How do I get power and toughness like Fedor Emelianenko?

How do I get power and toughness like Fedor Emelianenko?

And should I start with Sambo with learning how to fight?

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be born from a line of russians that lived through terrible environment, harsh winters, brutal leaders and endless enemies war and artificial famines

So, can I simulate that as an adult?

It's so sad that he is pretty much an Orthodox fundamentalist now. Stalin was so close to eradicating organized religion in the USSR, and now the Russian church is stronger than ever.

I don't mind the Russian Orthodox, but are always fundies are scary as shit. Can you imagine Fedor's Inquisition?

Well if Lenin didn't have the royal family killed so he could force his retarded and monstrously evil version of socialism on the russian people then maybe they wouldn't all be turning to religion to find some sense of stability and sense of self now.

Stalin literally revitalized the Russian church you absolute troglodyte.

just come from a lineage of savages from wartorn eastern europe


But I'm not and it sucks. How can I make myself tougher like this crazy son of a bitch?

literal retard

So how to into Fedor mode if you weren't born into it?

That's what was really holding back the soviet state, not being committed enough to killing people who had the wrong beliefs. If only Stalin had finished off the rest of the nonbelievers then the Marxist utopia would have become manifest.

Lenin's socialism was intended as a temporary bridge toward full communism, and his NEP represented a sustainable direction for economic growth. Stalin's commitment to socialism in one country enforced by terror is what was monstrously evil.

Are you sure that was the evil part? Maybe the system was the problem not the implementation. As imperfect as Capitalism, Republicanism, Abrahamic Religions or Monarchies are, they are able to sustain themselves as systems unlike any implementation of a Marxist system. Maybe it's just a bad idea from its core precepts.

Holy shit can anyone be this fucking stupid? Am i being trolled?

You'll never get them to admit it no matter how much proof there is against it

Thanks, user. I just want to avoid war driven by modern marxism's division of the population based on perceived power. I'm not worried about losing, but it seems like a hassle. I really just want to be left alone to advance civilization and raise a family.

Add bands to your barbell training

Literally the only Veeky Forums reply. And yes, do Sambo.

Go live in Siberia for a while?


Disregard that, Ukraine it is.

Well that explains it.

Kys commie

It's funny that the same happened with Hitler and Jews

>It's so sad that he is pretty much an Orthodox fundamentalist now

literally kys