Did I fix it? or are my knees supposed to be straight still?

Did I fix it? or are my knees supposed to be straight still?




So, you turned your knees outwards and pressed your heels together to hide it? idk m80, wouldn't call that 'fixing' it.

So the knees are supposed to be straight ahead then?

Well if you're going to post a before and after picture it would help to have them in the same position for the sake of comparability. Your knees should simply point in the same direction your feet do, however having your feet towards the camera like in the first picture would make it far easier to gauge the extend of your bow-leggedness.

yes they are. go look up a picture of any body builder

The only difference in these pics is that i fixed the arch in my feet. The left is my normal standing with 'flat feet', and the right is my normal standing with normal arched feet.

Wait is this some kind of troll, what the fuck are you talking about

You can't even see your feet in the first pic. And you can't just arch flat feet and 'fix' it. You either have them or you don't. And no, your knees are pointed outwards in the second pic and in the first they are facing directly forwards.

Okay, I think I've managed to guess what you are talking about, I'm not going to bother explaining or otherwise asking if it's really what you are talking about. Why the fuck would you post looking for advice with possibly the most ambiguous picture and comment possible. How the fuck are other people actually supposed to know what you're talking about?


ok thats fair

imagine standing with most of the pressure in the inside of your foot. You're knees come inwards and you lose the arch. By shifting the pressure to the outside, where you are supposed to stand, the knees change position.


Yes, as I said I managed to work out what you meant but without explaining it in the op and specifically directing people to assume else wise with the pictures how could you possibly expect your average person on Veeky Forums to guess that


that makes sense

good work my man


lose weight fat ass

if you grow up fat this usually happens, I have it too

what is this thing called i think i have the same thing?

Knee valgus or knock knee

more like cuck knee