How Veeky Forums or attractive do you have to be to get attention from girls?

help me out. im autistic. any tips?

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Elliot Rodger was a twig and he got lots of attention. Most of it was complete revulsion though. But attention nonetheless!

Otherwise step one is stop being autistic

If you ain't got the skills you won't get the grills

in my experience as someone neither fit nor attractive, attention from girls comes pretty much entirely by accident

just wait and someday you'll stumble into something, it's bound to happen someday


girls never want to settle, so the general rule is to get attention from a girl you have to be more attractive than she is.

brb getting surgery to look like these guys, getting a tan, and weightlifting

gonna stumble into the hottest girl and hope she is horny enough to bang me

have you tried being interesting

in my experience, it's not that difficult with some practice to make your autism productive

that is to say, if you're self-aware enough, and can pay attention to people's reactions to you, and can balance listening with speaking, the things that make you autistic can make you endearing and even charming to "normies;" just talk about music or movies or some shit, anything you're passionate about that you can carry a conversation with for a while

everybody, even "normies," have autistic idiosyncrasies; it is very likely they are not judging you for yours nearly as much as you think they are; do not let your preconception of people's judgement of you color your actions

it's ct himself

> interesting

Being interesting comes from your confidence that you exhume and your confidenc
e comes from your good looks and physique
c who

He's right, though. I met my wife when I wasn't even looking for someone.

When you're so desperate to be paired up with someone, it comes across and really does deter people. But when you're steady and self-confident and not always so desperate-seeming, it just happens.

Reasonably fit and attractive. Keep in mind, we live in a generation of fag dyels who identify as feminists. Best advice I can give is go on Tinder and open up with insults. Pick on them for a guarateed emotional response then turn that emotion into arousel.

Yah, being fit and attractive helps u

but also

> tinder

The only place where 4/10 women can be paired with and hook up easily with 8/10 men

No thanks man

In terms of looks average and above. Also get rid of the autism.

>your confidence comes from your good looks and physique

dead wrong, if you're not confident before you get Veeky Forums then you're never gonna make it

this is a subset of the "lifting for girls" mindset meme, shit is poisonous to be honest

If I were single, it's what I'd be on dude.

This. Life gets much easier when you lower your standards a little bit.

Dead wrong. If you're big and good looking, it's a huge confidence booster.

is it wrong to want a thicc and aesthetic gf when im thicc and aesthetic myself?

sure it is, and I don't mean to deny that it is, but if you begin from a place of "chasing the dragon" of confidence you will never actually achieve it

confidence is internal

You never heard of looksmatching theory have u?

if ur good looking 7/10, chances are you will get with a good looking 7/10 girl

There is a little chance you`ll get laid from looks. Your best bet is to become rich if you are too autistic. Basically, I just banged two sluts (one was 4/10, the other was 7/10-8/10 cutie) by being interesting, funny and confident - and I look DYEL.

No, but I guarantee she gets fat and complacent. You'll also be expected to "love her for who she is". Make it very fucking clear that you take care of yourself and expect the same.

>An autist asked user as he was weighing flax, "How do I into gf?" Said user: "This flax weighs three pounds."

the koan of millennial romance

having a tall and broad skeleton works wonders at many different levels of fat and muscle. you should try it

>Your best bet is to become rich if you are too autistic.

Or lie about your wealth/job.

>hands in pockets
>arm across body holding other arm

they're just throwing away handsome upperclass nerd aesthetic

Being attractive helps but when it comes to girls it's by no means the and all be all, girls and women look for men who have something of value to offer (smart, funny, ambitious...); being fit will only attract shallow women ho won't make you happy.
Also, more importantly, you have to actually TALK to girls, if your plan is to wait for them to make the first move because you're afrad of rejection then you're going to wait a long time (and also you're a fucking coward)

>just wait and someday you'll stumble into something, it's bound to happen someday
Worst advice ever read in here

>Being interesting comes from your confidence that you exhume and your confidenc
>e comes from your good looks and physique
No. Confidence comes from knowing you're worth something and knowing you hve what it takes to do what you want to do

You have to make it believable, no woman would believe you until they see it

>just wait and hope
That's a very shitty attitude

It's a confidence booster only if you actually acknwedge you're big and look good. The fact is, if you lack confidence you'll just push your goals further and further because you'll alwauys be "not good enough" in your eye, because you lack confidence and can't admit to yourself that you're ready to face interpersonal relationship and your fear of rejection, so you just keep waiting for the time when "you're ready".
Guess what? If you're not horrendously fat you're ready RIGHT NOW, pussy (btw I'm not referring specifically at you)

Subtlety is not key. The fastest way would be to wear something stupid and paint your head a stupid color and rely on the peacock effect. The long way is to develop such huge muscles that everyone on the street must take note of you when trying to walk around. The right way is to develop some basics of social interaction. I have no idea how that last one works though, so take your pick of the other two.

but they als have a high ga and a long face?

Once you hit 1/2/3/4 you will be issued a government mandated 8/10 qt3.14 gf

What If I know I'm worthless?

Very this, I'm like a 6 and was chasing after this 8 for a long time. Out of my league and a waste of time in the end, hooked up with a 6/10 that had been there the whole time and all is good now. I'm happy, anons

i'm not super attractive and I've gotten regularly laid all year. it's about your personality and attitude.

You know I'm going to sound crazy here but maybe treat women like normal humans? You know it doesn't make you a beta cuck to treat people with respect. I'm not saying you put on a fedora and go around tipping m'lady but you do realize that women can tell when you're trying to please them right? And that makes you way less attractive, just like you would if a bitch would just throw herself at you for no reason.

I've never been the Chad Thundercock who fucks a different girl every day but I never been single for too long and had some pretty healthy relationships throughout my life, and literally all I did was talk to people like I would talk to anyone else.

He NEVER got any attention UNTILL he committed his crimes. He even complained it in his manifesto, that he is INVISIBLE to everyone. It's really odd how things tend to get distorted in people's mind when the time passes by.

>just like you would if a bitch would just throw herself at you for no reason.
Actually, I'd fucking love that, as would most of us here.

I do that exactly and never even kissed a girl.
Everybody says to me that I'm "too nice", that I need to show my sexual affection towards the female I like, but I was raised so sheltered in a bubble that if I just attempted to flirt with a girl I would feel like I am being extemely rude to her.

So I don’t think your advice is applicable.

be nice but not too nice

I told you to treat women like you would treat any other person, are you "too nice" to your bros too? See dude, women see you treating them differently because they are girls and they instantly lose interest or step on you. Now if you treat them as you would treat any other people, with the right amount of distance they get interested.

After they start to ask for more attention you can start giving them a little bit every now and then. From my experience, if you're not a super attractive you just have to play the push and pull game, you give them the taste of how it would be if they dated you but you make it clear it will only happen if you do. Its pretty logical if you think about it, you present yourself as a person to them, if they get interested in you as a person you can start showing them how you would be as a potential partner. Just don't throw yourself at their feet right off the bat, its creepy dude.

You don't need to be like crazy fit, just don't be obese. Carry yourself with confidence and women flock to you

>I told you to treat women like you would treat any other person, are you "too nice" to your bros too?
Well I certainly don’t flirt with them or make physical contact in an attempt to show my sexual interest.
The only thing I can think of that I of doing differently with my friends is making fun of one another so I guess I could try that, but again, I would feel like I'm being extemely rude if I do that to someone I just met.

>Just don't throw yourself at their feet right off the bat
Never did that in my life, I'm probably even too much passive in the interactions

Maybe thats the problem, you have a passive attitude and doesn't come out as confident person? I don't know man maybe some femanon could explain this better to you but basically I feel like if you just talk to people about your life and if they find it interesting, things just naturally go their way, you just have to control yourself and don't get carried away by any attention you get. Respect yourself and people will respect you.

Most of the time I notice I'm attracted to a person I just start to watch myself and keep my cool. Its a mix of "I should behave as a proper human" with "I can't let this girl know that I got my eyes on her", you have to preserve yourself when talking people man, not only women but people in general.

I used to get attention even when I was dyel. But I think it's because of height. Fit wasn't wrong with Face, Frame, Height.

Have you read his manifesto? He'd go into sorority houses and the like, activate his autism, and the girls (and the guys) would either laugh at him or be repulsed by him.

DESU just copy his speech patterns and you can repulse anyone you want

No you wouldn't. You think you would, right? But in practice any girl that does it is more often than not going to be ugly or internally broken if she isn't ugly. And in my personal experience those are the girls who you get bored with the fastest because it didn't take any time to get with them or fuck them.

Imagine you were going to play a video game right now. Would you rather play a game where you just walk through a corridor to win the game, or would you rather find something challenging that takes some real effort to actually beat? Comparing the sales of Gone Home to any one of the Dark Souls games, most people seem to be going after the latter.

And even if YOU want to play some Gone Home right now, OP, chances are, the girl would rather play some Dark Souls, or at the very least, get through the latest Call of Duty. She wants someone whose heart (or dick) she can win, not someone who'll just show up and deliver it to her without any semblance of a challenge.

Well obviously you wouldn't want attention from an ugly or broken woman. Coincidentally women don't want attention from ugly or broken men like us.

The people who like Dark Souls want a challenge because they're pretty good at video games, they'd get bored playing Skyrim on easy, but on the other hand, people who are not that good at games don't want that challenge. My point is, as an ugly man if I could fuck an attractive woman without effort, I'd go for it, I don't get pussy thrown at me enough that I'd want a 'challenge'. Even fucking an ugly girl is challenge enough for me.

fix what you can

if you have a bad haircut, clean it up
if you wear dumb clothes, burn them and buy ones that make you stylish
not retarded, but somewhat attractive

if your fat, you might want to consider burning the weight
eventually it becomes second nature to exercise
if you need friends, or have retarded shitty ones, find new friends in public by being approachable and extroverted

your old friends will eventually fall in discord with your new standards, and philosophies, and you will only find logic in valuing them less, until your bonds are either destroyed or distant.

then, through friends, or by chance, find a girl you like. see how she acts, is she a slut? if so, do you WANT a slut?
dont wait to be thinner, act when you see a girl that you want to be with.
go up to her, and be nice. don't tell her your nervous, don't tell her that she's gorgeous, smile and say something witty.

go on youtube and watch videos on how to do these first impressions, charisma on command, etc.
pick up a new hobby, whether its exercising, chess
maybe even read more, you name it.

master your own life. people have done harder things.

How ugly we talking here?

Broken is a different song. Lots of them think they can change you. Make you whole again. You have to present yourself as the right kind of broken.

You're not even Skyrim on easy level though. Seriously, watch an LP for Gone Home and tell me if you'd pay full price for that. Literally just walking through a hallway and picking up pictures that tell you how some chick became a lesbian or something. And that's it. The pictures aren't even hidden. Skyrim on easy is a mountain compared to that game. Skyrim on easy means you're at least making some effort to flirt like a normal person.

You'll find tons of girls playing Skyrim on easy but the ones playing Gone Home have tried Skyrim and realized nobody wants to play with them. And nobody includes you. Visible deformities, the smell (oh god, the smell), probably a pain in the ass to try to even talk to. Which might describe you as well. On the first one, you're kinda fucked, but the other two you should make every effort to get rid of before you even attempt to get a girl.

Someone somewhere finds you hot. Someone somewhere who at least looks average will one day find you hot. But before that day comes, your greatest enemy is yourself.

as a 6'2 relatively attractive guy (7-8/10) who is fairly autistic, it's not about looks. I get some attention but not a ton.

I've gotten far more attention by being fun and playful with girls than by just relying on looks. I've gotten maybe 2 or 3 girls come up to me at bars or whatever and tell me I'm attractive without any work on my part, but countless girls become interested when I'm being interesting and fun and teasing them. It's hard to overcome initially, but once you do it gets to be pretty easy and you get a good conversational flow going. It certainly helps that as a man you're going to be significantly taller than them most of the time. Look down on them, see them as a plaything almost. Seriously, just have fun with them as much as possible.

In short, you don't get attention from girls, you demand it. Looks help, but they aren't nearly as important.

>On the first one, you're kinda fucked,

Seconded Charisma on Command. That channel really improved my life. That and LSD got all my autism out.

What deformities bro? Stop trying to get any sort of pity if you won't even admit to the internet what your shortfalls are.

You dummy, having girls come up to you is not how looks help. They help by having girls be more reciprocal to your 'interesting fun and teasing'. An uglier guy doing the same shit won't have nearly as much luck. Also if you can do that, you're not really autistic.

Replies like this are fucking useless user. Just saying.

My advice would to not put all of your eggs in one basket. Talk to multiple girls at once because fuck it, they're probably talking to other guys too. Stick and move, make your intentions clear and don't take too long to make a move. You'll get friend zoned and then she'll be confused once you actually work up the nerve to make say something.

I'm not trying to get pity, I just get upset at people telling me it's all in my head and such.

I have almost no chin, it's like my face goes straight in to my neck. Had some lung issues and allegries growing up so that's probably what caused it. Also I have wide hips and narrow shoulders, but that I can kind of work on at least.

WRONG, stop spreading faggotry user. Confidence comes from your self esteem. Of course looks matter but it's not the deciding factor and doesn't really matter as much as you think.

Pursuing the "perfect" chad will always result in unhappiness. If you don't love yourself, nobody will genuinely love you.

Like seven

As the manlet of my local friend group, I always end up becoming the de facto wingman cause when one guy's height starts with a 6 and the other one with a 5, which one you gonna go for, right?

It's just another challenge to learn to overcome. If you want to step out of the shadow of your betters (in my case, literally), you just have to make up for it with sheer presence of will. Try to go to a fundraising dinner or something with a semi-important politician, and say hi to the politician. They'll make it seem like they own the room (which they probably do) by the way they greet you and introduce themselves. Their free hand on your shoulder, repeating your name a few times, maybe afterwards their arm on your back, introducing you to one of their friends. It's really magical.

I met the singer of Stratovarius in a bar once. And if you watch any of the videos of them live, the guy commands the stage like any good frontman should. At any point in time, he's the most important person in the room. He's spent years learning how to do that effectively and working the magic on you. And he's really good at doing it offstage too. It feels like he's a star (as in, big ball of gas, not the other one), and everyone in the room is orbiting him. Maybe that was just the acid. Then I finally get the chance to go over and say hi and I thought I was standing on some platform I wasn't aware of, because the fucker's like 5'6". Until I was face to face with him I would've never guessed that to be the case.

That's the kind of aura you gotta project. And that most certainly can be learned.

We talking run of the mill chinlet or it looks like you were born without a mandible? Post a pic of your jawline. I know many successful chinlets.

This is total bs. Go to any major city and see all the 10s with less than attractive men. And it's not always money that reels them in, most of the time a woman brings attractiveness as an asset, so they don't want to be with a man who looks better than them.

Just be a good liar.

Take some acting classes. Fake it til you make it.

If you aren't comfortable being yourself because yourself is an autistic mess, just pretend to be someone else.

It gets tiring after a while so each personality is probably good for 2-3 bangs tops, and then if you're a weirdo you might feel even worse about yourself afterwards but hey, it is what it is m8.

It's not bs. I have never had a gf but i can tell it's true, who else i wouldn't have said it.

I'm pretty sure atleast 75% of people here giving advice in this very thread are virgins themselves.

This isn't me but I could be brothers with this guy. I have the same huge nose and face, and a bit less of a chin than he does.

He'll never be a movie star but he's nowhere near visibly deformed level. As long as you're not insecure about it if it gets brought up in conversation (which it probably won't be, it's one of those things that's subconsciously offputting but nobody can bring up specifically), you'll be fine.

>never had a gf

Don't think we should be listening to user.


left is clearly autistic lol

I got attention once when I was living abroad and going on different tourists attraction from a girl.

she was just lonely and wanted someone to talk with, it could have been anyone. I was pretty confused why she started talking with me.

Look I can help everyone here regardless of how attractive, tall, autistic, whatever you are. Whether you're a 1 or a 10. The key is initiative. You initiate conversation. You steer that conversation. You gotta be the one that is leading because when you do that it instantly heightens your confidence and charisma and makes you a billion times more attractive to whoever you're talking to.

Not saying it will let you get 10/10 girls everywhere you go. You're still gonna be stuck in your level with maybe being able to get some girls above. But I guarantee if you're a passive type of person (let's face it if you're on Veeky Forums there is a good chance you are) then try taking more initiative. It helps in other aspects of your life too, you'll be more in control with how you live.

Well when you know the best you can get is a 4/10, it's really not worth it putting that much work into it. That's why most of us are so passive, I'd wager most guys here have at least tried 'taking initiative' before.

What about inability to speak? Like stuttering and just generally bad talking ability?? I can literally not say my name sometimes when I shake hands with people because I'm supposed to do that in the moment. Sometimes I can speak pretty good but 90% of the time I fail to say sentences properly and have to make ways around different words that are just stuck in my throat. Not only the words either it's alot of the times the way I say things I come off as a completely different way than I ment it to. I've had a job now for a while where I have to talk to people and it has helped some but sometimes I'm just not able to get the fucking words out of my mouth properly. I try to challenge it alot and have miserably fail alot of times but instead of gaining anything from it I just get more traumatized in the end. It really fucks up most of my interactions with people and I have zero friends and hate myself

I got game when I was a skinny twig. I fucked a few fatties and single moms. And definitely kissed a few cuties. Personality/game is above avg. But once I worked out and put enough muscle to "be a man" results fucking skyrocketed. It wasnt confidence or social skills it was literally going from boy to man physically. Fun changed to sexy. Creepy changed to dangerous (sexy dangerous). My personality stopped being perceived as friend and became worthy of being a love interest (I acted the same way). Even my intelligence turned them on or gave me points comparitively because people assume Im tarded cause I lift.

>Would you rather play a game where you just walk through a corridor to win the game, or would you rather find something challenging that takes some real effort to actually beat?

Not a corridor, no, I like games with very large worlds to explore, but I prefer easy games to hard ones. I play games for fun and life is hard enough.

And why would you assume you won't get a nice girl? Nothing but that very assumption is stopping you from getting them.

.t just bee urself faggs

How can you be confident when the first thing ppl judge upon is looks ?

No one wants to hear your autistic stories if you're an uggo.

>How can you be confident when the first thing ppl judge upon is looks ?

they dont. im pretty good looking guy but im really awkward and anxious. i also have a fear of people i dont know. when i go out with my very outgoing but otherwise ugly friend he is constantly making the girls laugh. he is able to make them feel comfortable and just play with them. he has the confidence to go out in shitty clothes and make jokes, i dont. im just quietly sitting there and i just cant relax. my mind is going crazy. when a girl asks something or tries to involve me into the conversation i feel like im doing an exam.
being yourself is the single most important thing, thats why the entire idea of redpill is screwed. they are willing to give up on their identity because they dont have one in the first place.
no amount of lifting will fix this.

Everybody is limited in some ways, for you maybe it's your looks. But it's never just one thing. If you were more attractive, you would fear that you can't live up to the expectations based on your looks. You would feel insecure when girls choose a less attractive guy because he is more fun to hang around.


This fucking triggered me

>tfw you think she's interested, when only the two of you are there
>tfw next time you meet in a group she gives more attention to literally everyone else

I think i'm way too sensitive for this, happens too many times, i'll just stop trying, find my happiness in work, and die a good drone like i was meant to.

> good looking guy

you might think you are good looking but by fit standards you might be average or above average

Who is this semen demon?

Here's a foolproof test:
1. Download Tinder
2. Swipe for a day
3. If your phone is now full of cute girls starting conversations with you, you are attractive

Here's how I know I'm attractive

Because I never did, and I failed miserably every single time I tried.
I know where I stand bro, no need to give me false hope.

>I'm 6'20"

whoa dude. whoa

If you can't bant with tinder sloots who say they like tall guys don't play ball

How many times in the past, let's say year, is "every single time"

Glad I play football chicks love it

I prefer
>I'm 6 foot 3 inches
>Those are two separate measurements btw

If you're Autistic nothing will really help.

Being good looking will get you attention, but you'll soon scare any girls off.

Sorry, but that's how it is.

Stealing this, may replace with 5 foot 9 inches for comedy purposes

Past year? 5, but I never try anymore.
A couple years ago, it would be about 5-10 a month, maybe more depending on how 'social' I was being.