I want this shit out of my life, problem is way back I used this as a way to quit smoking...

I want this shit out of my life, problem is way back I used this as a way to quit smoking, I just replaced a unhealthy vice with another so now I'm sort of compelled almost by reflex to drink it.

Does anybody have suggestions of beverages that can replace it? I already drink shit tonnes of water so its not as if this is replacing water in my diet its just I drink it compulsively even if I don't want to be drinking it.

People have suggested soda water to me but that makes me dry wretch when I try drink it, same with mineral water.

Any suggestions?

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replacing it with a healthier alternative is a good start, I started out with juice (even though it isn't exactly healthy either" and then alter made the transition to tea, now I stick to tea and water.

just go cold turkey you fucking bitch. fuck is wrong with you. stop spending your hard earned money on that shit.

I was thinking Juice, but like you said Juice just has way more sugar in it so its not exactly much better for you.

You could just make your own really, just mix some water and a selection of fruits, and blend it, keeps the sugar levels lower

I've never considered that and I don't know why, I cook all my own meals usually so I really should've come up with that on my own.

Any websites or decent recipes you'd suggest?

juicerecipes.com/ is a pretty good one

brother. I'd post a picture of my empty boxes but I am too ashamed. I have at least 6 in my kitchen.

I am a slave to this drink for multiple reasons

god help me please spare me

The "Make Jamba Juice At Home" pintrest stay-at-home blogger mom bs but replace sugar with nothing and ice cream with ice. If you want straight juice, recommended it b4 me

Sparkling water or whatever, like this shit drysparkling.com/

>being addicted to soft drinks

you faggots should try being addicted to something serious like opiates

its been discontinued so dont worry itll be a memory soon enough

Cut sugar, cigarettes and alcohol completely out of my life

cigarettes and alcohol i can respect

dropping sugar means nothing

anything that only causes a 'psychological addiction' is pussy tier to drop

Can someone give me a quick rundown of why these are bad? I usually have a can with every meal. No calories and tastes delicious.

Its filled with chemicals that nobody is entire sure will be the long term result of, a lot of studies say they can be carcinogenic.

For me it comes down to the fact that they are in terms of what they are as a fluid, just flavored carbonated water and instead of reaching for a can of the shit you could just drink water which is proven to help with weight loss, healthier digestion, keeping you from getting hungry and is not filled with caffeine or random chemicals and preservatives that you don't know the long term effect of.

There is cola flavored kombucha or however you spell the firmented tea.

Or la croix/san Pellegrino

Pellegrino has small bubbles so it's easier to get used to.

These things.

I was addicted to soda since I was 11 and I drank five cans of soda a day. These and the other kinds of water enhancers got me to quit drinking sugary drinks permanently. There is no sugar in them, nor calories. However there are 30 mg of sodium in a few of them such as the lemonade flavor, and they all have some type of sweetner, so I highly suggest not putting too much these in your water. You just need enough to where you can taste the flavor but slightly watered down. Some will say that these things are still bad for you, however, it is better to put a small amount of water enhancers to your water than to drink a diet coke, at least in my opinion. You can at least try to use these to quit the jew juice. It did for me.

drink black tea with milk, it tastes good and its a hell of lot healthier

BLACK green tea. Shit is fucking great

You should carbonate it and buy the ones with caffeine in them. You fucking pleb, how is this any better then the chemicals in soda ?