I'm confused, why would you use Keto diets to try to lose weight?

Over on Reddit (/groan/ yes ok i know) there's an entire sub dedicated to this - /r/keto - and I have no idea why they use it for dieting.

Isn't Keto just a way to cure drug-resistant epilepsy? How is a high-fat diet with low carbs going to help you lose weight? And finally, I'm sure that when they say that carbs burn quickly and thus make you hungry again, they're bending the truth at the least.

Plus, in their guide they mention eating lots of red meat- I'm no health expert, but I swear the NHS said that they increase your cancer risk if you eat too many.

Coming from a casual fag who goes to the gym twice a week, plays rugby and doesn't control his diet aside from eating fresh homecooked food and avoiding shite like chocolate.. what an fug, guis??

pic related, it's from their 'All About Keto' guide

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if you on reddit why dont you read there keto faq? should clear things up. or did you came in hope someone will say its retarded and you are right? someone probably will protip: thats the vegan

you have a higher chance to get diabetes from high.sugary carbs then cancer from red meat

Because it works for losing fat? I lost 30 pounds just by doing keto. Didn't do any exercise.

>you have a higher chance to get diabetes
it's literally just a method of reducing calories. read the sticky you mongoloid

fair enough, i was curious as to whether it worked or whether it was a kind of feelgood self-help

i've thus been corrected

>high-fat diet
except its not fag
Fad diets are for people who dont want to try but you're lucky if you get past the first 7 days with keto.
You dont eat carbs and you're hungry and feel shitty only for the first 3 days

Just hide the thread and keep keto'ing on brothers. Carb addiction and indoctrination is a powerful thing.

Put it this way OP
>the body primarily uses carbohydrates for energy since this is most easily converted to glucose
>simple carbohydrates (sugar, white bread, etc) are converted faster, complex carbohydrates (oats, vegetables) are converted slower
>This translates to simple carbs = quick energy but not for long, complex carbs = less energy but for a long and sustained period
>when no carbohydrates are available, the body will metabolise what is in abundance instead: protein or fats (likely both)
>fats cannot be converted into glucose, they are converted into ketones which are used for energy similarly to glucose
>protein can be converted into glucose

The idea of ketosis is literally just that if your body metabolises fat every day for digestion, it is adapted to convert your body's fat into ketones and will do so in preference to converting protein/muscle into glucose.

Couple also with the fact that fats and protein lead to better satiety than carbohydrates, and it's easier to feel full on keto despite not actually eating all that much.

Personally, I see it as a way for fatties to justify not eating healthy, nutrient dense food like oats and vegetables. It'll do no more harm than being fat does so why not follow it if it works. Truth be told though no macronutrient is inherently evil. Each are necessary in their own right and in proper quantities, and a common sense healthy diet is just danced around because of taste preferences.

Calories in < calories out = weight loss

Nutrient dense calories in < calories out through building muscle and doing cardio = bodyfat loss

It's really simple


I'm on keto because I get acne and horrible farts whenever I eat carbs.

Holy fuck dude just google ketosis, what keto means is essentially not eating any carbs, or sub 20g of carbs / day in order to be in a permanent state of ketosis.
Except you can eat above maintenance and lose fat on a ketogenic diet you mug, and eating fat is not a prerequisite of a ketogenic diet.

you're as much of a fucking retard as OP is.

lost 40kg by eating roughly 500 cals over my tdee in a ketogenic diet.

this is bs

Fuck off and kys. Stop pretending like you hate reddit. You literally talk like one.


Hmm I don't know. Maybe because it works?

Because people are desperate and ignorant.


5 weeks on keto I lost almost 30lbs. Shit works. Don't feel hungry and have alot more energy compared to when I was eating carbs and counting calories. I always fell off the wagon when I was doing random diets but with keto I feel like if I fuck up and eat over my carbs it's going to fuck up my ketosis and I don't want that to happen so it motivates me to stop thinking like a fat fuck and eat properly.

Lots of weight to lose still but planning to stay on keto the entire way.

Not bad, but you better start lifting heavy

Good progress but just remember ketosis is really just a mind game. You'll automatically eat in deficit by avoiding carb rich (and in turn calorie rich) food. So you don't have to freak out so much about being super strict on carbs.
I understand though as I am the same way.

What're you eating? Sample day?

Meat eaters btfo. Enjoy dying of cancer while I enjoy my Cinnabon

Good work, I went from 260 to 186 in 13 weeks of keto, building back up as of now. Don't have a before picture unfortunately.
>not a grill

I have an Atkins treat once every few days. I know it's not ideal.

Just showed my friend and apparently I'm eating too much protein and dairy? He says I shouldn't be going over 110g protein a day?

What do I need to change up?

Whats your weight? I doubt 110g is too much for you.

Was 200lbs now I'm 170lbs

He says it's 1g per pound of lean mass ?

So newb question but how do you get sufficient fiber in a keto diet without also eating carbs?

Veggies and some people supplement with psyllium husk

you were on /r/keto and didn't see that it worked? sort by top all-time, there's hundreds of progress pictures of obese fatties getting thin, and most of them did not exercise at all. it's a very easy diet to lose weight with.

Aren't veggies mostly carbs?

Ketoers usually stick to dark leafy greens which overall are lower in carbs than other veggies. So like spinach, kale, collard green. Broccoli and cauliflower are relatively low in carbs as well. The carbs that are in a lot of these veggies are also mostly from dietary fiber which are not counted towards your daily net carbs

>fats cannot be converted into glucose, they are converted into ketones which are used for energy similarly to glucose
that's a meme
acetone can be converted into glucose

If I eat a keto diet at maintenance and lift will I lose more body fat than a normal diet?

>No, so keto is pointless