Everyone who desires to sort themselves out, slay their dragons and rescue their fathers from the belly of the beast get in here. Let's get a discussion going on getting sorted.

Video of the day youtu.be/kYMjnOwMRIQ

Other urls found in this thread:


had Jordan Petershit ever recovered from being eternally BTFO by powerful Sam Harris?

Im currently, finally, fixing my room.

pfft sam harris is a meme now. let's be intellectually honest here and parse out why people are so confused but in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes. wehhhhh


Not gonna lie, former Peterson watcher here. This is fucking hilarious watching Peterson descend into chaos and get stuck in a whale's belly. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear Archetypes.

His Christianity will be his unraveling.

>/pol/ humour

What's this you're talking about? I've watched a bit of Peterson but not sure

>Sam Harris
His ass is still sore from Noam Chomsky's whoopin desu.Sam Harris is the definition of a meme, he can't win shit lmao

Kys leaf

obsessed about this one girl at work, shes working summertime

shes undeniably smart, studies econometrics, attractive but not over the top.

I had mixed signals from her so i tried my luck and asked her out, got literally no response, she just walked away without saying anything.

But thats not the point. While later u started lifting and here i am 7 months later, she came to work again and i cant stop thinking about her and looking at her through window at workplace.

Worst part sometimes she catches me when i lool and eyes meet and i know she thinks im turbo creep.

I think i could only be saved if i found another object of interest but alas i barely go out, only lift and work.
Going out is hard because i dont have friends since im foreigner here, besides i hate groups of people.

My deadlift is approaching 200kg for single after 8months of lifting. Should i momentarily try to do just 4pl8 for reps or still try maxing out? i alternate sumo and conventional but sumo feels much safer on my back and stronger in general

It's a pasta that Correct the Record used before they realized people knew they were shills.

Similar to redditors trash talking Peterson on /pol/ because of how powerful his message was.

Here's the original pasta
>Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

You think you've disguised yourself, but you're a complete Newfag

My nigga, I refurbished mine, trying to keep it clean and just cleaned my shoes. Small victories.

Trying to be more of a responsible person at work (teacher) and reading more.

On another note just had my first sale from my side business ($200) but dealing with some logistics problems.


It's a numbers game man. Don't take it personally but what it is, just a number that didn't conform to your world view. You should be proud of yourself that you actually faced the dragon

Reading "Collective Unconscious and the Archetypes" and Peterson is pretty much just regurgitating it with very little added. Granted, he's also backing it up psychometrically, which is impressive and novel.

he's a good speaker and adds emotions compared to just reading a book but yeah most of his ideas are a collection of other great ideas by dead people

he's the ultimate meme master so to speak


Any book recommendations for self improvement?

His actual research is good, though. I do think it is a bit calculated to diffuse political arguments, as the assumptions of moral foundation theory (which is one of his areas of focus) force compromise because it shows that total "conversion" of any population is impossible.
I do think he's a little stealthy about his Evola references though. I'm half expecting Peterson to drop a "Kali Yuga." Sounded like he was on the verge in the Pepe/Frog prince video, which is actually a child's version of a Gnostic hymn where a prince must find the Jewel of Rightness.

The Enchiridion of Epictetus followed by the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
The Hermetic Tradition followed by the Doctrine of Awakening followed by the Yoga of Power, all by Julius Evola.
Anything by Dostoevsky

His popularity has skyrocketed, so I don't think people particularly care. And to be honest, those podcasts were fairly insignificant to anything.

how to rescue my pops? He was always distant and I never had good contact with him, so I don't even know where to begin. It's sad seeing depression eating him away.

>most of his ideas are a collection of other great ideas by dead people
Essentially goes for anything and anyone, and I don't really see the problem with that.

You shouldn't max out every workout. I would say even 4pl8s sets for your current max is too much. You max out to test yourself. Maxing out every workout works only for beginners.

I have no idea why this whole board is not on the Peterson wagon. He makes sense to Veeky Forumsizens who want to better themselves, makes sense to those who came here to bring discipline into their lives and the /pol/ invaders should be sucking his cock 24/7 for his fight against post-modernism.

why reinvent the wheel? That's for stupid people.

Do you guys have any experience with his work? Any results or progress stories?

slayed a bunch of virgins and fucked a dragon after reading his book maps on meanin

10/20 would do again


Why are you in this thread?

i read the joron petpeoson son

And that's your response? Come on now, why are you really here, what do you want to say and why?

helm me man my addy touched me when i was 52 yrs old :(

Man, people come here looking for help. If you want help talk like a normal person. If you're just here to shit on people... Why?

u think u can help people just because you watch jordan peterson?

u better sort yourself first

No, I don't! I came here looking for help, advice and to see if anyone has any experience with this and if it's worth the time. And for some reason you are shitting on me.

here's an idea bud, why dont you try and find out yourself? what are you gonna lose oh your so precious time spent browsing fit and asking autists for help. dont wanna lose all that

>we can't let this guy get the nuclear Archetypes

my nigga peterson.

who sorting their rooms here buckos?

Never thought about that. I really wanted to have a conversation man.

Beats me. Possibly just pushback from suddenly hearing about him all the time. I bet it comes across as fanboyism sometimes.

I grew up as a single child in a pretty dysfunctional family (both parents are alcoholics, domestic violence, mum turned into a hoarder after dad left, I literally lived in filth until I was about 18 yo) and I still struggle to keep my apartment clean to this day. I can really relate to all the shit he says, just doing a simple task like cleaning your apartment or doing your daily chores does wonders for you when you're depressed or your life is in disarray.

>mocking people for wanting to improve their lives
>has nothing of substance to say when pressed

Your contribution to the debate is noted user.

>Turned 21 years old a few days ago
>Still live with my parents and hate it
>Desperately want to be rich and independent
>Feel like I'm wasting my life and have been for the past 10 years
>Constantly get into fights with parents

Sort me out please fellas

what fucking debate retard

he was asking for a review when he could easily do it himself, he's being lazy

has anyone done the self authoring program?


today's my birthday and I figured that would be a good time to start, also going to stop chewing tobacco. wish me luck lads

this charlatan always rambles on and on about meaningless nonsense, so that fatherless incels can nod in approval without understanding anything, but at the same time feel like intellectuals and get a false sense of direction and clarity, and in turn give him more publicity and money. he can basically say whatever as long as he talks fast and with confidence, uses fancy words and waves his hands you faggots will suck it up like he's the dad you never had


>meaningless nonsense

just cause they dont make sense to you dont mean they are meaningless

stop projecting u r an idiot

We can't, user. Only you can do that. We can only shitpost and maybe try to help.

Reporting in.

Academiafag here. Not a psychologist, but enjoying his lectures a lot. His practical advice is very solid. Have personal experience with using ordering behaviors (clean your room etc) to fight depression and anxiety. It's surprisingly efficient.

The wider stuff regarding meaning and interacting with the world in an honest manner is where he really shines though. How much have you heard/read?

Not the user you replied to but I've read/watched very little I only discovered him through his appearance on JRE, where would you recommend I "start" with his work?

In case you havent noticed, the leftist cucks of Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums have been trying to subvert not only /pol/ but also our beloved board.
Why do you think you see commie, cuck, interracial, tranny shit here? Its not because an overwhelming majority is into this. There are a handful mentally unhinged loners that spam boards with their insane shit, most notably /pol/ but they have been coming here too.

Veeky Forums are idealistic, vain children hiding in ivory towers jerking it to Derrida and pomo babble. They look like this, but 100kg more and they dont leave their room

Well I found out about him like yesterday so just some youtube lectures and interviews. I downloaded his podcast about reality and the sacred.

>Use parents for financial security (flat/house, food, etc.)
>apply for jobs or college/university
>be grateful they support your ass
>start living on your own once you finished your education or found a job and your finances suffice

You're only 21, you don't have to rush it. Set yourself a deadline, like once you're 24 you wanna be done with whatever it is you're doing and move out and work towards that. I moved out too early and built up a huge amount of debt (student loans, etc.), so just chill.

it depends on what kind of foreigner.

if you're white no problem. If your one of the mudraces you better stick to your own kind

I know that feel, only I'm 22. Graduated college a month ago and I'm still looking for a job. My parents don't want me to move out. They want me to be their little baby boy forever.

You don't understand user... I have over $20 000

There's no growth for me here though. I need to move out, but how is the question.

start by cleaning your room

I have sorted myself out, this guy has changed my life and I hope my years of joy continue.

I'm ready for the next challenge and I've beat my depression

I am free

Do not allow yourself to become dependent on them once you don't need to be.

>le boogymen is after me and my secret club
if you can't see past this obvious trolling you are legit autistic, friendo

>5 years ago
>get job
>live at home
>work and save and nothing else
>keep saying things will change when I move out
>finally move out a month ago
>go to work
>make food, clean, chores
>waste what little time I have left until I have to go to work again
>same as before except completely alone

So this is the *sneeze* right wing version of shitposting with *sneeze* Zizek. *sneeze* *rubs nose*

Every once in a while there's that psychologist slash sociologist slash journalist slash opiniologist that becomes famous out of nowhere and is the next fad for a few years as hordes of gullible and or easily impressionable people repeat every single one of his platitudes and cheap memes over and over again. He is just one of these.

Im starting with the past authoring. I cried a couple of times whilst writing down some memories.
Also happy birthday my birthday is tomorrow.

He has some lectures as podcasts and a whole bunch on his youtube channel depending on whether you prefer videos or audio. The podcasts are just lecture audio that's been lifted and edited a bit by a student, so you won't be missing out either way, with the exception of the occasional visual aids -
those are supplied in links in the podcast description if you want them.

If you're completely unfamiliar with psychological theory you might want to just grab one of his lecture series from the beginning. It'll give you some basic theory and you'll be able to keep up better.

If you want to get right into the personal stuff, you can skip to the lecture Slaying The Dragon Within Us and the Maps Of Meaning lectures.

If you're mostly interested in his work with archetypes, dominance hierarchies and religion/myth you could start with Introduction To The Idea Of God. You'll get more out of this if you've got a basic understanding of Jung, so you might want to listen to those lectures first.

What a coincidence, today's my birthday too and a few hours ago out of nowhere I felt the urge to write about things of my past, without knowing nothing about that program from this guy. Gonna check him now.

It's all such a surprising SINCRONICITY that I couldn't keep myself from commenting it. I guess I'll have to write more because it helped understand myself a little more.

I should add that I've only gone through maybe a third of his lectures on youtube. There are several years of them. Maybe somebody else can chime in with recommendations I haven't gotten to yet.

>Zizek changed my life
>thanks to Hegel I have a gf now

Thanks user, you too.
I've been putting it off for the exact reason you mentioned, I get emotional thinking about doing it. Figured if I start it on my birthday it will force me to battle through it.

happy birthday user and godspeed
Please also check out Resurrection by Tolstoy, its a heart warming and soul touching book

Thanks, man. I'll do my best to keep up and sort myself out. To everyone else in the thread - good luck.

No worries, user. Enjoy!

>just graduated college
>dumped in worst way by fat sociopathic emotial vampire gf of 3 years
>22 in a month
>live with parents and 3 younger brothers, I am in the attic
>my brakes just went and will cost me $1100 because I took too long to get them looked at
>can no longer afford my gym membership after this month while I save
I know the pain user, but it will make us stronger. Just don't let it wash over you and don't fall into bad habits, try your hardest at the least.

I just want to move out of my parents house... this is torture

If you are not in uni or another secondary education then I would suggest you at least apply to a community college to get your standard classes out of the way and then move on once you have a better idea of what you want to do.
If you have graduated, apply for jobs everywhere. Even if it's not in your field having a job and having any work experience looks better than doing nothing.

>when you realize that at your age your boomer grandparents were already homeowners and you have absolutely nothing and still living with parents
>"kids these days just don't wanna work!"
I want to McFucking kill myself.

>Over 20k

Fuck off. Some people have real problems.

I honestly have no goals or dreams. I've made literally zero progress from age 12, when I first started playing videogames.

>Fuck off. Some people have real problems.

Sorry I forgot this was a competition. Allow me to clarify:
I have:
>No friends
>No skills
>Kissless virgin
>Terrible relationship with my family
>No drivers license
>Barely graduated highschool

$20k really isn't much and doesn't make my situation any better. Or are we in a competition to see who has more "privilege" in a perpetual race to the bottom?

Sorry man didn't realize we were competing to see who has a worse life, I thought this was the thread where we help eachother by trying to put ourselves in others shoes.

Damn you're a little faggot. I could fix all those problems with in a day with $500.
Please kys yourself

Try the future authoring program. Listen to some of Peterson's lectures it might help you pick a goal and go after it.

Sounds to me like you know what you need to do, user.

If you're enjoying gaming, that's fine, but it sounds to me like you're using it to drown out your problems. Which works in the short term, but not in the long term. Your problems are still there when you leave the screen.

If I were you I would kick it cold turkey and find some new interest - anything, so long as it challenges you and develops some skill. Even if it's fucking knitting. I think what you need is momentum and tangible payoff in the form of pride in your work/yourself.

Thanks for the advice man. Why are you even here seriously? Shouldn't you be making chad threads or something?

Do not kill yourself. Just try to work on those things every day, clean up your room and constantly resist fear and bad habits. Remember small steps are still progress.

Well, having goals and dreams would just make it worse, as you'd be frustrated. Or is frustration better than apathy? I know that when frustrated I can get myself to do things, but eventually the frustration maxes out and I default back to apathy, where I do nothing under the pretext that doing something has achieved nothing for me before.

I know that doing stuff would eventually break the cycle but it's just too easy to burn out if you haven't really had any successes in life before that you can use of a reminder that doing stuff eventually works. If you have no prior successes and nobody that believes in you then you can't push yourself as far as you otherwise would.

>If you have no prior successes and nobody that believes in you then you can't push yourself as far as you otherwise would.

This is why you need to start small. When I was depressed my shrink advised me to come up with a task each day. The biggest task that I knew I absolutely, positively would be able to do regardless of how destroyed I felt that day.

Turns out the size of that 'bare minimum' will grow over time as you get the ball rolling on your life. Eventually you're pushing yourself at regular levels. Slow and steady.

Just watch some of the videos on sorting yourself out as a start. Carrying your cross and embracing responsibility will get you through those things. And it will all be because of you. Not the people who did not support you. Youare doing this for yourself.

I'm going in for septum surgery tomorrow and I'm kinda freaking out. I know people don't usually due from anesthesia or whatever but I feel like my luck would dictate that it's the way that I go. I don't wanna be an emo bitch about it but I'm a pretty paranoid person and I don't wanna end up fucking dying having accomplished nothing in my life.

Aside from that, I still live with my parents in a shit hole town with no real places to go out and be social and meet people my age. So like I said, if I end up dying having accomplished nothing, I'm gonna be a fucking disgrace.

Dude, chill medicine is not in the dark ages now. You'll be fine. And after the surgery you'll start working on yourself and make yourself proud and happy.

have you listened to a series of lectures by him?

I'm gonna apply to a few jobs thanks to this thread, thanks anons.
Will update later

I hope you're right user. I just hear of so many horror stories of people going under and never waking up, so I get paranoid.

>tfw you still haven't finished your shitty webcomic because you've been putting it off and now you're afraid you'll never finish it

yeah i had it done - it is nothing. it just seems more serious because its on your face. its basically like a getting a tooth pulled only you're under. getting the nose packing pulled out isn't much fun but otherwise its totally fine - not even painful.

on the other hand you might die.

Not the guy you're replying to, but look dude

If you're freaking out, then do this - sit down and write down your goal. What you need to do (finish shitty webcomic) and why you need to do it (need to see it through, express myself, finish what I start or whatever). Also write down how you see this affecting your life if you do it.

Then you go get your surgery done. You'll be scared, but you'll do it anyway.

When you come to, you'll have faced something that frightened you. Go find your paper from tonight. Read it. Remind yourself of how you might not have had the chance to see this goal through at all. Then you get to work on it.

I'm about to get off work, but I'm gonna do this when I get home user. I don't know why I'm scared shitless, because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be fine. But god dammit when I survive this, it might be what helps me get off my ass and start doing what I need to do.

Thank you.

I'm in a similar situation to you man, been obsessing over this girl, getting mixed signals but i think she is losing interest. I know if i spoke to more girls i wouldn't get attached so easily. But i just have horrible insecurities holding me back.

It's normal to be scared, even if you know something going wrong is super rare. It's an unfamiliar situation that you have no control over.
If you can recall this feeling and use it to light a fire under your ass afterwards, then it'll have made you a lot stronger user.

You're going to be fine. Brace for waking up high as balls to pic related and ready for living, though.

It happened after /pol/ got Trump elected. The marxist ruling class realized that Veeky Forums is the biggest political propaganda threat to them. Now every board seems to have 2-3 posters that do nothing but espouse marxist ideologies all day.