If you train legs on a consistent basis, your retarded

If you train legs on a consistent basis, your retarded.

>big legs aren't aesthetic
>time that you spend on legs could be used for upper body exercises instead
>women love big arms

Idiot "power"lifters. You'll never learn, I don't even know why I bother.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1680&bih=944&q=powerlifter physique&oq=powerlifter physique&gs_l=img.3..0j0i30k1j0i5i30k1l5.109.2059.0.2234.

Weak Bait

The only people who are not athletes and obsess over legs are social rejects who do it as a coping mechanism. They can't get attention because their physique is dog shit, so to compensate they delude themselves that the "real" measure of fitness is leg strength

>chad has big arms? who cares, fuck curls they're for pussies

Bait or not, OP had a legitimate point. Girls much prefer Chad's ripped arms compared to your roidhead legs.

>he lifts for girls

>doesn't know how to greentext

I like squats. I'll do what I want.

This so much

You're retarded, you will never look like that pic unless you roid, you're like the faggots who say "I don't want to lift because I don't want to get big"

You can do legs every day of your life and you'll never get that big without roids

but the real measure of fitness is leg strength ya dingus

>don't consistently train 60% of your muscle mass
At least get up to something like a 3 pl8 squat before slowing down on legs. That way you'll have enough lower body strength that it doesn't become a limiting factor in other lifts, plus you look morw balanced

I obsess over legs because a girl was gawking at my thighs and ass in slim jeans. pic related


>via 9gag

Everyone can have a decent upper body but not everyone can have decent legs.

>woman love big arms
>idiot powerlifters

google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1680&bih=944&q=powerlifter physique&oq=powerlifter physique&gs_l=img.3..0j0i30k1j0i5i30k1l5.109.2059.0.2234.

really makes me think

I'm on squat squad side but this is kind of true.
Partially, because doing strength curls is a joke so do squats and deadlifts instead.

Tell that to the girls that pick the dudes with big arms over the "real strength" losers
>b-but I can squat 400 lbs!
Do you think she cares? To her, squatting is a girl exercise.

but real powerlifters not rippetoe meme (rippetoe isnt about powerlifting) have huge arms

pic rel current ipf 93kg and 105kg class champion krzysztof wierzbicki who dls 400kg

This is 100% true.

its just wrong,today i was at the beach and saw people that never worked the legs in their entire life but worked only the upper,they were soo fucking ridicolous

Who the fuck cares what they prefer? Stop being an autistic piece of shit and actually get some higher motivation than appealing to sluts


>he cares about what girls like

beta detected

muscular legs are aesthetic, women do care about legs and no your legs wont look like a bodybuilders leg by squatting twice a week. Pinning steroids would

Holy fuck, finally somebody gets it
>This so much

Those are calve implants look it up

>>big legs aren't aesthetic
Show me one example of an aesthetic physique with underdeveloped small legs.
you can't

>roidhead legs
But they wouldn't have roidhead arms?
Did you read that back before you posted?
Lemme guess, public school right?


doing squats/deads do not decrease upper body mass

Your strength will be very limited if you skip them, and your back/thickness will look like shit.

Tldr; skipping deads/squats isn't even lifting for girls. It's lifting for your bathroom mirror.

I just do cardio (biking) for legs. I don't understand this board's autistic obsession with getting as BIG as possible WHATEVER IT TAKES. Most of you would look silly with those legs.

Women like ass. Apart from that, you should train fullbody. It gives the best results.

it doesn't decrease upper body mass, but it fucks your proportions up, especially if you have naturally wide hips, or are "pear shaped" (narrow shoulders, wide hips)

deadlifts are meme-tier beta exercise, even fucking experts recommend that if you're not gonna compete in powerlifting, you're better off doing some kind of a block or rack pull for those erector and upper back gains

squats will blow your legs up out of proportion, if you do them 2 times per week, and progress strength-wise as you're supposed to.

both of these exercises are required for the sport of powerlifting, but not for having well developed legs or back.

tldr: rack pulls and sprints are better alternatives for strong posterior chain and legs.

Why anyone does extensive leg days is beyond me. I do 3x5 squats twice a week and 1x5, 1x8@75% deadlift once a week. The rest is all upper body work.

>Only lifts to get laid
>Calls other people idiots
Sure thing, Chad


Lmaoing at brosephs who make such a big fucking deal of leg day enough to skip training entire half of your body. Just slip in some squat, leg press or whatever alternative into your normal workout and you are set.

>inb4 muh doms

>squats will blow your legs up out of proportion, if you do them 2 times per week

I've been running SS for 6 days a week....a-am i going to be okay Veeky Forums?

man, some people can't bulk up their legs if their life depended on it. do you have sticks for legs? then you'll be fine. are your legs fucking tree trunks? then back off from squats

>Finish all my lifts with HIIT cardio
>Even on Leg days
>My legs have literally shrunk by 50% and now it looks like I'm a midget walking on stilts

Please send help. How do I get mass back into my legs while still doing HIIT because it's the only way I've been losing weight?

You convinced me brah
What should i swap deads and squats with?
How can i keep my back thick tight solid without deads?

you're in a deficit, can't be both big and small at the same time lol. lose the weight then slowly bulk back up, but this time with more muscle than fat
rack pulls (or block pulls), at knee level or 1 inch above/below it (depends on your proportions imo)

>Do you think she cares?
do you think the rest of us give a damn about what a woman thinks

>have bellow average bone denisty
>have bellow average joint width
>have fewer muscle cells in my legs
>squat twice a week for 5 years
>can never get strong enough for a working set heavier than 3x5 165bls
I have extreme chicken legs, and most 12 year old girls have larger legs than me

I no longer work out my upper body because I looked like a bench bro with stick legs

Nah fuck that I wanna look like JoJo

How does this happen? I do around 8 sets of 500 skips on a rope for cardio and my leg muscles are tighter than my arm muscles.

What did he mean by this

exactly what he typed you fucking retard

Train your legs if you want to attract men

400kg is impressive for a girl
what purse is she using and where can i buy it?

Girls don't look for big legs, but they notice when legs are too small.

>he thinks 20" arms can compete with a funny-ass joke
If all you want is to git gud at women you should spend all your time practising by talking to them, not fagging around doing curls

>krzysztof wierzbicki
This is how I text when I'm hammered.

This board is legit dogshit. Every other thread is a shitty imitation of another troll thread posted 10,000 times already.

>squats will blow your legs up out of proportion, if you do them 2 times per week, and progress strength-wise as you're supposed to.


SS is not a 6-day per week program. You're not doing SS. When you ultimately fail and have shitty numbers, don't tell people you "did SS." Because you didn't.

>"men" actually working legs

No thanks, I'm not gay.

Nobody cares how much you can squat and you still look like shit.

sled pushes are also very good for legs

>go to beach with university friends, man and woman
>everybody talking about shit they like on the other sex
>girls unanimously mention they enjoy going to the beach and seeing man's muscular legs, since they never get too see it in normal setting
>my time to shine had finally come

Thank you Veeky Forums

But then again i'm a hue and we go to the beach in speedos

this. i cant believe there are retards who train legs like 3x a week. who gives a fuck what your legs look like? women certiainly don't. i think some rich gay dude paid for "le dont skip leg day meme" so he had more juicy glutes to stare at at the gym.

its not bait its the truth and you will learn that at some point. who gives a fuck what there legs looks like? cycling gives the same look squating 315 for 8 does...


>powerlifting routine at a commercial gym
>look around to see if anyone is looking at them
>limp away with lower back pain



welcome to Veeky Forums

I'd say you'd be fine with most girls if you trained occasionally so legs look developed but perhaps slightly smaller than upper body. But not training them properly rules out a lot of gym girls as they mostly train legs and are acutely aware if yours are laggining.

ITT faggots looking for excuse to not train half of their body because it's too "painful" and have shit tier VO2 max

Why would I ultimately fail?

I just started and I am at

>1 pl8 bench
>0.75 pl8 OHP
>1.5 pl8 squat
>2 pl8 deadlift

why is this so accurate fuck

How you enjoying legs smaller then ur dick

Faggot ur a pussy who can't squat cause "muh knees" gtfo fag.

>your retarded.
The irony of this post

>can 1RM 4pl8 squat
>deadlift 1rm is 365
What have I done.

He's kind of right.
I mean, we only have so much test to go around. And if you spend most of it on building big thighs as a natural well...


Your lifts are shit and completely expected from a beginner, read the book or at least attempt to follow the program properly if you want to say that you're doing SS.

>lifting for the validation of women
wanna know how i know your'e an insecure beta?

>be me
>need more power in legs
>for better speed when riding bike
>train legs ONLY
>get into T-REX mode
>need that sweet power/weight ratio

lol ok user

I've had more attractive women compliment my legs and glutes than anything else. Once a girl gets around 24 and they're over the whole abs phase and they are attracted to actual masculine traits they love legs.

Disclaimer: I also have abs

>doing strength training and not giving your body enough time to recover

Never gonna make it

>Masculine traits
>Huge thighs


Your body needs time to recover to make gains.

Kek, OP is mad because girls out squat him, so he comes on here to convince us that true men curl.

Men have stronger larger upper bodies for a reason user.
Ignoring it almost completely to build bigger thighs is more then a bit...off.

Men > strong upper body
Women > strong lower body (legs)

So it would make sense that men would hate leg exercises

i don't squat because i hate it and it feels like shit, but i still deadlift and do variants of deadlifts

keeps my legs looking good, hoping to pull 585 next bulk (not far off)

Men: strong
Women: weak

So it would make sense that you don't get out squatted by a girl. even if you don't like the exercises.

I have good looking legs because I cycle almost every day since I was a kid. Obese Ameritards won't understand.

>using cheat angles


tough i agree, that retard low test reddit fags don't even know what decent legs look like, some of these models have pathetic legs.

Nice bro science you utter dumb fuck. You've never lifted a day in your life.

All of you don't train legs because it hurts too much and you're weak willed.

Women do not like untrained body parts and it's a Facebook meme at this point that stick legs are embarrassing and should be ridiculed.

His legs are well over 30 inches with minimal fat. Post yours, you stupid memeing faggot.

I'm too pussy to do a squat so I cope by calling leg training retarded
Ever heard of lifting for a sport? And no, not powerlifting

>I don't know why I bother
Because you're a worthless human being and have no redeeming qualities so you sit on Veeky Forums vomiting memes and bait in a pathetic attempt at interaction with others. Just do us all a favor and kill yourself.

When will you faggots realise leg exercises are just a meme and will fuck your back up before you're 40?

Seriously LMAOING at you all

>German cycylist has never squared a day in his life and look at his legs

All the videos of him squatting on YouTube are just memes you pathetic brainlets.

>ignoring all replies
Best the fuck out every time, shitposting fuck up.

legs grow super quickly and the muscle stays for months without going away. Your point?

I only do maintenance on my legs. I'd rather keep my expensive pants wardrobe than have big legs

>legs grow super quickly
Okay show me your progress where you thought your legs were growing too fast. We'll wait.

that's because "real powerlifters" are roiders. You have to train arms as a natural if you want big arms. All these juicers have big arms because they're on juice.

pic related, what you look like.

But good powerlifting programs and pretty much any strength programs past novice have partial deadlift variations as the vast majority of deadlift work. The first month of the sheiko 3 day program only has 1 deadlift day and the second month only has 21 moderately difficult working sets spread across the weeks.

That guy is jacked as fuck and pulling 6 plates. Post your 135lb body, you fucking autist.