Assisted pull-up machine: Yay or Nay?

Assisted pull-up machine: Yay or Nay?

Nay, do real pullups, fatass

just do pull ups? if you cant its nice but how hard is a pull up? you will be doing them in no time

What the fuck is that gay shit

Not great but good enough. The good thing is you can push yourself past failure quickly adjusting the assisting level. so you fail at -10kg? you can pull a couple more maybe at -20 or -25. then -40.

but once you are able to do one, drop the assisted machine and grease the groove.

If can do 5 chin-ups, then don't waste your time on assist.

When I first started I could do like 2 pullups max, but my program demanded I do 10. So I would do like 8 on the machine and 2 unassisted. Every week I'd lower the weight until I was eventually able do them unassisted. It's helpful try it. Also make sure to try doing unassisted pullups even when it's not a pullups set so you get used it. Like if it's leg day and you're resting try going for a few pullups. Do the same on the other days. It helps the lagging muscle parts

not OP but a pull up is pretty fucking difficult at 260 lbs

Nah just do them weighted brah

It works, but you might just as well do negatives, which is to say you jump up to get into position and then lower yourself slowly. There are several programs for starting from being able to do just a few or no pullups, Scooby has one. I just don't do them desu. Totally overrated exercise.

just do lat pulldown until u can do a pullup


Wow. So is your bench 3 plates. At the beginning...

Feel free to use the machine but still try to do them without it so your body can feel what it needs to be able to accomplish.

Great for one arm chin ups

That's how I started.Put the pun at 75lbs Now I can do 25 wide grip chinups at dead hang without kipping.Use weight belt to advance faster.

how many plups can you'll do? height and weight?

I went from 55lbs assisted chinups to 5x3 now. Took me like 2-3 months.

Whats a good total weight? I chin 295 lb for a 1rm

Just do regular pullups

Even if you can do only do 1 it will literally take 2 weeks to be able to do 3x8 or something

I super set unassisted and assisted pull-ups. It's made my unassisted number go up pretty rapidly.

I can complete my chin-ups regularly but I have trouble doing a full complete pull up, which is why I use the machine to do them until I get enough strength to do them on my own. And whenever I get tired up while doing the chin-ups I use the assisted to complete the set.

I weigh 240 and can do 2 (kipping). It's taken 5 months starting from scratch to get here. Hoping the machine will help get me to 10+.

Yeah, which is why you progress up the weight scale, i.e do assisted pullups until you can do real ones

Yes bc most people can't control their hips when doing an actual pull up. They end up looking like they're dry Humping air while giving the top of the bar a mid air blow job

If you have to kip then you an't do pllups fatty


Only acceptable for girls to use.

Super faggish. The grips on mine are stupid too, like impossible to hold onto. I'm doing weighted 3-4@25 right now, going for 5@45.

If you need an assisted pullup machine, set the weight so you fail at 5 reps. Do 3x5 or 5x5 at that and build strength so that you can quickly do regular pullups. Then get fancy with the 10 reps.

How much is a plate?

just dont be a fat shit brah. Simple.

This, OP. If you can't do a pull-up, do lesser weights on the lat pull-down until you can.

Shut up all of you.

OP, start doing this. You will start to get stronger lats and understanding the movements of a pull-up. When you can do 3 of these in a row, try doing a normal pull-up

>when u can do 3 pull-ups, u can do a pull-up

Who let MENSA know about this place?

A pull up with this grip is easier than a regular one

>takes back muscles out of the equation
>basically a shitty chinup

>removes muscles from the activity


Now is this like the equivalent of doing hammer curls? Because when I do hammer curls and then regular curls, my hammer curls always seem to be much easier so I move up higher in weight for those.

45 pounds, i.e. the biggest weighted metal ring at the gym.


Came to say this, just do lat pull down until you can do a respectable set of pull-ups. It's less embarassing

>so fat that specialized machine needs to be engineered to try and keep you from shattering patella on return trip to earth
>is literally a manual stair chair that takes you to top
>feel accomplished
>reward self with mickie dees

But yeah. There's actually nothing wrong with assisted pullups

I did this.

ITT: a bunch of skellies bragging about the one thing they can actually do in the gym that isn't embarrassing even though they're only pulling 100lbs.

the majority of people cannot do one pullup fat or not

the assistance makes you weigh less. that's the only way to view it

If you are fat and need them use them. I am fat and needed to use them. And they helped and eventually I could do them unassisted. It took weeks though. Weeks, every other day.

>can do 8 chin ups
>can only do 3 pullups
how can this be, Veeky Forums?

They are actually really good. U can do heaps of sets and as a result a lot of volume. I do them after real pull ups. People saying they gay don't know shit. Try doing 12 sets of 10 reps of normal pull ups. Yeah you can't

>he doesnt have 100lb plates

My gf uses one. She wants to be able to lift her bodyweight comfortably.

>he doesn't have a 100lb cock
Im dying

too fat to lift myself up

Chin-ups are easier than pull-ups. More bicep assistance with chin-ups

I'm in euro land but all gyms I've been have 25kg plates aka 55lbs

Is saving thumbnails new meme on 4chins?

I can do 7-8 chin-ups but 3-4 pull-ups


Non-autistic non-cancerous answer here.

They are great for training a pull up when you are too weak or fat to do one unassisted. If you do assisted pullups eventually you will be doing pullups. That is why they exist.

They are useful machines.

Yep. When I started about a year and a half ago I used the assisted plup machine. I would use one less counter balance pl8 each time I went or do one more plup than last time.
Felt really great to do normal plups after that

How do you move the assisted thing down? I know most can do it so you can also do unassisted pull-ups but I couldn't figure it out at my gym

do assisted pull ups from the floor? give a little momentum with your feet and then do a slow descent.

Don't use it I need it faggot there is always that giant cable machine with a pull up rack attached go use that instead

They're great for if you can only do less than 5 or no pullups, like the training wheels of pullups and there is no shame in using them, but once you can then they aren't of much use.

If you can't do pullups just do other exercises until your arms get strong enough that you can do a reasonable amount of them (10-15 or so) per set.

The grace of calisthenics is that you can adapt the exercises to make them harder or easier by changing the number of repetitions or sets and progressively work your way up. Buying or using machines kinda ruins the whole thing because firstly they're supposed to be exercises you can do anywhere without equipment of any sort, and secondly because you're giving yourself a false sense of accomplishment.

But assisted pullups are the perfect thing for learning pullups, also I think most people here are talking about machines in the gym, not buying their own.

If you are a woman/lardass/feeble old man. Otherwise, just lower the knee platform and do regular unassisted pullups.

But they kinda defeat the point because at the gym you have other equipment like barbells and stuff that will allow you to gain muscle faster than any calisthenics, most of these machines can create bad habits by giving you the sense of accomplishment at a lower threshold. It's a psychological thing, one hasto "earn" those pullups.

Calisthenics in my opinion are what people does to have a get a decent form when for whatever reason they can't go to the gym and can't have a home gym neither or when they want to be muscular but they think buying equipment or going to the gym is overkill (these people exist!).

But yes, it's still is just a matter of personal opinion.

Put all the weight on then do push downs