Grip strength

Hi Veeky Forums. Today I went rock climbing with friends, and I've noticed that my grip strength is fucking terrible. I struggle on any hold which doesn't allow you to dig your fingers in, and frequently can't even support my body weight. What's worse is that the least strong guy in the group who doesn't lift at all has incredible grip strength. Why is my grip so poor Veeky Forums, and how do I fix it?

Double Overhand deadlift

You need to do dead hangs, pullups, forearm exercises and accept that powerlifting and rock climbing don't work well together. Skinnier, less muscular guys will do better with rock climbing because their muscle isn't weighing them down.

That's the thing I don't get, I'm 12% body fat and weighted pull ups and chin ups are my best lift (I'm DYEL in all the others by anything except normie standards).

get a pair of these

Shameless self-bump, c'mon Veeky Forums I know you're out there.

What routine should I use for them?

do take into account that people who go climbing often have absolutely ridiculous finger strength, dont expect to measure up to that even if you lift

This, a mate of my dads used to rountinely practice pullups like pic related

Thing is my grip was stupidly weak, there was one other in the group who's similiar-ish body shape to me and has done as much climbing as I have, and his grip was still much better.

Deadlift more retard.

What the fuck is this shitty ass drawing?

Don't you fuck with my ms paint skills m8

>What's worse is that the least strong guy in the group who doesn't lift at all has incredible grip strength
He's a skelly that requires like half the strength to grip.

But I'm pretty skelly user, 12% bf.

look for any ledge (raw concrete is the best)
hang over it with the comfy grip
stay there for some secs
hang again with the tips of your fingers
close your hand while hanging
repet those x times

you're retarded if you don't understand what that drawing is showing you with the caption provided

Nothing builds climbing grip strength like climbing. Don't be put off by seeing lighter people climb harder. Every body type can excell at climbing so long as you aren't fat. Technique is huge. Keep your core close to the wall and climb on your toes. Watch some tutorials instead of expecting to muscle your way through a completely different sport

well, then youre just going to have to face the fact that youre weak, for whatever reason, and youre going to have to train grip strength.
to be fair, you can never have too much grip strength. pulling 4 plates with regular overhand is fucking boss level.

to fix, I think you probably want to work specifically on the finger grip, not just "regular" grip strength. like, actually hold onto shit with your fingertips, not rolling barbells around in the palms of your hands

Don't bother hang boarding either. That's advanced training and you'll fuck yourself. Long term finger injuries are common and not a joke

Dont pretend genetics has nothing to do with it

Practice more. You will catch up if you work harder than them OP. I believe in you.

i think it is just genetics. I work out, but I don't focus on fucking forearms lol. my arms and forearms are twice as big as that guys arms, and my hands are bigger too. my triceps get larger then my biceps usually too- especially when i bench well.

but then again im not 140 lbs.

One possibility is that you're overusing your grip.

Work on your form while climbing. Try to keep your weight over your feet as much as you can, keep your body connected, and not feel like you're straining through the arms. Try to make climbing as relaxed an activity as possible. It's hard, but if you're tense and gripping too much you will blow out your grip really fast.

>sausage fingers
>gaming keyboard
>""diet"" coke
If you're less than 300 lbs i'll be shocked

Just like any muscle, you probably only train tight grip and therefore only your tight grip is strong. Use fat grips or hold the weight with just the middle notch of your fingers to train a wider range of strength

Time for some more deadlifts, son. Deadlift hard or become dead yourself.

>who doesn't lift at all
>guy who hasn't put on a bunch of weight in muscle while training in a grip-oriented exercise has a better grip than guy who bodybuilds as a hobby

I'm shocked

the mechanical keyboard was the largest I could find, because as you can see my hands are enormous.

I grabbed a coke for reference. it was out of the recycling bin.

hate on me harder if you want.

my fingers are touching the coke can, you can see the reflection. I'm 6'3" and a former football athlete so I am closer to 300 pounds than most normies haha

I am a climber and work in a climbing gym and can confirm that skelly girls who have never climbed are better than jacked dudes who have never climber almost 100% of the time.

lol step up pussy

Are you some version of me that gained weight instead of losing?

Why does the fact that it was in the recycling bin mean anything? You literally just drank it if it still has the condensation on it

I was going to roast you for your living conditions but I can't decide where to start

Grip strength is weird because the only thing you can really do is grab heavier stuff harder

fuckin squeeze em a bunch, dickhead

>no calluses
LOL faggot u dont even lift

Fucking handlets

lol i saw this thread
such an epic combination of basement troll traits, right down to the shrek hands


what is the point of that watermark

m o u n t a i n

Wouldn't want someone getting confused and thinking he's climbing a plateau or something

Fingertip gains nigger

Because you have a pathetic muscle to weight ratio, and you've never worked a single day in your life.

post feet pls

yeah, fuck that. Climbing a wall with no safety straps

Holding onto a block?

Not to say they don't have badass grip strength, but they also have superior skill/technique which is going to reduce the load. Same as Oly lifting.

Go grocery shopping with no cart.

get a finger board. climbers use them

Don't listen to those fucks OP. Half of the /fit think arms are just sticks with two muscles on them

In real life, hands are very complex, and you have not conditioned them to stresses of rock climbing yet.

Pic highly related, climbing is more about endurance, technic and conditioning than about muscles

get a towel and hang it over something

Now grab each end and pull yourself up

keep doing that, either holding yourself up or once you are strong enough pulling yourself up and down

Its exceptionally hard but great for grip strength

what is that wonderful training device and where can one acquire it?

Hangboard, you can find them at places like REI.

Maybe it was just a bad day for you

Just squeeze whenever you're watching TV or bored or whatever. They're Chad fidget spinners.


Always have one of this with you everywhere you go.

People who are beginners to climbing have a tendency to overgrip and hang on to the holds for dear life, pumping out their forearms and tiring their hands.

People who are experienced at climbing use the majority of holds for balance and to just keep them close to the wall. They climb with their feet, not their hands.

You'll have just fatigued your grip strength/forearms, your friends will be climbing smarter than you and won't have.

those are for crushing strength
it won't help that mch for grip

From the board that brought you 'how to lift for girls' and 'how to lift for cardio' here's another thread of Veeky Forums solves everything with lifting.

There's no lift that is going to train crimp or pinch strength like climbing. Lifting can help climbing. Strong pecs, delts and lats (teres major etc) are a big advantage and climbers develop an imbalance in horizontal pull strength thereby developing a slouch. Strong core is crucial for overhangs. But if you want to improve climbing grip: climb.
A bjj buddy had the best grip strength out of my friends but the ones that climbed more are the best climbers after a few months. Go figure.

Join us next time for Veeky Forums solves global inequality with lifting

DOMYOS master race checking in

He was a cheese salesman?

Single hand odd object deadlift. You can start with picking up a couple of plates at the same time. Buy a couple of different hubs and you'd find a big difference fairly quickly.


>my hands are enormous
>smaller than a fucking coke can

Bbbbut mah functional strength. Surely if I can lift specially designed perfectly balanced 150kg bar off the floor, I can also lift my body on a fucking rock user?

I also jerk off 3 times a day to male progress pics so the grip should not be an issue, rrright?

we know other types of fitness are underrepresented and often discredited on this board but you don't have to be this mad about it


Fat genocide when?

Grip strength has nothing to do with lifting at all for me. I started the gym 6 months ago and im awful at lifting but Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has made my grip strength alone god tier. The one thing i don't seem to struggle with at the gym because of my grip strength is deadlifts. Within 3 weeks i could deadlift 160kg twice. I still major suck ass at everythig else though. I still struggle to chest press with 30kg dumbells each hand 6 months in.


here sir would you like these two cheese blocks

Heavy sets of farmers walks

Issue might be with yout spine. Do some reasearch on proper sitting posture etc. Do some spine stretches or McKenzie neck exercises.

If you want specifically climbing grip strength then you can hang from a bar for as long as possible, but deadlifts will get you THICC forearms and extend your maximum grip

>What's worse is that the least strong guy in the group who doesn't lift at all has incredible grip strength.

When you say he's the least strong guy I imagine he's really skinny? Being light is obviously a huge advantage to climbing; you don't need as much strength to hold on. And the opposite for you, since you lift you're probably heavier than the others and will need more strength in your grip for climbing.

Pull-ups, dead hangs, and campus board work will drastically increase your grip strength (in addition to heavy double overhand deadlifts). One piece of advice though, go easy on the campus board when you're first starting out so you don't strain your fingers too much.

nothing quite says "i'm an easily lied to moron" like a pair of those.

I'm trying to picture what you'd hang this over and have it work?

Cheese block pull ups x fail

Start doing dumbbell squats for high reps.