Cut Or Bulk?

I weigh 64kg and am 170cm and my strength is as follows:

Benchpress: 67.5kg
OHP: 40kg
Pull ups: 8 (bodyweight)
Chin Ups: 10 (bodyweight)
Deadlift: 85kg for 5 (have gotten weaker because stopped doing them for 5 months)

Also any other advice is very welcome

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Also sorry for shitty front pick, don't have another on me that isn't several months old

Wait for puberty.

I just turned 18 haha. But should recomp or what are you saying?

No offense but you have no strength. Eat and lift and come back later.

Its over for you. Its over. Damn...You are very short.

I know I'm weak. So should I bulk or in what direction should I go? I really don't know what to do? "Just lift" is very vague desu because I've been working out for lmao 10 months

What program? Just do starting strength or stronglifts, man, this shit isn't complicated.

Whatever makes you feel better big boy.
I've never understood the hate on short people here.

I'm doing very well in school (All top grades so far as I'm aiming for medical school). I also have a pretty good social life with friends both in and outside that I party with every other week.
Lately I've also been talking with this 9/10(srs) girl that has shown me interest. She's also 1 cm taller than me btw.

I understand that being a short guy has a pretty big impact on dating but it's still possible to be with someone.

Did brosplit for a few months but started doing a full body program(with focus on back and delts) 3x a week and My progress has sped up.

You're still small. Bulk until you finish Starting Strength. Most inbetween guys like you freak out when they bulk because they see their belly getting bigger and feel fat. They start eating less because they think they are bulking too hard, then their gym work suffers and they give up. Do NOT do this. Keep eating enough food to gain weight and keep lifting hard. Then once you hit a goal weight, I'd say about 15kg heavier, keep lifting the same amount and cut. The fat will melt off you. You'll have much better results.

Remember that when you bulk you unavoidably gain fat, and when you cut you unavoidably lose muscle. If you hit 80kg and cut down to 73kg, you'll still be small, but you'll look better. If you do less, you'll pretty much look the same.

Don't fall for the clean bulk meme. Don't fall for the fatso meme that losing weight is hard. It's fucking easy if you track your food and exercise. Don't half arse this. Go all the way and you will see results, big, big results.

Thanks for the advice! Isn't 73kg a lot for My height? Lu xiaojun is same height as me I think and weighs 77kg and he's really big imo


answer is always cut


then when you get abs you can worry about "gaining weight", until then you have no business gaining weight.

If you keep bulking like some of these faggots recommend you will just look skinnyfat and spin your wheels for months and years on end.

Seriously, no one gives a shit about your weight:height ratio, yes you're light for your height, but what matters here is aesthetics and progress, then when you look like you have abs you can worry about getting heavier slowly.

>Cut Or Bulk?
workout lmao

But then CHAD comes around with even BETTER grades than YOU while he is 6'3 and you continue to be a MANLET without the correct HEIGHT and FRAME

stop validating yourself to others you fucking beta

My progress is already slow in the gym (add about 2.5kg to bench every month) and my weight is stuck at 64kg. I know this is funny but I've been lifting for 10 months so I've already got my beginner strength gains. Believe it or not I could only bench 35kg when I started.

Does that change your opinion or does your advice still hold?


you look 16-19% bf, believe it or not
some people just have really low muscle mass so their bf% can reach high levels despite being light.

you are one of those people, just keep lifting and take measurements of your arms, chest, thighs and waist.
Measure these weekly, concentrate on cutting fat off.

Not gonna sugarcoat it, you will look small, but you will look fit.

Also it really doesn't change my opinion on what you should do, just because you started as a sedentary girl like in strength doesn't mean you should get fat as fuck to get gains, lots of ppl even on caloric defficits manage to get stronger, you just have to either train more than you are right now or train less depending on how you're responding.

Okay big boys you can think whatever you want but I don't give a fuck about my height except it's effect on attraction.

Also Chad can't get higher grades than me if I already have all A's (as of yet).

Only reason I even responded to the guy that called me a manlet is because I became self conscious of my height when I started browsing Veeky Forums but quickly realised that the only People hating on short guys are other short guys that are cucks tht blame their failures om something they can't control because it makes them feel better than knowing it's their own fault. Also tall guys who hate on short guys are insecure and want to feel better about themselves.

Actually taking a second look at your physique you do seem to be around 20%bf.


Thanks! I'm actually glad that I'm sub 20% so I don't have to cut as much. How much should I cut by the way weight wise?
I used to train too much but ever since a month ago I switched to a full body program 3x a week instead of brosplit 5-6 times a week, I've seen faster progress.

Lol, to what weight should I cut?

just bulk you'll look leaner when you put on actual size

I'm getting conflicting answers :/
Why shouldn't I cut and bulk instead?

manlet uprising itt:

>Okay big boys
Is this supposed to be an insult?

No really.

Don't think about weight as much as looks.
Just eat less and lose weight slowly, you need to get lean before you can worry about getting bigger.
But even eating less won't stop you from gaining a bit of muscle, just eat enough protons m8.
Go to all the body transformation threads on Veeky Forums, all the guys that look like shit go on "bulks" and then try to cut and still look like shit and regress like crazy.

Cutting is short term, bulks are long term.
Cutting will keep you motivated as fuck specially when you actually start showing muscularity even if you're small.

You should bulk and follow a linear progression. You still got a lot of beginner strength to grind out.

Damn dude I'm still on season one!

nah cutting when you have 0 muscle is a complete waste of time

>Leaner individuals gain more muscle when they mass than fatter individuals. If you’re male and can’t see your abs at all, you’re better off losing fat so that you can put on more muscle later, rather than just gaining mass now and getting even fatter.

It's literally not a waste of time specially now that he's a beginner and can progress even eating very little.
If he cuts later he will have a harder time sticking with it.

ahahahahaha this is pasta right?

bullshit and bad advice.

he should take maximum advantage of newbie gains and pack on as much muscle as humanly possible, even if he gained 2-3% body fat, if he put on a fuck load of muscle he would look heaps better.

op - gotta ask yourself, do you actually give a fuck about being strong or do you just wanna go twink mode to get guys/girls. if you do, fine, cut, if you give a shit about lifting and getting strong, work out and eat.

I'm in a similar situation to OP so just gonna throw this here, how fast should I be gaining weight? Not scared to look a little chubs but don't want to try rush

>bullshit and bad advice

fatty detected

if you honestly think he won't improve his body composition by not bulking then you're just another gomad warrior

SPECIALLY as a beginner at his level he will be able to gain at least a little ammount of muscle, he should focus on getting rid of useless bodyweight first, then massing second.

>muh newb gains
you get newb gains even if you're cutting, and this dude is nowhere near lean enough for it to be impossible.

>if he put a fuck load of muscle he would look heaps better
Do you seriously think no one knows this?
The problem here is that he will not be able to put a fuck load of muscle unless he keep training for years.

>if you give a shit about lifting and getting strong

all you gotta do is lift, you don't NEED to get on bulks, SPECIALLY if you're a beginner as is the case with the OP.

2 lbs a month is nearing the top end unless youre straight dirty bulking

Like 1.5-2kilo a month is what i´m doing. I did start out at 126lb, so i packed on a good amount of fat too, to look healthy.

>body dysmorphia detected
youre clueless m8

newbie gains are the best time to put on size and strength

if you seriously want to tell me that you can make the SAME gains on a cut vs. a small surplus you have no fucking clue what youre talking about

why waste the time when your body is the MOST RESPONSIVE to building size and stregnth

hed be leaving gains on the table unnecessarily

he doesnt even look bad, just typical normie

Ok thanks once again I had underestimated the time factor

I've been working out for 10 months. My newbie gains came during the first two months of lifting. After that everything has gone really slow (2.5kg/month to bench) and when I look att progress pics there is only av slight difference except my chest which was really flat.


Get those numbers up and also get enough muscle to look got and not skinny when u cut

you have a sub 200 lb deadlift and i dont see a squat total at all, your bench is sub 150 lbs, yes, you are still in the newbie phase

whatever youve been doing hasn't worked, m8

>my weight is stuck at 64kg
Is what you posted above. You need to just fucking eat food, and up the weight of your lifts. Newbies gains arent a 2 month thing.

Bulk - Don't go crazy on calories and you shouldn't put on much fat. Honestly you don't have much muscle yet and your strength is low, so cutting is just gonna make you look skele. So slow bulk to maximise the noob gains and you won't have to cut too long at the end of it.

Something that helped me was working on the mind muscle connection inb4 people will say it's a meme but when you really focus during workouts I feel way better pumps

Switched program with much less volume about a month ago and progress has spead up slightly eventhough I've lost 3kg because of ramadan fast.
I have hopes that progress will be even faster after fast.

Not religious only do it for parents inb4 hate.

Programs do jack shit if you still cant eat 500 above TDEE. If you are stuck at 64kg, you need to eat. You should be doing 70+ in bench already.

"Only do it for parents"
That's what they all say

Nah, when I move out I'm note gonna do any of this shit

>he doesn't even look bad

This is what fatties on Veeky Forums actually believe, fucking christ.
Dude he looks like a skinnyfat basement dweller, if he bulks now his belly will just get bigger, his muscles will get a bit bigger, but it won't change how he looks dramatically and he will still look like shit, you don't NEED to bulk up to get bigger muscles and gain strength AS A BEGINNER.

Again, AS A BEGINNER bulking is worthless and shouldn't be recommended for anyone who isn't really lean.

>he'd be leaving gains on the table unnecessarily

Are you implying these newb gains just magically disappear and are gone forever if you don't get fat as fuck from the start?

>newbie gains are the best time to put on size and strength

You don't even know what beginner gains are m8, newbie gains are not a time frame where you magically get the most gains, they are the gains you get on your beginner stage of training and they don't fucking disappear if you are eating less, you just don't obtain them as much as if you were bulking and getting fat, but you will still get all of your "beginner" gains if you take a reasonable approach to things.
The newbie gains are still there, they just come slower if you are eating less food. There is no emergency in getting fat as fuck in order to benefit from them.

Pic related a guy who started skinnyfat(even skinnier than OP) and ended up looking tons better all without cutting, plus he doesn't even lift weights.

all without bulking*

"Dude looks like a skinnyfat basement dweller"

It just means you have all the more room for improvement.

Dude, seriously, for your own fucking good.
Listen to someone who has been there, do NOT bulk now, and if you do end up bulking later in your training stage aim for at the very most a 1kg increase a month.

Your wife will fuck your 18 year old 6'1 poolboy she only sees you as a potential provider