5 years of testicular cancer remission

>5 years of testicular cancer remission
>haven't been the most physically active prior to cancer
>worried that i'm not cut out for life with one testicle
I've been dealing with shitty joint pain for the past year and want to kill myself.

Should I just push for TRT or live with low T? I'm actually curious about the dangers of living with low T apart from low libido (which thankfully, I don't suffer from yet.) and little muscle gain.

Removing a testicle doesn't lower your test, though. It's been proven in numerous studies.

Hitler only had one testicle and look at what he achieved.
Follow your dreams.

thanks for the inspo guys, but i've been homebound from extreme joint pain and spent over $3k on labs + docs to have them scratch their heads at me for this to not be low t

What did he achieve? All his flaws and shortcomings fueled his megalomania and as a result he destroyed whole Europe.
OP isn't a man anymore and he should accept that, otherwise he will only face suffering for the rest of his life.

Get on TRT+. Fuck waiting around.
Life is great with extra test.
Shit, get the other nut cut off to negate the risk of cancer coming back and then just pin test forever.

>Get on TRT+. Fuck waiting around.
No, that's not normal. Killing cancer was already enough in mother nature's plan with you.
>Life is great with extra test.
So is life with low test. Half of our population enjoys life despite their "low test" levels.
>Shit, get the other nut cut off to negate the risk of cancer coming back and then just pin test forever.
If cancer comes back then you should wait and see what happens. Not all people who get cancer also die.

OP, I also have one testicle (Not through cancer)

Don't fuck around with your T, my libido is strong af, and muscle gain is normal. Also have a kid so you should be totally normal as far as anything tescicle related.

You do realize that losing a testicle =/= low T right?

>not through cancer
How then?

Thanks, I was wondering when other lone nuts would start popping up. What happened in your case? My libido's pretty strong as well, but I've been dealing with fibro-like low T symptoms for a while now.

I do realize this, but I've been in pain and have gotten no reprieve from my pain with every other avenue that I've sought with doctors.

As far as I remember it was undescended, I had a surgery when I was extremely young, when they found it wasn't corrected they removed it when I was 8 or 9.

Doesn't seem to have affected my development in any way.

What would it have to do with low test tho?

Faggot. I had a double testicular torsion (it went full 720°, tying all the vessels and cutting all blood flow), shit was the size of a mango by the time I had it removed, I was walking like a troll for two weeks because this shit doctor put me on antibiotics, "it was just an inflammation"

I remember after the removal I was walking like I was ready for a high noon duel for a couple weeks.

>so is life with low test

wait, you had both of them removed?

isn't joint pain a common thing with people that have low T?

OP my teenage brother is dealing with testicular cancer right now, he had a nut removed and is doing his first of 4 rounds of chemo.

How has life been for you after recovery?

I just had surgery, no chemo or radiation. Besides the anxiety and year-long persistent joint pain? Not bad. Sorry about your brother, did he bank and get his testosterone monitored prior to the treatment? Most people's levels are fine with one testicle, but the risk of treatment affecting fertility is there and he should bank his sperm. 4 rounds of chemo is pretty rough, did it spread? Did he have RPLND too?

Idk about his test or sperm banking, I'm half the country away. He did have RPLND because it spread to a lymph node and after that he got some bad blood work. So now he's doing the chemo.

That sucks, it sounds that you should check in with your brother. Your brother's probably going to have dry orgasms for the rest of his life, as this is a common effect of the RPLND surgery, but he'll live. He's probably on bleomycin, etoposide, cisplatin for the chemo. He might suffer from fatigue and neuropathy after everything, but time will tell.

Get on as many drugs as you can and just fucking kill it at the gym, even if it goddamn kills you. Women are a fucking meme and if you look good a single ball will make no fucking difference out there at all.

I just want the right drugs, so I don't fuck with something that ain't broke. Just need to know if anyone on TRT got on it, not because of low libido but because of crackling joints/joint pain.
