

Why does the average male today not look like this? Most look disgustingly soft bodied feminine. There's something fucked with the food.

At least it's easy to look good.

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combination of physical activity levels and diet

Going to school to get enough money to buy my own ranch out in the middle of nowhere and tell every limp dick commie to fuck off

fast food, increased levels of meat and dairy in our diets and sedentary lifestyles.


Average day in school.

people have already mentioned
>bad food
>sedentary lifestyles

but it's also
>a culture where it's permissible to tell kids to stand up straight and discipline them if they don't
>going outside regularly, getting sunshine and "aging" the skin, which promotes a masculine look
>permitting kids to have tvs, video games, entertainment in their rooms which prevents the obtaining of proper sleep, adversely affecting physical development and further exacerbating the problem that kids don't go outside (most people don't even get up in the morning anymore)
>the general idea that conformity to a standard is something to aspire to, not something to be rejected in favor of vague ideas about "self-expression," which only leaves most people lost and adrift without any goals to work towards


this shit would've been so cash

Muh historical male meme.

You are aware that you can be masculine without being a nostalgic nationalist faggot? Ranch does sound rad though.

pretty much just this. if kids were occupied with positive activity from a young age it would be okay. as a child i had no father and i guess my mother wasnt comfortable taking me to do the things fathers would usually do, so i missed that key part of my life and am playing catchup now, here on Veeky Forums

Boys and men today don't do physical...well, anything. Stop for a minute and realize that most Americans don't even walk one whole kilometer in a day.

>that early war summer airfeild aesthetic
I've always loved that shit, Battle of Britain had the same thing going on. Flowery, green, meadows, warm sunshine etc juxtaposed with war and fighting up in the sky right above it.

It's called eating too fucking much.

0:06 real human bean on the far left

holy shit that's literally him

People are always gonna be pussyfooting around this but it really is all due to a large increase in animal product consumption loaded with hormones and lack of physical activity.

Notice how NONE of those guys have gyno, they all look fairly lean, some even have abs showing and probably didn't even give a shit about what they ate as long as it was healthy.

We will never go back

Never gonna make it

The fuck we meant to eat if not animal products, grass?

Because strength =/= power and power = manly so manly = other things

Those others things mainly being charisma, money and your profession.

Vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains?
You can still eat your tendies, it's just that animal product consumption has vastly increased in the last 7 decades to the point where people are eating more animal products in a single day nowadays than what people used to eat in a whole week.

I cannot for the life of me think of meals too cook for myself that don't involve meat, am I really this retarded?

I'll give you a hint: They've been kicked out of 109 countries, but somehow it's everyone else that's the problem.

withoud dairy, eggs or meat it seems hard to get to my needed calories to gain

It's more like 230, or nore countries than there are currently countries

You're not retarded, people nowadays are just not used to not eating meat on every meal.

You can make something like a curry dish with lentils and beans, really high protein and fibre rich carbs, I usually do something like that every day.
You can also make some sort of green soup with greens like broccoli, spinach and kale and a tiny bit of olive oil and salt and mashed potatoes.

At first I thought eating like this wouldn't have enough protein and all that stuff, but then I actually looked at the food labels and found out these types of foods actually have a very high protein ratio and other nutrients, and are surprisingly tasty.

For one they are not american. And two, the allied destroyed people like this and idolizing this in the second world war. You can blame the jews.

First pic is the exact reason people are such faggots these days. Had nazis won, times would be way different.

>vegan lobby strikes again
fags can't turn even thread about deadlift into vegan shilling

>There's something fucked with the food.
That and sitting behind a computer at work for half of your waking hours, and in front of a tv for the other half because you're 'too tired' (not realizing that sedentary lifestyle is what makes you tired)

Dude, I wasn't even talking trash about animal foods, it's just that people nowadays eat far too much of it.

Routine to become nazi Chad?