. In other words:

>squat 5x5
>ohp 5x5
>row 5x5
That's one circuit, so you do a set of squat, then a set of ohp, then a set of row. You don't take any rests, you just move to next exercise, then repeat 4 more times. But you're not done...
>Romanian deadlift 3x5
>bench 5x5
>pullup 5x5
that's the second circuit you have to complete after the first one.

This workout will only take you 30 minutes, but you will be exhausted. You will need Tuesday off. You will burn a fuck ton of calories while gaining strength and hypertrophy.

Nobody has time or space to run around the gym doing this shit in just 30 minutes quit fucking lying.

>Wanting to "slim down" and get "thin"
>Trains like a pussy
>Doesn't know more things exist than SS or Brosplits
>Doesn't realize "feeling the burn" is a meme

Go to the gym and squat for 20 reps at a weight you can comfortably do for eight, or even better, try not sitting on your phone for six minutes between sets that are less than %80-85 of your max.

>doing 20 squats in a row

sounds more like cardio to me

>when poorfags don't own their own gym
I can smell you from here. You smell like old socks and Mcdonalds.

Start from %60 of your 1rm and do it 2-3 times a week, adding 5kg every time until you stall and then 2.5kg until you stall again. If you don't have microplates, up the weight and drop the reps 5 per session until you get to 5 reps. I put like 35kg on my squat this way really damn quick.

Its the best way to build quads for me, no matter if i do fullbody or brosplit, i start leg work with 1x20 backsquat and increase by 5lbs each time

>I am never exhausted after a gym
You are doing it wrong then.

And cardio is better for losing weight, not sure who told you otherwise. The higher heart rates caused by cardio lead to more fat burning.
But there are other reasons why you should lift if you want to lose or maintain weight. More muscle mass means more calorie consumption, which means you can eat more without gaining fat. Also you will lose muscle mass if you cut without muscle exercises. Weight lifting during a cut prevents that muscle loss (assuming you eat enough protein).

>I am never exhausted after a gym.

>Go to the gym and squat for 20 reps at a weight you can comfortably do for eight, or even better, try not sitting on your phone for six minutes between sets that are less than %80-85 of your max.

Spot on, ive been doing 20 rep squat 3 x a week for the last 4 weeks, its not cardio but it really does blow your legs up if you eat enough, i took my 10rm and pushed out 20 reps, after the 10 reps suck in 3 breaths and lift.
After the 15 rep your legs shake, your brain screams out but just push out 1 more then you collapse

Veeky Forums just hates cardio because 90% of the board are permabulk (fat/lazy) and eat low quality boxed/bagged food because it fills their """"macros"""".

Just do both if you want the results of both

>I am never exhausted after a gym.
Lift heavier faggot
>I've never seen a thin person get thin from just lifting
I've worked my way down from chubby to around 10% bf without a single second of cardio.

Sounds like you'd die on a mountain hike dear.

Well although the weight training itself doesn't burn a huge number of calories in comparison it speeds the body's metabolism for 24hrs or so - meaning the body burns more calories than normal.

Cardio burns more calories in the action but only elevates metabolism for around 2 hours after.