How are asians so thin when their diet is pure greasy carbs? What's their secret?

How are asians so thin when their diet is pure greasy carbs? What's their secret?

I'm Chinese, and it really depends on where you're from. A lot of it comes from the stigma of being fat too.

It isn't.

portion sizes. Also people actually tell you that you're getting too fucking fat.

t. asian

You don't know shit about Asians or their diet. I used to have an average Korean gf and 85% of her and her korean roommates diet was plain rice. Even when we eat out at Asian restaurants, they didn't eat much. And yet all of them had some extra fat. The worst thing about Adian women is they despite muscles and aim for spooky bodies while trying to get fat into their boobs

did you have a stroke while typing this?

u okay bro?

>I used to have an average Korean gf and 85% of her and her korean roommates diet was plain rice.
did you think you were debunking me?

>their diet is pure greasy carbs?
Except its not

The fuck. That shoe is like half sole.

White people

>Looking goooood
>So sexyyy
>so many cuuuurve
>Let's treat ourselves


>You're getting fat
>You look fatter
>Lose some weight or nobody will love you
>Stop eating so much piggy.

it's anime

someone told me the recommended daily caloric intake was 1000 in japan as apposed to 2000 in the us. dont know if its true


from living in Japan for a few months
nearly everything you eat is carbs but more than half of your diet is rice so its a lower calorie diet than murrica
portion sizes tend to be smaller
unless you work on a farm you live in the city which means a lot of walking for your daily commute

Most importantly though I think its the stigma of being a fat fuck like said

My Japanese professor looked like she was nearing anorexia and was always talking about how she needed to lose 5 pounds

i found the portions to be pretty big in japan. it can be hard to finish a bowl of ramen or curry

in korea they were super small to the point of angering me for the price i paid

to add to this. i get the feeling everyone is starving themselves because they are too busy working. like how a lot of Americans skip breatfast to get to work...but now skip lunch and dinner as well and only use train station cup noodle vendors as your source of calories


Lived in Taiwan for 6 months

>portions are much smaller, especially drinks
>public transportation is amazing => lots of walking everywhere
>less space means they build upwards => many more stairs in buildings
>it is humid as all hell in the summer so being skinny helps to not die
>fat shaming is alive and well. there are no obese sized train and bus seats and buses get packed to shit, making fat people extra uncomfortable

I ate rice, noodles and boba tea every single day but still lost over 20 lbs

Pretty much just portions and dietary variety. In Japan my gf and her family eat a ridiculous variety of stuff but whether its healthy or unhealthy the portions are pretty small and they eat a little bit of everything. Also seems like more people talk a lot at the dinner table so consuming food slower = registering you're full before overeating. That's my take

explains why they're so fucking small

also, I found that chopsticks really slow you down even if youre good at using them so you tend not to overeat. Many restaurants also give a small side of miso or seaweed soup so that helps fill your stomach as well.

I was hungry skelly until I started eating 3,500 a day

Now I'm built

Spending 18 hours a day in a Communist t shirt factory sweating their tiny yellow bollocks off.

>tfw no genki azn gf

This is true. As is the smaller portions, slightly lower emphasis on shitty processed foods, and more walking.

Do Chinese girls shave their pussies or armpits?

Armpits, mostly. Pussy, I wouldn't know.

I responded to the wrong comment

Why, are you an Asian dude?

I'm Chinese, yes.

I used to fuck this chink tennis player in college. She said she did not even know women shaved their legs until she came to america. But yes, big fucking bush.

Asians are bitch made anyways, who cares how they stay skinny.


At least at my uni, there is a disproportionate amount of asian men in the gym considering how much % they actually account for in the student body.

>Asians are bitch made anyways
I know I'm super jealous

yes that's because she's pretending to be rikka takanashi and is wearing her chuuni shoes

And like others have mentioned there's a stigma for being fat, which even applies to men.

this guy belongs in the
>people you used to think were big before you lifted

Its Bronson mode, he's just on a dirty bulk.

It cannot be true. An active working adult could not meet their minimum necessities and perform at an acceptable level on a 1000 calories lifetime diet.

That being said, the 2000 recommended on Europe and America is an exaggeration if you don't exercise.

>pretending to be rikka takanashi
are you a full grown man and if so why do you know this

carbs wont make you gain weight it's a myth. you should eat carbs as much as you could, less fat. sugar DOES NOT convert to fat

>What's their secret?
They eat their toast without jelly.

Looks like she stole them from robert downey jr


you our retarded. sugar spikes your insulin which makes u store more fat. kill you are self for spreading misinformation. reported.

faggot desu ne~

I wonder who is behind this post

they're skinnyfat though. Finding an asian who is cut is pretty rare, though they look sick af

you can't be this retarded

very few asians work out. Most of the women are skinny fat, and most of the men are either fat as fuck or also skinny fat