What's one magical food of gains that you wish you had known of when you started? Pic related

What's one magical food of gains that you wish you had known of when you started? Pic related.

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I would eat more beans and legumes but the gas... even Hitler would tell me to stop. How do you deal with that? As a result all my protein comes from chicken

Are they better than white and red beans?

I wish I knew about Greek yogurt even before I lifted. Shit tastes so much better than regular yogurt.

True. I'll eat one-pound containers of unflavored whole milk greek yogurt by accident.

Whole milk

I also spent too many years eating shitty sugary cereal for breakfast

>black beans without chopped up onion, garlic, and jalapeno

Not even activated

you gotta learn to have 1 big fart when u eat beans, im a professional bean eater.

I don't actually get much gas. I expected way worse than slightly worse protein farts



They all have different pros/cons. I believe white kidney beans have some compound in them that inhibits carb absorption but for the post part they're all legumes and they're all good

Cottage cheese!

Dry curd cottage cheese is basically a protein supplement. Very cheap before sales and easy to get into your diet with meals or while out of the house.

Cottage cheese satisfies me whenever I crave ice cream


If I had known how much constipation they would save me.

You're supposed to soak your beans overnight to get rid of that gas causing crap. If they still give you gas that means your gut biome is shit. Thankfully eating healthier over a few weeks can start to set things right

I've heard boiling them with onions does the job just as well and adds flavor

t. Beaner

Beans, Kangaroo, Bulk sweet potato, microwave flavoured rice, kombucha, white monster (sips), chickpeas and kale.

Why would you waste money on microwave rice?

because I am lazy and they make things easier to track macros.


Thats retarded. You soak them to rehydrate them. The gas comes the high sulfur content.

Soaking reduces some of the indigestible carbohydrates that also cause gas.


Redpill me on Kangaroo, I tried it when I was a teen and it was good, I've been told it's really good for you but I can't find any stats on it.

It's not that it's good for you, it's just really lean


Soak the beans overnight, rinse, boil for two minutes, rinse, boil, rinse one last time, season with caraway seeds (help with digestion specifically gas) and you're golden.

Pressure cook. In a small pot evoo, onion, green pepper, garlic salt pepper cumin oregano for 30 min cook at loe medium when done from pressure cooker6dump sofrito in beans cook for another 30 medium high so that beans thicken

also zinc and iron which is good for your blood, dick and brain

tfw don't eat dairy and eggs.

No wonder I'm a manlet

That sounds fucking great

Thai curry

You can make a weeks worth of five star dinners in less than an hour, hit most of your macros and micros to perfection on a slim budget as long as you use cast iron pans, and not have to suffer through the other horrid, abhorrent, offensively shitty cultural dishes including
>beef stew
>chicken rice and brocoli
>pasta other than chicken marsala
>Mexican only five ingredients ever surprise
>Indian "curry"
>oats overdose
>sub par steaks because you're father never necked a cow with a pocket knife
>salads with lettuce
>tuna salad
>potato salad
>any salad ribs from anywhere but Memphis
>literally every dish you force eat at Thanksgiving

im lactose tho

how can i activate my beans?

dude me tho but just keep on drinking it first two
months i had gas but after that it went away

Get a fucking measuring cup doofus

just think about thos beans

and i mean some serious gas

I wish I manned up and starting on milk sooner. Never has it been so easy to hit macros. I still hate the taste but I just get it down me, hopefully it will translate into some gains.

Also, this. I've replaced rice with chickpeas since I can get carbs fucking a million other ways but chickpeas have a lot of brotien.

You have some shit taste there, as expected from tripfaggotry.

The holocaust never happened.

Peanut butter.

>better absorption rate than pure peanuts
>higher kcals on average per 100g

I blend 100g peanuts into my final shake of the day and despite blending them down super small its a genuinely horrifying experience. After i've exhausted my raw peanuts i'll just get pb instead.

That looks like grilled liver but with fake grill burns.

Just replace it with Soy