What's this thing on my stomach Veeky Forums? It just showed up randomly. Am I gonna be okay?

1) Blood blister.

2) Fucked up mole, probably should get it checked.

3) Aids, you're going to die.

Most likely to least likely in that order. Ask a real GP or at least take a picture on something other than a potato.

doctor here, trust me when i say, you got aids mate. Iam sorry to tell you, but there is no doubt.

Check the internet for aids end stadium, you will find exactly these patches. Good luck mate


medicine student currently in the third semster. It definelty looks like aids. Go to a doctor as fast as possible.

Dentist here.

Looks like aids Bro I'm sorry

Skin cancer. And aids.

animal doctor checking in, looks very strongly like aids to me. Did you have gay intercourse by any chance?

Paramedic here

Definitely AIDS 100%.

This is stage 4 cancer, it's in your blood, i'm sorry you have 4 days to live.

So long. Make the best of it.

aids two weeks at most

looking at that black thing (circled) it may be some sort of infection but you should probably ask a doctor before making any assumptions


Just take a steak knife and scratch it off. Whats the worst that can happen?

If you reqd in the circle it says if you don't reply your mother will die. How dare you use my AIDS as a meme?!?

Anyways I'm replying because I dotn want my mom to die.

med student here, looks like aids

vagina doctor here, looks like aids. You will likely die in the next three months, sorry buddy

very interesting diagnose colleague, would say the same thing. Neurosurgeon here.

Theoretical Physicist here, based upon all symptoms it's definitely aids

space enigneer here, saw this stuff at the nasa headquarter its definetly aids

Dumbledore here, just checked with medical side of Hogwarts.

Defo aids. Sorry user.