Prove to me that Dwaynes physique isn't the perfect example of human anatomy

Protip: you cant

Hardmode: is it achievable natty?

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Nigga has been blasting and cruising for 20+ years now. Kys for thinking he's natty. Also he has garbage tier abs.

He is far from perfect.

Frank Zane, Sadik..hell even zyzz looked better.


Fun fact: Rock had gyno at one point and which is why he'd wear those loose shirts during the 90's

he's not frank zane

> he has garbage tier abs
he tore his abs

yup but he's had it since he was a kid

>having weak paper like abs

He has tiny forearms.

Yeah, but they were shit before as well. The Rock has never had a six-pack no matter how lean he was.

I have the same problem, I have a 4pack max even when I'm lean enough to have arm, quad, shoulder, chest, and even ab veins. Genetics, I guess.

Wake up OP

In all seriousness, Schwarzenegger in Pumping Iron is perfect. Nobody has beaten him still. Rock is jacked but he is pretty fugly and looks too chemically enhanced. His pecs are like all bumpy. Rock's gonna have some health issues

I think Dwayne takes anti-depressents and other pills

Rock looks like shit

hes a framelet dweeb
also very well known closeted fag

despite all the gear he seems only to be shrinking with age.

>perfect example of human anatomy

This is what people don't get about Arnold.

He was ATTRACTIVE with his mass.

I dunno, I prefer Zane, than looks masculine and massive as fuck without looking "wrong" like a lot of power lifters.

Natty.... you're kidding right?

At 40? Seriously.

I'm on test, anavar, hgh, and clen and look nowhere as good as the Rock.

wtf. The guy is 118kg and 1.96m

Those woman are fucking GIANTS

Whats the best part of his physique?

Stupid roided manlet Maori with a serious case of dreamworks face

>believing a wrestler's billed height

Toppest Kek.

im always wondering why he doesnt have abs