Does Veeky Forums believe in a strong connection between words (specially their sound) and the object they name or...

Does Veeky Forums believe in a strong connection between words (specially their sound) and the object they name or think they're just a standard?
Like in spells, will eating mussels bring those muscles?
Mallarmé thought there is an essential link between sounds and reality... Do you agree with him or are have you been cucked by relativism?

Other urls found in this thread:ödel's_incompleteness_theorems


go read 'the language crystal' and learn about cymatics

sounds like nonsense my man

Already ordered, my negro.

That's what the establishment wants you to believe.

>he only knows one language and believes pseudoscience based on his limited perspective

English is not my mother tongue, but thanks for the comment!
Pseudoscience? Who spoke about science in the first place? Please, learn to distinguish scientific and philosophical speech.

Okay whizzard, do muscles and mussels sound the same in your native tongue or are you just being obtuse

Thanks! Things got interesting at last!
This opens the quest for The (golden) Language, the one that express the essence of being. That's the quest of poetry.
Let's start this adventure while getting swole!

This is weirder than the time I finished a swim at uni and listen to these two guys talking about meditating and astral projection and shit. What the fuck?

Thank you very much if that's a compliment, user!

>these two words sound similar in one language made up by people
>there must be some cosmic link between the two objects themselves

Isn't there and implicit semantic content linked to each different kind of sound? Like, for example, can't we find a correspondence between sharp sounds (e.g. birdsong) and light? And so on..

>made up


Fuck whatever this guy on about, never tried mussels, should i cook some up tomorrow? Supposed to be low calorie and full of minerals and shit

Congrats, you've been cucked into scientism.

Ah yes, the go-to buzzword of liberal arts majors who don't want to accept that they were too unintelligent for STEM

Try them, no doubt!
Serious question: are you going to remove the pubes before or just eat them directly?

you posted the words of someone who got clearly cucked by relativism. That means you basically didn't understand shit...

>not knowing science implicitly accepts a philosophical axiom: materialism.
>ignoring that observation is theory-laden (Hanson)
>being an extremist and linking philosophy only with relativist silly approaches
Not going to make it.

I mean, I agree with you in that science came about as a result of philosophy and that the two are inseparable, but I think most people's gripe with modern philosophy is that the most popular examples are all about relativism and all the meaningless mental masturbation that comes with it.

An entire generation has been educated with the idea that just because you can argue something with some sort of coherence that your ideas are not retarded. From personal experience I've had English classes where we were encouraged to draw even the most random and inane meanings from minor details in the stories we read (eg the blue, heavy drapes represent the stifling oppression faced by a woman in the 60's).

This has spawned a lot of high and mighty educated folk that think that so long as they can follow the formulaic essay formats and check off every box on the rubric like they did in class that even the stupidest of arguments can be as valid (if not more so) than scientific fact.

Now with this I agree, my man.

Yeah if you forget about every other language in the world, the words you use for things that sound like other things are indeed correlated in your mind. If their effect and function are also correlated you're speaking of a coincidence, but since only your language exists you can also pretend they're effective because they sound alike.

Great! You really keep me motivated.

whatever, m8y

philosophy is retarded, as a concept

let's take one of the most popular examples philosopho-tards like to use:

"The ship of Theseus, also known as Theseus's paradox, is a thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object. The paradox is most notably recorded by Plutarch in Life of Theseus from the late first century. Plutarch asked whether a ship that had been restored by replacing every single wooden part remained the same ship"

If you do not realize that this is beyond fucking retarded, you are yourself beyond helping.

let's break this down.

1. it is absolutely completely impossible to replace something with an identical part. This is absolute fact. There is no way ever in the lifetime of the universe somebody will be able to reproduce a part, of any kind, with a truly identical one on a subatomic/quantum level

thus, it should be completely obvious that the entire question is absurd. There is absolutely fucking no point in arguing about something that has no connection whatsoever to the real world. It is exactly as retarded as talking about making measurements of something outside the observable universe (impossible).

all other questions in the entire field of philosophy can be destroyed in a similarly devastating way.

protip: don't waste your time on thinking about things that by definition make no sense

Hi mate,

you haven't destroyed shit. You have a very rough materialistic point of view. "The ship of Theseus" can't be reduced to the physical parts that compound it. Have you ever heard this? "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts".
It's like saying that you can reduce mind (conscience, perceptions, memmories, etc.) to brain: of course they are connected, but the first is bigger than the second.

nothing you just wrote made any sense whatsoever.

also mind can obviously be reduced to brain and it WILL be certainly within less than a 1000 years.

ship of theseus will continue to be absurd for an infinite amount of years

Hey, Guys! I'm right now eating some mussels to celebrate this glorious thread. Also "thanks Lord for these gains I'm about to receive...".

Not a single real argument in these three lines. Just plain assertions.

Explain how in every separate part (fruits) is contained the whole (face).

but there wasn't any arguments that I was supposed to answer either, just absolutely absurd rambling?

what would the the point of that? I have no idea where you are trying to go with this.

>anti-science philosotard talking about understanding

lol @ the irony

Science is based on math. Math requires axioms.

You're retarded

I'm not anti-science, retard. Just anti-scientism. Please, refine your understanding.

There were, but it seems you didn't understand them.
Let's use another example: if you know the exact amount of ink used to write a sentence in chinese but you don't speak chinese, do you understand it? Please respond, my materialistic friendo.

>it's another "Veeky Forums tries to discuss philosophy" episode
Stick to Marcus Aurelius, faggots. These threads have been and always will be batshit retardation

Philosophy is the reason we even have the materialistic mindset that you espouse. How do you think humanity even came to the conclusion that objectivity and that which can be measured is important? Where do you think the empirical approach to science came from? Do you think that just some transient thought suddenly sprouted in humanity's collective consciousness and told is to place value in what can be observed and measured, to use what we can perceive of the world to impose a semblance of objectivity in the uncertainty of life? That whole mindset was created by the same philosophy that you so scathingly dismiss as being indistinguishable from mere mindwank such as Theseus' ship.

I already said that I agree with relativism being far too widespread within modern philosophy, and that in the amount it is present it becomes cancerous by attempting to override objectivity through arguements that far too often devolve into "my feels". You're stuck in the mindset that previous posters were discussing where you can't distinguish the mental exercise brand of philosophy from that which is used to discuss and perhaps solve issues that humanity faces. We're not automatons, and we can't simply change our outlook by reordering the atoms in our brains to the desired configuration. If you want to change yourself or others for the better, you can't just do so with physical rewiring of the brain, you do so with argumentation and discussion. Humans have far more issues to be addressed than those that can be objectively measured, and that's what philosophy is for.

Please, let /fitphil/ alone, you son of a bitch.

"Scientism" is a pejorative buzzword only used by anti-science people. Either you are smart enough to understand the scientific method and the truths it produces or you are a moron who values his feelings higher than facts.

>Please, refine your understanding.
Great idea. Please give me more insight into the drugs you take and/or the mental illnesses you have that cause you to be so out of touch with reality. Do it for science.

Mussels are completely inferior to littleneck clams

Mussels are pretty fucking shit desu

>"Scientism" is a pejorative buzzword only used by anti-science people.
WRONG. Scientism means that the only possible way to understand reality is science. Of course science offer very valuable knowledge about reality, but this reality has more faces that can't be reduced to the scientific approach.
The ideal would be to combine different kinds of knowledge and obtain a richer view of reality.

Yes. You objectively cannot be alpha if you have a beta name. If your name starts with an S, an M, or a K OR is more than 1 syllable then you should honestly just stop lifting. If your name is something like Chad or Brad then you still have hope. This is because of how people subconsciously treat you when you are a child after they learn your name.

Or put it this way. Assume you know nothing about either girl. Who would you rather bang- Stacy or Olga?

Finally someone who knows.

The answer is obvious: S for sex.

Although language permeates every single aspect of our being that does not mean that we are limited to language.

Consciousness is directed by the framework of language.

But being is not limited to consciousness.

Nobody believes that science is the only method of answering all questions. You don't use science to decide the color of your clothes or the interior design of your car. In their everyday life people rely on intuition and experience all the time. This being said, science is and always will be the most reliable and objective method of finding explanations for observed phenomena. Science answers the questions of "why" and "how". In doing so, it has solved a lot of problems and produced many useful results. Philosophy on the other hand never solved a single problem and never answered a single question. Philosophy wallows in masturbatory pseudo-intellectual fantasies while using big words to describe trivialities everyone has already considered. Now go back to and stay butthurt over the fact that your useless starbucks degree will never be comparable to STEM master race.

I duno about him, but in english they're pronounced exactly the same. What language do YOU speak?

The pragmatic approach you show (while implying is only acceptable one) is just one of the multiple philosophical possibilities. Also you imply that anything that doesn't result in products or utility is masturbation. Congratulations, you are definitively well adapted to our time.

Typical philosotard response.

Unbeatable argument + golden meme

Must be right.

Science and math use only self-evident assumptions and refrain from making up irrational bullshit like the LSD-induced word salad in the OP. Big difference.ödel's_incompleteness_theorems

What's that? A link to a wiki article about another topic you don't understand?

>There is a story about an Englishman, a Frenchman and a German who are debating the merits of their respective languages. The German starts by claiming: ‘German is off course ze best language. It is ze language off logik and philosophy, and can communicate viz great clarity and precision even ze most complex ideas.’ ‘Boeff,’ shrugs the Frenchman, ‘but French, French, it ees ze language of lurve! In French, we can convey all ze subtletees of romance weez elegance and flair.’ The Englishman ponders the matter for a while, and then says: ‘Yes, chaps, that’s all very well. But just think about it this way. Take the word “spoon”, for instance. Now you French call it “cuillère”. And what do you Germans call it? – a “Löffel”. But in English, it’s simply called a “spoon”. And when you stop to think about it…isn’t that exactly what it is?’

Did you know if you eat dick your test levels boost astronomically?

You know it empirrrrrically, right?


Great story, mate. Thanks for sharing.

>Science and math use only self-evident assumptions and refrain from making up irrational bullshit

Oh you poor dumb naive bastard.

Hello Dunning-Kruger

The point is no, language doesn't correlate with the objects and activities it refers to. That's why the spoon punchline works, because it's obvious there isn't anything about spoons that makes them best described with a SP- OO -N sound. In fact, language is the farthest away thing from reality you can get. It's pure abstraction without any remnants of the referent left.

Questions are not ad hominem attacks, kid. Please work on your reading comprehension and don't make yourself look even more retarded than you already are.

Oh wow, looks like someone took a philosophy class in undergrad! C'mon, share some more wisdom with us.

I'm getting my PhD in philosophy and I can tell you, your TAs and everyone in your class think you're annoying BC you're the guy who won't shut the fuck up and thinks he's smarter than he

So what you're saying is, if I hear a brap and I don't know where it came from
Was it another world?

I'm 30 user. And I didn't hate myself enough to do grad school, I just got a normal bachelor's degree and work as a software developer. You're probably projecting because you're literally became a professional philosopher and hate yourself for it. Anyway, try making an argument and I'll address it.

Yeah, right. Questions are never implicit assertions... like when you say "are you a retard?" you're just demanding this info from the interlocutor, out of curiosity (and not actually stating it).

No, I'm not saying that. That's WRONG.

I asked honest questions. It is you making the unfounded implications to distract and avoid answering them.

>I'm 30
Jesus, so why haven't you grown past this summer-after-freshman year thinking?

I've got no argument to make. Who the fuck thinks that if you eat mussels your muscles will get bigger?

I was only commenting on the shit-tier, pseudo deep thought in this thread

There's nothing wrong with the argument I made. It answers exactly what op was asking about in about as direct a way as you can answer it.

>Who the fuck thinks that if you eat mussels your muscles will get bigger?

Why would you put yourself into a philosophy phd if you don't like taking what appear to be inane questions seriously? I don't understand your mindset.

Will I get gains if I lift chains?
Will my muscle grow if you wish me mazel tov?

>Who the fuck thinks that if you eat mussels your muscles will get bigger?
b-b-but why not? Those mussels are godly.

So after /pol/, /b/, Veeky Forums now even /x/ is leaking here? christ sake...


you're so fuckin arrogant and entitled that it's hilarious
What are you 16?

>science came about as a result of philosophy and that the two are inseparable
Science separated itself from philosophy and superseded the majority of it, just like chemistry made alchemy obsolete or astrophysics made astrology obsolete. At no point in the scientific method do you have to consider shallow teenager drivel like brains in vats or Plato's cave.

did you know the horizon is a straight line? really makes you think

>just like chemistry made alchemy obsolete or astrophysics made astrology obsolete
That parallelism is invalid. WRONG.

Think about what, mein nigrum?

delusions n shiet
what if doge is not kil?


Not him, but acting like a retard
If you wanted the answer to your question then just click on the fucking link you child

Oy vey traps aren't gay

The parallelism is invalid because you established a logic of "obsolete old things replaced by updated versions of them". That is not the case when it comes to science and philosophy: they're just different things.

>obsolete old things replaced by updated versions of them
>that is not the case when it comes to science

With the invention of the scientific method philosophy became obsolete. Everything that was considered philosophy has been formalized by science and math in the 19th century. Logic is a field of math and not understood by philosotards anymore. Aesthetics is objectively being researched without "muh feelings" bullshittery. Political science has been formalized. Epistemology has been sovled by the scientific method which produces objective truth. All that's left to philosotards is meaningless metaphysics, endlessly creating empty talk about meaningless "muh qualia" and "muh solipsism" nonsense.

inb4 ethics
Ethics is solved by common sense. We don't need a pseudo-intellectual philosofag in order to realize that murder is wrong.

Yes. For instance, good scientists know that they implicitly assume philosophical positions when it comes to the axioms (the roof) of their discipline. One of these axioms assumed by science is materialism (which is, as I said before, a philosophical position).
Different levels, different things.

Yes, and in some more years all of this will be done by robots. That's progress, that's really ((leaving humanity behind)), that's retarded. Thanks, fag.

It's amazing how similar to a religious believer one can become in the name of ((progress)).

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Thanks for that. I'll use it next time someone disagrees with me.

I'm not disagreeing with you. You didn't present an opinion, just bunch of nonsense.

If you don't understand that the ship of theseus is not really about a ship, I am more than a little embarrassed for you

But if you eat little neck clams, you will have negative neck gains. Your penis will disappear and be replaced with a vagina, too.

>pretty fucking shit desu
>06/23/17(Fri)22:48:22 No.41905866
> #
>>"Scientism" is a pejorative buzzword only used by anti-science people.
>WRONG. Scientism means that the only possible way to understand reality is science. Of course science offer very valuable knowledge about reality, but this reality has more faces that can't be reduced to the scientific approach.
>The ideal would be to combine different kinds of knowledge and obtain a richer view of reality.
> #
You 'he described one possible answer to the example and it's retarded.
You've basically stated you have no identity because the moment your parts change, you cease to be and thewhatever remains is something else.
Well done you failed to grasp even a basic philosophical discussion and you've established you have a very narrow perspective and can't see things from others.
This makes it clear you're a cunt on top of being stupid.

The fuck is up with my post. Oh well