Let's say somebody becomes a vegan for ethical reasons

let's say somebody becomes a vegan for ethical reasons

wouldn't they be able to keep a chicken as a pet (similar to a dog) and eat it's eggs (which they lay regardless) without breaking any vegan ethics?

>everyone in a certain group has the exact same ideals about every issue
This is why modern politics are shit. Do what you want man

Also, what happens when the chicken dies of natural reasons? aren't they able to eat it since they didn't kill it or were responsible for its death?

this isn't about me and I would never go vegan, but I'm just speaking for the people who are vegan out of moral reasons


Vegetarian, would probably still eat chickenfriend after she's riparoo; I can make sure she had a nice life and wasn't murdered, and she doesn't care what happene to her corpse.

>eating something that's died of natural causes
user, no. That's unsanitary.

My point still applies to them too
>just bee urself :)

No. That would be a vegetarian, not a vegan, by definition.

Came up with a similar one once for veggie friends -

Is it OK to eat black pudding as a veggie if the blood is taken from the pig/cow but it didn't die?

By an absolutist definition yes, but in terms of ethics it's mostly vegan and something some vegans already do.

Op it's fine



Chickens don't wanna be pets, chickens want to hunt

The fact that you care about other vegan's approval and can't think for yourself is rather concerning. You should do what you think is morally right.

And that would be vegetarianism by definition.

No, because Veganism places the health and welfare of lower animals above that of humans -- and To Hell with whether humans are actually healthy and thrive. Veganism would prefer it if our entire SPECIES died out, leaving the Earth to the plants and animals. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU, THEY ONLY CARE WHETHER DUMB ANIMALS SURVIVE. That's one of the many reasons Veganism is bullshit.


What do vehicles with petroleum-burning engines, and anything electric have in common? They're all powered by FOSSIL FUELS, which come from dead animals. Vegans aren't allowed to own or use ANYTHING that came from an animal -- therefore any so-called 'vegan' that drives a vehicle or uses anything electric is CHEATING and is NOT VEGAN. They may as well stop kidding themselves and go eat a steak, they all FAIL.

Skip Veganism. Save yourself.

Lol what

I think this would fly with veganist definition. The objective of veganism is to minimize the suffering of animals. So farming would be completely viable then. If you were to raise cattle for milk and chickens for eggs, there is no ethical reason against consuming either of those products.

vegans are retards bud.

Not really, as long as you don't kill the male calves and chicks that are byproduct under normal business protocol. In my eyes you are ethically 99.9% vegan

Vegan isn't an ethical code, it's a type of diet. If you eat eggs, you are not eating a vegan diet and you are not a vegan.

Vegan is an ethical code, not a type of diet. Commitment to non-harm has to extend to your lifestyle or you're just an orthorexic.

They do. They're sheeple that all consume the same agitprop.

veganism for ethics is pure city-dweller retarded manchild mentality.

That you object to the pollution and suffering caused by the way industrial meat processing, I get it, and it makes sense. But people get it all mixed up. The ethical problem is in the way we produce or meat, no more. Animals kill and die, humans included, and that will never change.

It's fighting the wrong fight. It's like people who are against foie gras because they are against the stuffing of animals. You can do foie gras without stuffing, but it would be much longer and more expensive. The problem is the method, not the product.

But you'll never win a battle if you are unable to define who your enemy is with clarity.

>The ethical problem is in the way we produce or meat, no more

The ethical problem is the suffering and death of an animal, raised for food when there are plant alternatives.

Lab-grown meat is vegan certified

the problem is environmental impact of mass-produced meat, and public health effects of excessive meat consumption.

animals suffer and die all the time, everywhere, wether man intervenes or not.

Come on now, get with it, the world is the way it is and covering your eyes won't change it. Or are you the type to vegan-feed your dog?

Also, plants feel pain and stress, but they don't scream. You don't care about the suffering, you care about enduring the spectacle of suffering

Pic related (You)

Plants don't feel pain.
Lots of animals don't feel pain either though so there's that.

>Not vegan feeding your pet lion

Nigga you never had chickens obviously. They chill af and just want to hang in your yard.

And they bond to humans easy if you hand raise them.

A better question is if swallowing cum is vegan

Ethical question to all vegans that didn't get resolved in the last thread:

How do you end the suffering and exploitation of farm animals without eradicating their species?